North Carolina Fire and Life Safety Education Conference

Dear Sir or Ma’am,

The North Carolina Fire and Life Safety Educators’ Association is a group of men and women, representing both paid and volunteer fire departments, from across the state of North Carolina. These individuals have numerous responsibilities within their organization – one of them isdelivering quality fire and life safety education to the public. Members of the NCFLSE Association take this duty very seriously because misinformation or a non-informed community is at great risk ofsuffering from preventable injury or death.

To keep the educators’ skills sharp and exchange ideas and information, the group holds an annual state conference of 200 or more attendees each year. The conference is important to those in the business for obtaining new information in fire and life safety topics such as smoke alarms, marketing and educational materials and occupant protection programs.

This year, our 42nd conference will be held February 27 – March 1, 2018 in Wilmington, NC. In an effort to maintain a quality conference experience, the association seeks funds through sponsorships from organizations such as yours. The funds from sponsorships go to offset the cost of speaker fees that provide valuable instruction and programming and to provide scholarships for department representatives with small or no budgets for education.

In order to remain a conference full of practical, useful and new information, we rely on help from associations and businesses across the state. We come to you today seeking any monetary donationthat your business or association may be willing to contribute. Various sponsorship levels are available andare designed to recognize and promote your entity throughoutthis conference. All donations are tax deductible and a receipt will be mailed to you following the event.

We hope that you will consider the opportunity to help maintain this conference which is full of turn-key programs and materials for your community’s department. Supporting and sharing excellent fire and life education promotes safer citizens and, in turn allows a safer day at work for firefighters. Thank you, in advance, for your support of the North Carolina Fire and Life Safety Educators’ Association.


Scott. W. Strickland Wendy Giannini

NCFLSE Council Chair2018 NCFLSE Conference Chair