Policy Statement in accordance with the

Safety & Health and Welfareat Work Act 2005.

Updated 9/11/2010

Members of the Board of Management:

Chairperson: Bridget Whelan

Secretary of BOM & School Principal: Niamh Ambrose

Teacher’s Rep: Grace O’ Malley

Parent’s Council Reps: Tom Ryan & Grace O’ Malley Henchy

Bishop’s Nominee:Pat Wallace

Community Reps:Donal O’ Byrne & Tony O’ Callaghan

Board of Management Safety Officer: Bridget Whelan

Staff Safety Officer:Mary Murphy

Prepared by:Niamh Ambrose in consultation with BOM, Staff Safety Officer (Mary Murphy, Staff & Parents in accordance with the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005.


KnockeaNationalSchool recognises and accepts that every one of its employees, students and visitors to the school are entitled to a safe and healthy environment.

It is the intention of the Board of Management of the school that all appropriate steps will be taken to meet statutory requirements, recognise codes of practice and guidance notes in establishing a safe and healthy environment.

All employees have both a duty and responsibility to take reasonable care to avoid injury to themselves and others and to co-operate to ensure statutory duties and obligations are fulfilled. This Health & Safety Policy can only be successfully implemented with the full co-operation of everyone concerned.

Consultation & Information:

It is the policy of the Board of Management of Knockea National School to consult with staff in preparation and completion of hazard controlled forms, to give a copy of the safety statement to all present and future staff (e-mail format), and to convey any additional information or instructions regarding health, safety and welfare at work to all staff as it becomes available. Health, Safety & Welfare at work will be considered at all future staff training and development plans.

Roles & Responsibilities

Roles & Responsibilities of the Board of Management:

In discharging its responsibilities, the Board of Management will:

  • Make itself familiar with the requirements of the appropriate legislation and codes of practise.
  • Create and monitor a management structure for health and safety.
  • Ensure that there is an effective and enforceable policy for the provision of Health and Safety throughout the school and that this is implemented.
  • Periodically assess the effectiveness of the policy and ensure through review that any necessary changes are made.
  • Identify and evaluate risks relating to policy accidents and incidents.

In particular, the BOM undertakes to provide as far as is reasonable:

  • A safe place for all users of the premises to work including safe means of entry and exit.
  • School, equipment and systems of work that is safe.
  • Safe arrangements for the handling, storage and transportation and substances.
  • Safe and healthy working conditions that take account of appropriate statutory requirements, code of practise and guidance.
  • Supervision, training and instruction so that all staff and students can perform their related activities in a healthy and safe manner.
  • Provide safety and protective equipment & clothing with instruction and supervision where appropriate.

The BOM may delegate some of the above responsibilities to the Principal, Safety Officer or another person.

Role and Responsibility of the Principal:

The Principal has the responsibility for the day to day development and implementation of safe working practices and conditions for all staff, students and visitors. The Principal will take reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the Health and Safety Policy is implemented.

Role and responsibility of the Staff Safety Officer:

The Principal will appoint a special duties post to be the school Health & Safety Officer. The Safety Officer will be responsible to the day to day implementation of the Health & Safety Policy & conduct reviews where appropriate in consultation with the Principal.

Responsibility of all members of Staff:

All staff are expected to familiarise themselves with the Health & Safety aspects of their work and to avoid conduct that would put themselves or anybody else at risk.

In particular members of staff will:

Be familiar with the Health & Safety Policy and all safety requirements laid down by the BOM.

Ensure that staff, students, visitors & contractors are applying Health & Safety regulations, rules and routines effectively.

See that all school machinery and equipment are in good, safe working order and adequately guarded and not make or allow improper of such school machinery and equipment.

Use correct equipment and tools for the task to be undertaken and any protective equipment of safety devices which may be supplied.

Report any defects on the premises, school, equipment and facilities to the appropriate person i.e. Principal, Safety Officer or caretaker.

Take an active interest in promoting health and safety and suggest ways of reducing.

All teachers through the SPHE curriculum must ensure that children are regularly made aware of Health & Safety practises around the school premises.

Responsibility of Care-Taker:

The care-taker will undertake any area of maintenance with which they are competent. They will report any defects in school equipment and facilities to the relevant person. This may be the school principal or safety officer. They may arrange for an external company to come onto the premises in consultation with the principal. The list of duties for which the caretaker is responsible can be located in his terms and conditions of work in his contract of work.

Healthy Eating

It is the policy of the school to encourage students to adopt eating habits that are conductive to a healthy lifestyle. To this end the school and students work with the healthy eating committee and any other relevant bodies.

