Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre

On Tuesday12th February, 2013

In attendance:

Coun.Popham (In the Chair)Coun.Hurrell





Mrs.F.OldingParish Clerk

Coun.DewhirstDistrict Councillor

159)APOLOGIES:- Coun.Mrs. Calland, PCSO Lisa Clubb

160) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – No declarations of interest


a) Were the Parish Council aware of the trees being cut down along Conniford Lane near the junction with Biltor Road ? The Chairman advised that these had been sadly cut down due to them being very old and diseased.

b) Bill Tolfree (Snow Warden) requested the PC to re-iterate in the Ipplepen Magazine that although the morning of the 15th January was very slippery, the village gritter is for use in extreme conditions only i.e. heavy snow. However, when conditions are dangerous, parishioners are encouraged to use the grit bins, which are provided by Devon County throughout the village, but for use on the Highway, not private use. Action: The Clerk to re-emphasise this in the next Ipplepen Magazine and in the PC’s Winter Newsletter about to be published.

c) Coun.Dewhirst advised that he would like to contribute the last amount (£516) of his Community Fund towards the new toilet block. The Chairman accepted and thanked the District Councillor for this generous offer.


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 8th January, 2013wereapproved and signed by the Chairman.


MATTERS ARISING - information from the Clerk

8a) Tennis Club Lease –A letter had been received from the Tennis Club chasing up the progress of the new lease. Coun.Tompkins to chase the Solicitor.

171) Bowling Club Trustees –This item was put on hold at the request of the Bowling Club. Action: The Clerk to contact the Bowling Club to ascertain whether this matter can be re-visited

127) Paternoster Lane WallRepairs – On going

aving Hav

47e) Bus Shelter at Wellington Inn –On-going

69b) Establishment of A381 Footpath to Fermoys –On-going

104d) Footpath No.2 – On-going

123a) War Memorial – Work has commenced.

134b) Elector’s Fund for Extension to Orley Road Footpath – The Clerk confirmed that the grant had been received. Action: Coun.Popham to contact the Contractor to see when they can begin the works.

138a) New Car Park & Toilets at Recreation Ground – Refer to Plans. Coun.Smith confirmed that the money allocated to him from the Investing in Devon Grant Scheme (£21,400) towards the toilet block had been approved. This would be paid against invoices received.

139c) Extension to Scout Hall – On-going, awaiting details.

148a) Westcountry Storage - The Clerk thought that the landscaping work had commenced. Action: Amenities Chairman to check

148d) No Horses Signage on Biltor/Courtgate Close footpath – On going, awaiting news from Devon County.

153a) Skate Park repairs etc. – On going

153b) Bids for Red Container – Deferred to March meeting (one bid received so far).

153c) Parish Notice Board – Still very poorly, Amenities waiting for it to dry out before anything can be done.

155) Wall at Coombefishacre – Coun.Popham advised that a barrier had been put up, but the works hadn’t been done yet.


Budgets have now been scrutinised by the various Scrutiny Committees and the final figures will be presented to the Full Council for ratification on the 21st February. The target is to achieve a balanced budget with zero Council Tax increase, as far as the County Council is concerned. The Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority Budget takes place on Monday 18th and they are seeking an increase of just less than 2%.

Just over £20M of the County budget is set against Public Health, which includes almost £6M set aside for substance misuse. As of 1st April DCC takes responsibility for public health.

In order to achieve a balanced budget it has been deemed necessary to move money about a little such that there will be an increase in the People budget at a cost to the Place & Corporate Services budgets.

The weather continues to plague the Highways teams as they play catch up on potholes, flood alleviation and gulley cleaning. There doesn’t seem to be a dry spell on the horizon so we will just have to be patient.

165) DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT- Coun.Dewhirst, absent

A scheme has been launched aimed at helping first time buyers get a foot onto the housing ladder. People who have struggled to raise the deposit now have the opportunity to apply for a loan under the Open Market HomeBuy scheme, which is being run by TDC and Sovereign Housing Association. Interested buyers must first register with the HomeBuy agent for the area, South West Homes, and be on the TDC housing list. To register visit or contact 0300 100 0021.

