Examination December 2011
B.Com. (Second Year)
Bachelor of Commerce
Group C - First Paper
Indian Economy
Time : 3 Hrs.M.M. : 70
veesš–Fme ØeMve he$e ceW Ûeej Keb[ nQ~ Gòej osves kesâ henues efveoxMeeWkeâes meeJeOeeveerhetJe&keâ heÌ{W~
(This Question Paper consists of 4 Sections. Read Instructions carefully before attempting the Questions.)
KeC[–De (Section–A)
Deefle ueIeg GòejerÙe SJeced Jemlegefve‰ Øekeâej kesâ ØeMve
(Very Short Answer and Objective Type Question)
meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~10 1 = 10
(All Questions are Compulsory)
1.[yuÙet0šer0Dees0 keâe hetje veece yeleeFÙes?
Give the full form of WTO ?
2.ueIeg GÅeesie mes keäÙee leelheÙe& nw?
What is SSI (Small Scale Industry)?
3.ke=âef<e efJeòe keäÙee nw?
What is Agriculture Finance?
4.Ùeespevee DeeÙeesie keâe ie"ve keâye ngDee Lee?
When was planning commission formed?
5.DeLe&JÙeJemLee mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nw?
What is Economy?
6.JeeÙeg heefjJenve mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nw?
What do you understand by Air-Transport?
7.peue heefjJenve mes keäÙee leelheÙe& nw?
What do you mean by Waterways?
8.«eeceerCe $e+Ce«emlelee kesâ oes heefjCeece yeleeFÙes?
Give two consequences of Rural Indebtedness?
9.hesšsvš efkeâmes keânles nw?
What is Patent?
10.‘ke=âef<e’ keâe keäÙee DeLe& nw?
Give the meaning of Agriculture?
KeC[–ye (Section-B)
ueIeg GòejerÙe ØeMve (Short Answer Type Questions)
efkeâvneR ome ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej oerefpeÙes~10 2 = 20
(Attempt any Ten Questions)
11.ke=âef<e peesle mes keäÙee leelheÙe& nw?
What is Agricultural Holdings?
12.veewJeeR hebÛeJe<eeaÙe Ùeespevee ceW Ûeerveer keâe efkeâlevee Glheeove Lee?
What was the production of sugar in 9thfive year plan?
13.efJeosMeer JÙeeheej mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nw?
Define foreign trade?
14.ÙeeleeÙeele Øeef›eâÙee mes keäÙee mecePeles nw?
What is Transport?
15.Ùeespevee Øeef›eâÙee mes keäÙee mecePeles nw?
What is Planning Process?
16.ueIeg GÅeesieeW keâe keäÙee cenlJe nw? efkeâvneR oes keâes yeleeFÙes~
Give two inportance of small scale industry.
17.nefjle›eâeefvle keäÙee nw?
Define Green Revolution?
18.pevemebKÙee efJemheâesš keäÙee nw?
What is Population Explosion?
19.Yeejle ceW efvecve pevceoj kesâ cegKÙe oes keâejCe yeleeÙeW?
Give two main Causes of Low birth rate?
20.Ùeespevee DeeÙeesie kesâ efkeâvneR oes keâeÙeeX keâes meb#eshe ceW JeCe&ve keâerefpeS?
Briefty discuss two functions of planning commission?
21.«eeceerCe $e+Ce«emlelee kesâ oes keâejCe yeleeFÙes?
Give two causes of Rural Indebtedness?
22.ke=âef<e efJeòe kesâ œeesleeW keâer mebef#ehle efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
Briefly discuss the sources of Agriculture Finance.
23.je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& efJekeâeme keâeÙe&›eâce keäÙee nw?
What is NHDP?
24.iewš leLee efJeMJe JÙeeheej mebie"ve ceW leerve Devlej yeleeFÙes?
Give three differences between GATT and WTO.
25.ueIegg SJeb kegâšerj GÅeesieeW kesâ efJekeâeme kesâ keâesF& oes GheeÙe efJeJesefÛele keâerefpeS?
Mention two renedics for the growth of small and cottage industries in India?
KeC[–me (Section-C)
efJeMues<eelcekeâ/mecemÙeelcekeâ ØeMve (Analytical/Problematic Questions)
efkeâvneR oes ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 350 MeyoeW ceW oerefpeS~2 10 = 20
(Attempt any Two Questions in 350 words.)
26.DeLe&JÙemLee keäÙee nw? efJekeâemeMeerue DeLe&JÙeJemLee kesâ ue#eCe SJeb GösMÙe yeleeFÙes~
Define economy? Trace out the objectives and characteristics of a developing economy.
27.YeejleerÙe DeLe&JÙeJemLee ceW ke=âef<e efJeòe kesâ Ùeesieoeve leLee œeesle keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS?
Enumerate the Role and Sources of Agricultral finance in Indian Economy?
28.Yeejle ceW TBÛeer pevceoj kesâ cegKÙe keâejCeeW keâer efJemle=le efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
Discuss the main causes of High Birth Rate in India?
29.ueesne SJeb Fmheele GÅeesie kesâ efJekeâeme hej ØekeâeMe [eues~
Throw light on the development of Iron & Steel Industry in India.
30.YeejleerÙe DeLe&JÙeJemLee kesâ efJekeâeme ceW YeejleerÙe jsueJes kesâ cenlJe keâes efJeJesefÛele keâerefpeS~
Explain in detail the inportance of Indian Railway in the development of Indian Economy.
KeC[–o (Section-D)
oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve (Long Answer Type Questions)
efkeâmeer Skeâ ØeMve keâe Gòej 700 MeyoeW ceW oerefpeS~1 20 = 20
(Attempt any One Question in 700 words.)
31.kegâšerj leLee ueIeg GÅeesieeW keâer ØecegKe mecemÙeeSB keäÙee nw? mejkeâej Éeje ueIeg SJeb kegâšerj GÅeesieeW kesâ efJekeâeme kesâ efueS keäÙee ØeÙeeme efkeâÙes ieÙes nw~
What are the main problems of cattage and small-scale industry are what measures adopted by the government to develop cattage and small scale industry?
32.Ùeespevee DeeÙeesie keäÙee nw? DeeÙeesie kesâ GösMÙeeW SJeb keâeÙeex keâer efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
What is planning commission? Explain the objectives and functions of planning commission?