Health & Safety Arrangements:

Reporting accidents:

All serious accidents must be reported in writing using the accident report form (see Appendix 1). The completed form should be retained by the reporting staff and a copy be given to the Safety officer to be kept on file. All accidents of a minor nature should be reported either in the teacher’s incident book (kept in classrooms) or the yard incident book (kept in the staffroom). The Principal must be informed of accidents where deemed appropriate by the supervising adult. If the supervising adult/class teacher deems it appropriate to contact a child’s parents/guardian either verbally or in writing, the principal must be informed.

First-Aid & Defibrillator Training:

The BOM of Knockea National School funds and organises this training for all staff members every two years. It is the responsibility of the BOM safety officer to arrange this training in consultation with the school principal.

The Safety Officer checks both defibrillators on a weekly basis and signs off that both are in working order. Both defibrillators are stored in the secretary’s office.

Fire Safety:

Appropriate procedures for ensuring that safety precautions are formulated and distributed to all staff. These procedures include fire drills & fire plans (see Appendix 2) and the use of fire extinguishers. (see Appendix 3). Each classes evacuation procedure/fire plan are prominently displayed in all classrooms and offices. All staff and students are made fully aware of the procedure of evacuation in case of fire. Fire drills are conducted each term.

All fire-fighting equipment is checked annually by an approved contractor and records maintained. (see Appendix 4) The fire alarm is tested annually during one of the fire drills.

In terms of fire-safety, the following measures shall be taken:

Fire Issue / Responsibility of
  • Fire Drill
/ Principal & School Safety Officer
  • Visible clearly marked signs e.g. exit
/ Safety Officer
  • Supply & servicing of Fire Extinguishers
  • Exit routes to the kept clear
/ Principal, Safety Officer & Staff
  • A school plan to be displayed with assembly points clearly marked
/ Safety officer
  • Unplugging of electrical equipment
/ Teacher’s – classrooms
Secretary – office
Principal – office
Staffroom – teacher on staffroom duty
Common areas – Principal, Safety Officer & Caretaker

The following hazards (in so much as can be identified) are considered by the BOM to be a source of potential danger and are brought to the attention of all staff, pupils, and visitors where appropriate.

  1. Wet corridors
  2. Trailing leads from electrical appliances
  3. Computers
  4. Boiler House
  5. Ladders
  6. Protruding units and fittings
  7. Lawn-mower
  8. Electric kettles
  9. Fuse board
  10. Excess gravel on school yard
  11. Icy surfaces on cold days
  12. Slabs on exiting the basketball yard
  13. Oil tank
  14. Windows opening out
  15. Flat roof of gym
  16. Wooden garden shed
  17. All P.E. equipment

This list is not exhaustive.

To minimise dangers, the following safety measures must be adhered to:

  • Access to and operation of plant/equipment is restricted to qualified people. All contractors entering the school must be shown a copy of the Health & Safety policy.
  • All such plant and machinery is to be used with the strict accordance with the manufactures instructions and recommendations.
  • Where appropriate, the BOM will ensure that the caretaker has been instructed in the correct use of plant, machinery and equipment.
  • All machinery and electrical equipment are fitted with adequate safe guards.
  • Precautionary notices in respect of safety matters are displayed at relevant points.
  • Due safety must be taken when using ladders and assistance sought if possible.
  • Glass bottles, broken glass will be removed immediately if discovered by the caretaker.
  • The principal and the safety officer in consultation with the Post Holder Teacher with responsibility for the gym storage area, will ensure that all PE equipment is stacked securely and in position so as not to cause a hazard
  • All PE equipment must be checked to ensure that it is safe for pupils use. This must be done each term by the Post Holder teacher. All staff have an obligation to report any issues or concerns regarding PE equipment to the Post Holder.
  • All rubbish must be removed daily from classrooms, offices and common areas by the caretaker
  • All lighting must be sufficient
  • All manholes, roofs, gutters, drain pipes etc as far as can be seen must be maintained and kept safe. This must be monitored by the caretaker.
  • The caretaker must ensure that there are no uneven, broken or cracked paving slabs.
  • All play areas must be kept clean and clear of all hazards. This is the responsibility of all staff.
  • All maintenance equipment must be securely stored out of the reach of pupils. This is the responsibility of the caretaker.

Electrical Appliances:

It is the policy of the Board of Management of Knockea National School that all machinery, kitchen equipment and electrical appliances are only to be used by competent and authorised persons. Such equipment will be subject to regular maintenance checks.