Changes are afoot about shortening the timetable for implementing electoral reviews. The approach agreed with the Local Government Boundary Commission is that any changes resulting from an electoral review including changes to the number of councillors can be implemented on the first practicable local election day (i.e. the first Thursday in May) Further information on these important changes still to come.

The new ‘Events Diary’ is now available. Details can be viewed on the Parish Noticeboard.

TDC have recognised there is a lack of support services for rough sleepers and there is not supported housing for homeless individuals with complex needs. This is now being addressed and there is a 24hr. telephone hotline as part of this initiative, which people can now report a rough sleeper by phoning 08u00 151 3441 or completing an onl8ine referral form by visiting or please contact Teignbridge Housing Services.

The Leisure Facilities & Resorts Dept. are currently in the process of t4rialing an online booking service. Initially this will be offered just to the All Inclusive Members for all classes at Newton Abbot Leisure Centre, Broadmeadow Sports Centre and Dawlish Leisure Centre.

Traffic & Parking in the village continues to be a problem. PCSO Lisa Clubb has assured Coun.Dewhirst that speeding traffic will be a priority for her in the coming months.

Finally, there will be news about the forthcoming Council Budget next months after the Full Council debate on the 22nd February.



a)Items from Devon County Council:-

Changes to School Admission arrangements can be viewed at

b) Items from Teignbridge District Council:-

Community Right to Bid which is now in force, aims to keep valued land and buildings in community use by giving local people the chance to bid to buy them, if and when they come on to the market, such as local post offices, pubs etc.

c) Items from DALC/CCD/DPFA/DACB:-

February Newsletter

DACB will be amalgamating with the Community Council of Devon, meeting being held on 6th March at CCD offices, Exeter EX2 8PW

Casual Vacancy on DALC County Committee for Teignbridge, nominations by 22nd February.

Other items received:

d) Boundary Commission for England – The date of the next Parliamentary constituency boundary review has been postponed until 2018.

e) Ipplepen Tennis Club – A letter had been received advising concerns about the fir trees at the far end of the tennis courts. The roots are causing the corner of the court to crack and the court surface is beginning to lift. Also the needs are a constant nuisance. Action: Amenities to meet with the Tennis Club to discuss this issue.

f) Permission was requested from the Cottage Garden Show to have full use of the playing field for the whole day on Saturday 20th July, 2013. Duly granted.


DPFA– Coun.Smith reported that he had attended the AGM on the 18th January, when it was agreed to amalgamate with the Community Council of Devon. They will still retain their own identity, by way of having a representative on the Community Council as will the DACB.

Millennium Centre– A meeting was held on the 21st January. The works to install the canopy have started and the wall alongside the Village Hall will be re-painted when the weather improves. The Boiler has also been serviced. Saplings are now in the process of getting quotations to up-grade this kitchen area. Next meeting due to be held on the 18th March, 2013

Ipplepen Community Fund –A meeting was held on 7th February when one application was discussed from the Village Hall for Solar Panels to be affixed to their roof. A decision was not made pending further information. Next meeting due on 7th March 2013 8pm

TALC–Coun.Smith or Coun.Popham were unable to attend the meeting held on 31st January, 2013and sent their apologies. The next meeting is due on the 28th March, 2013.

Village Hall Committee–Nothing to report

Rural Aid– Although we have not had the official confirmation from TDC, it was agreed that an advert should be published on the notice boards and the Post Office requesting bids in time for the March meeting. It was also agreed that the Parish Council would apply for maximum grant towards the Toilet Block.

History Group – Coun.Mrs.Northwood mentioned that the History Group wished to finalise the contents of the Time Capsule. The Chairman confirmed that he will do a piece on behalf of the Parish Council asap.

