National Undergraduate Fellows Association

Newsletter Evolution & Development

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dear Current and incoming Fellows:

What’s up? I write to tell you about some fascinating developments that have been brewing with the NUFA organization. This year we hope to implement a Newsletter we will temporarily call “NUFA Connection” where we will bring to press all the wonder activities, events, and learning issues that contemporary fellows are experiencing in their niche of the nation. The first newsletter will be a gentle, yet informative paper of who the current NUFA fellows are and who are the incoming fellows at each institution. Future publications will contain articles on various topics and activities occurring at your institution.

So for this first issue, I humbly ask you to help me by writing a brief little bio on yourself so that via this mechanism I can introduce everyone, and we can associate a face to name for future articles and events you publish in this publication medium. Keep in mind this newsletter will only be published every two months. So there is plenty of time to get organized and write brief articles between submissions.

The next page of this document contains the information I will need to collect form you. Even If you are camera shy, I beg you to please send me a picture of you that I can use for the newsletter. If you are having difficulty with this let me know, and I will help you out figure a way to get your picture.

Thank you all and remain really excited about working with you on this new chapter and adventure in our organization!


Alberto Caban-Martinez, Editor-in Chief

NUFA Connections

OPP Fellow 2006 – 2007

Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA

NUFA Member Information

1.  Name:

2.  Nick Name:

3.  Email Address:

4.  Osteopathic School:

5.  Degrees you have obtained:

6.  Fellowship year: Is it one year or asynchronous with clinical rotations.

7.  Why did you decide to participate in the OPP Fellowship:

Sample Bio – Not really my responses, but I wanted you to see what I was looking for…

1.  Name: Alberto Caban-Martinez

2.  Nick Name: Albert

3.  Email address:

4.  Osteopathic School: Nova Southeastern University

5.  Degrees obtained: BSc, Computer Science, Master of Public Health (MPH)

6.  Fellowship year: One year program; 2006 to 2007

7.  Participation in fellowship program: I have always wanted to develop further skills in osteopathic manipulative medicine, than those lesson taught in the undergraduate osteopathic medical curriculum. Etc…..

There is no limit on what you submit for question 7.

Be sure to email me back with your Bio info at

DUE: May 30,2006