Your Parish Name Here

Drawing for One 2015-16 Men’s Retreat at

Holy Name Retreat Center

Name ______

(Please print all information)

Address ______

City ______State ___ Zip ______

Home Phone ______Work ______

Email ______

Drawing will be held on: ______. You don’t have to be present to win. You must be a male parishioner 18 years or older and NOT a former retreatant at Holy Name Retreat Center.

Your Parish Name Here

Drawing for One 2015-16 Men’s Retreat at

Holy Name Retreat Center

Name ______

(Please print all information)

Address ______

City ______State ___ Zip ______

Home Phone ______Work ______

Email ______

Drawing will be held on: ______. You don’t have to be present to win. You must be a male parishioner 18 years or older and NOT a former retreatant at Holy Name Retreat Center.


Your Parish Name Here

Drawing for One 2015-16 Men’s Retreat at

Holy Name Retreat Center

Name ______

(Please print all information)

Address ______

City ______State ___ Zip ______

Home Phone ______Work ______

Email ______

Drawing will be held on: ______. You don’t have to be present to win. You must be a male parishioner 18 years or older and NOT a former retreatant at Holy Name Retreat Center.


Bulletin Announcement>

Attend Men’s Retreat Free – Enter Drawing

Our parish’s annual men’s retreat at Holy Name Retreat Center is scheduled for the weekend of ______. This year our parish is going to give away a retreat weekend for one member of our parish, all expenses paid. If you have never attended a men’s retreat at Holy Name Retreat Center, now is your chance to win a free retreat weekend and find out that what others are saying is true. It is truly the place where miracles happen.

Register now. Get your entry form at the back of church. Fill it out and place it in the box in back of church. Then mark your calendar for the retreat weekend.

The drawing will be held on Sunday, ______, just 3 weeks before the scheduled retreat date. You don’t have to be present to win.

All male parishioners 18 years or older are eligible. Previous retreat attendees are not eligible.

For more information please call ______, nnn/nnn-nnnn.

Attention: The following rules are for retreat captains only. They are not to be printed in a bulletin.

Retreat Captains Rules for parish use of free retreat:

1.  The purpose of this program is to help advertise Holy Name Retreat Center by getting more prospective retreatants receiving promotional materials.

2.  Each parish should first consider if their Knights of Columbus or some other parish organization would consider underwriting the free retreat.

3.  As an alternative, a very limited number of free retreats are available for the parishes. Contact Fr. Joe for approval to conduct a drawing in your parish.

4.  Limit eligible participants to only those men who have never attended a retreat at Holy Name Retreat Center.

5.  Check Pat Wientjes, at Holy Name to confirm that the winner has never attended a retreat before announcing the winner. Do not rely solely on the retreatants list you receive from Holy Name. You might want to draw a second and third entry to be sure you have a qualified winner.

6.  All names submitted for the drawing should be contacted by the parish retreat captain and encouraged to register even though they didn’t win the complimentary retreat.

7.  The retreat captains will be responsible for the distribution of forms and announcements in their parishes, collecting the entries, drawing the winner, informing the winner and informing the Retreat Center of the winner’s name. Each captain should clarify whether the winner is being sponsored with local parish funds or part of a complimentary agreement reached with Fr. Joe.

How to Conduct the Drawing

1.  Make appropriate changes to each of the 3-per-page entry forms; parish name, retreat date, date of drawing, contact information

2.  Print one page of entry forms and make photocopies of it in sufficient numbers. Use a paper cutter or scissors to cut the forms into individual entries.

3.  For the drawing, fold each entry into quarters (fold in half and then in half again). This will make the drawing easier to do.

4.  Draw the winning entry from a hard sided container like a bowl or a paper bag.

5.  If you draw more than one entry, number the entries as they are drawn so the first winner is identified.

6.  Have a great retreat