168) APPROVAL OF WINTER NEWSLETTER – Approval granted with a few minor alterations.

169) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith

Balance No.1 Account£ 19,356.29


Santander Interest£ .14

Mill.Cent. Rent Feb£ 50.00

Tennis Club Rent£ 125.00

Scout Rent£ 90.00

Cricket Club Rent£ 87.50

Elector Fund- Fencing Orley Rd f/path£ 1,710.00

Balance£ 21,418.93

Invoices Received for approval:

BT – Internet£ 17.80 d/d

Safeheat – Homeserve£ 14.00 d/d

South West Grounds Maint. – Grass Cuts£ 95.88

D.Cartwright Salaryincl.holiday pay£ 531.33

Inland Revenue £ 374.46

Clerk’s Salary Monthly£ 807.28

Petrol for Mower£ 6.75

Ipplepen Magazine Subs£ 300.00

British Gas – Elec at field£ 36.63d/d

Total£ 2,184.13


Balance Reserve Account £21,402.06

Overall Balance 12.02.13£40,636.86

169) AMENITIES – Coun.Vallance

The Minutes of the Amenities Meeting held on 18th January, 2012 were approved and taken as read.

a) Grass Tenders to be sent out as per last year’s specification, and also include weed spraying as a separate option if the contractor has the applicable license. The contract to last 3 years with an annual review. Action: The Clerk to draft out a tender for approval by the Amenities Group at their meeting due on 18th Feb. With regard to the extra cuts of the council cut areas, it was agreed to request the successful Contractor to undertake this task as and when needed at an agreed extra cost.

b) Toilet Block & Car Park – Coun.Farrow met with the tree person from TDC as he was concerned about the removal of the cherry tree, the Planning Officer was also in attendance. It was agreed that we would take out two parking spaces which would have been under the lime tree and move the toilet block slightly to save the Cherry Tree and plant further trees also.

170) PLANNING – Coun.Tompkins

a) The Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd January, 2013 were reported, approved and taken as read.

b) Application 13/00237/FUL Single storey extension at side of 28 Dornafield Drive East.

Comment: IPC have no objection to this proposed development. (Agreed unanimously).

Application 13/00317/FUL Installation of 250kw ground mount PV (Solar Panels) at Fermoys Garden Centre, Totnes Road.

Comment: IPC would like to support this application, however, we do have concerns about the surface water run- off, as already experienced with our Public Footpath No.2 in this area. We would therefore seek an assurance that it is disposed of in a sustainable manner to negate interference with the existing water course and the Public Footpath. (Agreed unanimously)

c) A request had been received from Fermoys to meet with the Parish Council on the 27th February for a pre-application discussion on the replacement of the existing garden centre buildings etc. A public consultation will be held at Fermoys itself, where parishioners would be able to see the plans. This was agreed. Action: The Clerk to advise Fermoys accordingly.

d) TDC are consulting on its List of Requirements for validation of planning application. Comments have to be returned by the 10th April 2013. A hard copy was passed to the Plans Committee for discussion and comments at their March meeting due to be held on 20th March. Comments, if any, to then be approved at the April full Parish Council Meeting.

171) HIGHWAYS & RIGHTS OF WAY – Coun.Smith

a) The Minutes of the Highways meeting held on the 17th January, were approved and taken as read.

b) It was reported that complaints had been received from residents in Court Gate Close advising that cars are parking in the turning area at the bottom end, making it difficult for vehicles, including a Community Bus, to turn around.

Action: The Clerk to advise the PCSO as it was felt that this was an obstruction issue.

The next Highways meeting is due on 21st March, 2013 - 6.30pm

172) ITEMS LEFT ON THE TABLE– Available from the Clerk


No further comments


Amenities Meeting:18th Feb.7pm at Mill.Centre

Plans 27th Feb.7pm at Mill.Centre

Full Parish Council05th March7.15pm at Mill.Centre

MCMC18th March6.15pm at Mill.Centre

Meeting closed at 9.25pm