Brighton & Hove Health and Social Value programme

Stakeholder Update

The Health & Social Value Programmewas a three year programme funded by the Department of Health and delivered in partnership by Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) and the Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR). It aimedto support the implementation of the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 in Health through a crosssector,action learning approach.

Brighton & Hovewas part of the third cohort in 2015/16 which also includedLambeth, Oldham and Shropshire and the path leading to today has been a positive one. Starting in September 2015, a group of people from the voluntary and community sector, Council and CCG came together with a view to making social value more visible and recognisable through their joint practice.

The programme has provided an opportunity to learn and reflect together (both locally and nationally), exploring opportunities to better understand and also connect with each other’s organisations. This has been so effective that it has gone beyond the initial health focus to a city-wide commitment.

The official project itself has now closed, but the work continues!

Draft Brighton & Hove Social Value Framework

This draft framework has been coproduced through the programme, with contributions from a range of Voluntary sector, Council and CCG participants (acknowledged below) and consists of:

  • The Framework (statement, why, who for)
  • Implementation Guidance (how it will work)

The vision:

In Brighton & Hove, we will look for relevant social, environmental and economic value from everything that we do, including service delivery, commissioning and procurements and by integrating Social Value into all decisions affecting the city. Our aim is to obtain the greatest benefit for local citizens.

Next steps for the development are as follows:

Consultation phase – May to July 2016

This period will focus on a limited consultation exercise. The Framework has been co-produced over the past 6 months (and will continue to be in review). What is most important now it get it ‘in the system’ and working for everyone.


Steering group: Sally Polanski (Community Works), Emma McDermott (BHCC), Jane Lodge (Brighton & Hove CCG), Steve Foster (BHCC), Mary Darking (University of Brighton), Judith Cousin (The Fed) and Andy Witham(BHCC).

Programme participants – see Appendix


Community Works

Sally Polanski

Brighton & Hove CCG


Brighton & Hove Council



Social Enterprise UK

Social Value UK

Communities Count: Four Steps to Unlocking Social Value

Social Value hub


Name / Organisation / Sector
Andrew Witham / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Anne Hagan / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Becky Woodiwiss / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
ClaIre Rowland / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Donna Edmead / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Edward Barfoot / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Emma McDermott / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Geoff Raw / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
James Rowlands / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Jenny Knight / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Judith Cooper / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Michelle Pooley / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Sam Warren / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Sandra Herring / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Sarah Colombo / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Steve Foster / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Sue Forrest / Brighton and Hove City Council / Council
Bethan Prosser / CUPP / Education
David Wolff / CUPP / Education
Carl Walker / University of Brighton / Education
Mary Darking / University of Brighton / Education
Geraldine Hoban / NHS Brighton and Hove CCG / NHS
Jane Lodge / NHS Brighton and Hove CCG / NHS
Mike Holdgate / NHS Brighton and Hove CCG / NHS
Renee Padfield / NHS Brighton and Hove CCG / NHS
Wendy Young / NHS Brighton and Hove CCG / NHS
Xavier Nalletamby / NHS Brighton and Hove CCG / NHS
Andrew Elliott / NHS South of England Procurement Services / NHS
Chris McCarthy / NHS South of England Procurement Services / NHS
Bryan Lynch / Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust / NHS
David Maher / Sustainable Development Unit / NHS
Charlotte Pace / IVAR / Other
Sam Brier / IVAR / Other
Charlie Wigglesworth / Social Enterprise UK / Other
Alistair Hill / Brighton and Hove City Council / Public Health
Kate Gilchrist / Brighton and Hove City Council / Public Health
Katie Cuming / Brighton and Hove City Council / Public Health
Peter Wilkinson / Brighton and Hove City Council / Public Health
Beatrice Gahagan / Age UK Brighton and Hove / Voluntary
Jessica Sumner / Age UK Brighton and Hove / Voluntary
Rachel Travers / Amaze / Voluntary
Sarah Pickard / Brighton and Hove Speakout / Voluntary
Emma Turner / Care Co-ops / Voluntary
Fiona Ras / Care Co-ops / Voluntary
Chris Lau / Carers Centre for Brighton and Hove / Voluntary
Sheila Killick / Carers Centre for Brighton and Hove / Voluntary
Helen Russell / CHIBAH / Voluntary
Alison Marino / Community Works / Voluntary
Sally Polanski / Community Works / Voluntary
Caroline Ridley / Impact Initiatives / Voluntary
Jo Ivens / Impetus / Voluntary
Gillian Unsworth / Mind in Brighton and Hove / Voluntary
Sarah Danily / Mind in Brighton and Hove / Voluntary
Shirley Gray / Mind in Brighton and Hove / Voluntary
Gail Gray / Rise / Voluntary
Jo Gough / Rise / Voluntary
Graham Allen / Serendipity / Voluntary
Judith Cousin / The Fed Centre For Independent Living / Voluntary
Jo Martindale / The Hangleton and Knoll Project / Voluntary
Linda Saltwell / The Trust For Developing Communities / Voluntary
Tina O'Donnell / Whitehawk Inn / Voluntary