Luke records these words of Jesus: The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest (Luke 10:2). What if there really are millions of people open to the Gospel – ready to receive Christ but there is no one to tell them about Him. What if the words of Jesus are true and the harvest really is great. Should we not obey His command and pray the Lord of the harvest to send workers? This can be an exciting prayer – be prepared – you just might be the laborer He desires to use. Jesus promised His followers that they would be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. As we pray this month, let’s


  1. Pray that the Lord would show you ways in which you can love your neighbors in order that they, too, will trust Christ (Luke 10:27ff).
  2. Pray especially for any with whom you have a strained relationship or who have offended you in some way. Pray for God’s blessing (Matthew 5:44; Romans 12:14).
  3. Pray for God’s blessing on the children in your neighborhood. Pray that they will trust Jesus early in their lives (Matthew 10:16).
  4. Pray for those who are spiritually blind that their eyes might be opened to who Jesus is (Luke 18:35-43).
  5. Pray for those who are crippled by sinful lifestyles – whose lives are broken that God would heal and restore (John 5:3).
  6. Pray for those whose lives have been taken over by the enemy that they would be delivered (Luke 8:26-33).
  7. Pray that those in your sphere of influence will find hope in Christ (Colossians 1:27).
  8. Pray that your heart will be open to being used of God to share the Good News with those around you and use you to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).


  1. Pray for God’s anointing on pastors throughout your city and the country that they might preach the Gospel (Luke 4:18).
  2. Pray for God’s blessing on the churches in your community and throughout the country that they might be houses of prayer for all nations (Matthew 21:13).
  3. Pray that God will send more and more laborers into the American harvest field and pray that God will open our eyes to the harvest that is around us (Luke 10:2; Romans 10:14-15).
  4. Pray that National and State leaders would be god-fearing men and women and that they would know they are accountable to the Lord (Proverbs 9:10).
  5. Pray that National leaders would respond to the Gospel and come to a full knowledge of the truth of God’s Word (I Timothy 2:4).
  6. Pray that those in leadership will be men and women of integrity who do not trust in their own wisdom but who regularly seek the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 20:7).
  7. Pray for all those in authority that we might live peaceful lives (I Timothy 2:1-2).


  1. Pray that Christian refugees will be used of God to spread the Gospel wherever the Lord takes them (Acts 8:4).
  2. Pray that we would be a people who are willing to bind the wounds and minister to the needs of the refugee (Luke 10:25-37).
  3. Pray against racism. Pray that the color of skin or one’s ethnic background will not prevent us from accepting one another in the name of Christ (Romans 10:12).
  4. Pray that refugees will connect with believers who will welcome them and minister to them (Exodus 22:21; 23:9).
  5. Pray that God will provide food, shelter and jobs for refugees (Psalm 105:40-41).
  6. Pray that all believers – of all colors and cultures - would lead the way breaking down the barriers of prejudice and racism. Pray that we would truly love one another (I John 4:7-21).
  7. Pray that we would not have the spirit of the Pharisee who thought himself better than those around him (Luke 18:11).


  1. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit so that all people groups might hear the message of the Gospel (Acts 2:1-8).
  2. Pray that God will send harvest workers to the corners of the earth (Luke 10:2)
  3. Pray that people from every tribe and nation will come to faith in Jesus Christ (Revelation 7:9).
  4. Pray that God’s general revelation of His power and glory will be evident to the nations (Romans 1:20).
  5. Pray that His Kingdom would come and His will be done throughout all nations as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).
  6. Pray for God’s provision for those who have stepped out in faith to proclaim the Gospel in other parts of the world (Matthew 10:10).
  7. Pray for the multiplication of disciples in every nation (Matthew 28:18-20).
  8. Pray that we each might be open to the call of God on our lives to go wherever He would call us (Acts 16:6-12).