Before using any appliance, the user should ensure that:

  1. All safety guards which are a normal part of the appliance are in working order
  2. Power supply cables/leads are intact and free of cuts and abrasions
  3. Unplug leads of appliances when not in use
  4. Suitable undamaged fused plug tops are used and fitted with the correct fuse
  5. Follow manufacturers guidelines
  6. Follow official guidelines issued by the Health and Safety Authority


It is the policy of the Board of Management of Knockea National School that all chemicals, photocopier toner, detergents etc be stored in clearly identifiable containers bearing instructions and precautions for their use. Cleaning materials will be stored in a locked area. This locked area is located between Room 1 & 2. Where appropriate, protection will be provided when handling cleaning agents &

chemicals of any kind.

Drugs & Medication:

It is the policy of the Board of Management of Knockea that staff do not administer any medication to pupils. The exception to this rule is in the case of children with allergies who have Epi-pens pens and child with asthma who have inhalers whose parents have given writing permission for these to be administered in case of emergency. Parents must complete a medical indemnity form which is kept in the Health & Safety file (see Appendix 5). The Epi-pens are stored in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet in the secretary’s office and are clearly labelled with the child’s name.

At the beginning of each year, the school safety officer does an audit of children with special medical issues/allergies. Photographs are taken of these children and a brief description of the issue and the correct course of action to be taken. This is displayed in the staffroom and discussed at the first staff meeting of the year with all staff.

Staff Welfare:

Adequate facilities are provided for staff in terms of toilets, sanitary bins and a

Staffroom which is separate from the work area where breaks may be taken. All staff must co-operate in maintaining a high standard of hygiene in this area.

(See appendix 6) An adequate supply of hot and cold water, towels and paper

towels, and soap must be available.

Members of staff are reminded:

(a)A person who is under medical supervision or on prescribed medication and who has been certified fit for work, should notify the school of any known side effect or temporary physical disabilities which could hinder their work performance and which may be a danger to either themselves or their fellow workers.

(b)Staff and students are not allowed to attend the premises or carry out duties whilst under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol. Any person found breaking this rule will be liable to disciplinary action.

Slippery Surfaces

It is the policy of the Knockea Board of Management that every attempt will be

made to avoid the creation of slippery surfaces. The washing of floors shall be conducted, as far as is possible, after school hours to eliminate the danger of slipping. When floors are wet, warning signs regarding wet floors shall be used. Attention is drawn to the possibility to outside surfaces being affected by frost in cold weather. All steps have hand-rails provided and these must be used in frosty weather. The caretaker spreads salt/sand on icy surfaces on frosty mornings particularly on the entrance to the front door and back steps. The teacher on morning duty supervises children and parents entering the school on frosty mornings. All due care is taken to avoid accidents as far as is possible. Children are not permitted outside to the yards when deemed to be too dangerous on these mornings and during break times.


It is the policy of the Board of Management of Knockea National School that the school is a non-smoking area.

Broken Glass

The Board of Management shall minimise the danger arising from broken glass. Staffs are asked to report broken glass to the Principal so that it may be immediately removed.

School Trips / Tours

Educational trips and visits must be organised in accordance with the school tour policy. Due care must be given to the schools Code of Behaviour and this Health Safety Policy.

Infectious Diseases

It is the policy of the Board of Management of Knockea National School that once notified by the relevant authority e.g. HSE all steps shall be taken to ensure the safety of staff and students against the spread of infectious diseases. The Board of Management will endeavour to minimise the risk by adhering to the sound principles of cleanliness, hygiene and disinfection. Traffic in and out of the school will be kept to a minimum at these times. Toilets and washrooms will be provided at all times with an adequate supply of water, soap and paper towels. Teachers will ensure that children are educated on the correct disposal of waste and correct hygiene procedures. All directives and guidelines issued from the relevant health authority shall be followed.

First –Aid

It is the policy of the Board of Management of Knockea National School that

Each school year a minimum of one teacher undertakes to do a first aid course as part of their professional development summer course. A rota is in place to ensure that all teachers do a first aid course. All staff receives defibrillator training every second year and this course includes an element of first-aid.

Two first aid boxes are stored in the secretary’s office. All staff are made aware at the first staff meeting of the year of their whereabouts. Teachers involved in training sports teams and going to matches must always ensure that the defibrillator and one of the first aid boxes is in the kit bag for matches. This is highlighted at the first staff meeting. A detailed list of what is kept in the first aid boxes is compiled and monitored by the Safety Officer. It is the Safety Officer’s responsibility to ensure that the first aid boxes are fully stocked. A list of contents can be found in Appendix 7.

Access to School

In as much as is possible with the practical layout of the school premises, anyone entering the school premises shall be required to identify themselves to the secretary at the office hatch before gaining admittance to the school. All visitors must sign in and state the purpose of their visit. Visitors will be collected from the office by a member of staff and escorted to an appropriate area of the school. Visitors must sign out on leaving the premises.