The 8th grade Humanities and Communication Magnet students will be going to New York City for ENG (electronic news gathering). Decisions have to be made as to which persons in specific industries will be interviewed. You will need to make initial contact during the summer to guarantee availabilityfor a possible interview for the time we are in NYC. The NYC trip is 10/6-10/10/14 and one interview per group is conducted by your group of 6-10 students on Tuesday 10/7 or Wednesday 10/8 in the afternoon.The interview decision is made in September, in class, with your group; you will let your NY contact know the decision at that time. Check with your family or friends to see if they have connections, otherwise make contact on your own.
Due the first class in August: Background research is required.
- A one minute oral pitch about the person and why they should be chosen to be interviewed. This should be rehearsed and delivered with passion and energy.
- Present to persuade
- Capture interest
- Keep it simple
- Show the benefits
- End with a call to action
Public Speaking
STANCE – how you look and present yourself; hair out of face, neat, movement, audience connection
ORGANIZATION- complete sentences (no ums, so, and, etc.), easy to follow, clear
GESTURES – appropriate, not grandiose, playing with hair, too small
PROJECTION –loud and clear
ENUNCIATION-changing inflection, emphasizing words, changing tone, pauses
PACE – not too fast or slow but within time frame
5=excellent, 4=good, 3=barely acceptable, 2=unacceptable, 1=not evident
- An oral grade will be given for SCORE
- Organization54321
- Voice projection54321
- Enunciation54321
- Body stance54321
- Gestures54321
- Pace54321
- Time frame (56-60 sec.)54321
- A written copy of the pitch,12 point in (default) Times, double-spaced, 150-225 words. Be sure to use your own words (paraphrase), or if quoting use quotation marks. A writing grade will be given.
Please be sure to type your name, date, and class period inside the headeron the right
- Name section correct1
- Double space from header, center the title: Elevator Pitch for ______1
- Under title-job position1
- Under job position/industry-address1
- Under address-contact # and/or email1
- Pitch written in paragraph form, double-spaced.1
- Content-Who, What, Where, When, Why 15
- Voice in writing5
- Conventions4