of Specializations of Higher Professional Education Programs (Bakalavr, Magistr, Specialist)

010000 / Physico-mathematical sciences
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
010100 / Mathematics
010200 / Mathematics and Computer Sciences
010400 / Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
010500 / Software and Administration of Information Systems
010800 / Mechanics and Mathematical Modelling
010900 / Applied Mathematics and Physics
011200 / Physics
011800 / Radiophysics
Specializations for Specialist Degree
010701 / FundamentalMathematics andMechanics
011501 / Astronomy
020000 / Natural sciences
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
020100 / Chemistry
020300 / Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics of Materials
020400 / Biology
020700 / Geology
021000 / Geography
021300 / Cartography and Geoinformatics
021600 / Hydrometeorology
021900 / Soil Science
022000 / Ecology and Management of Natural Resources
Specializations for Specialist Degree
020201 / FundamentalandApplied Chemistry
020501 / Bioengineering and Biocomputer science
030000 / Human Sciences
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
030100 / Philosophy
030200 / Political Science
030300 / Psychology
030600 / History
030900 / Jurisprudence
031300 / Journalism
031600 / Advertising and Public Relations
032000 / Foreign Area Studies
032700 / Philology
033000 / Culturology
033300 / Religious Studies
034300 / Physical Training
034400 / Physical Training for Physically Challenged (Adaptive Physical Education)
034700 / Document studies and Archives
035000 / Publishing
035300 / Arts and Humanities
035700 / Linguistics
035800 / Fundamental and Applied Linguistics
Specializations for Magistr (Master) Degree
032400 / Antropology and Ethnology
034500 / Sports
Specializations for Specialist Degree
030401 / Clinical Psychology
036401 / Customs Affairs
040000 / Social Sciences
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
040100 / Sociology
040400 / Social Work
040700 / Management of Youth Socialization
050000 / Education and Pedagogics
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
050100 / Pedagogical Education
050400 / Psychological and Pedagogical Education
050700 / Special (Speech Pathology) Education
051000 / Professional Education (in branches)
060000 / Public Health Service
Specializations for Magistr (Master) Degree
060400 / Public Health
Specializations for Specialist Degree
060101 / GeneralMedicine
060103 / Pediatrics
060105 / Prophylactic Medicine
060201 / Stomatology
060301 / Pharmacy
070000 / Culture and Arts
Applicants for the following specializations have to produce papers acknowledging his appropriate education in the field of culture and science
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) Degree
071300 / Choreographic Performing
073600 / Technology of Performance Decorative Appearance
074100 / Theatre Studies
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
070800 / Dramaturgy
071200 / Choreography
071400 / Dramatized show and Festivals Direction
071500 / Folk Artistic Culture
071800 / Social and Cultural Activities
071900 / Library and Information Activities
072200 / Restoration
072300 / Museology and Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites
072500 / Design
072600 / Applied Arts and Folk Trades
072700 / Costume and Textile Arts
073000 / Misicology and Applied Musical Arts
073100 / Musical Instrumental Arts
073400 / Vocal Arts
073500 / Conducting
073700 / Folk Vocal Arts
073900 / Theory and History of Arts
Specializations for Magistr (Master) Degree
070100 / Theatre Arts
074000 / Music and Drama Arts
Specializations for Specialist Degree
070201 / Music and Drama Arts
070301 / Acting
070401 / Scenic design
070501 / TheatreDirection
070601 / Film and Television Direction
070701 / Sound Direction of Audio-Visual Arts
070702 / Music Sound Direction
070703 / Sound Direction for Cultural Nass Perfomances and Concert Show
070901 / Cinematography
071001 / Painting
071002 / graphic arts
071003 / sculpture
071004 / Monumental and Decorative Arts
071005 / Painting and Fine Arts
071101 / Literary Creativity
072801 / Musical composition
072901 / Musicology
073201 / Concert Perfomance Arts
073301 / Symphony Orchestra and Academic Choir Creative Directing
074201 / Film studies
074301 / Production
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
080100 / Economics
080200 / Management
080500 / Business informatics
081100 / State and Municipal Management
Specializations for Magistr (Master) Degree
080300 / Finances and Credit
081200 / State Audit
100000 / Service trades
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
100100 / Service
100400 / Tourism
100700 / Commerse
100800 / Commodity Research
101100 / Hotel Business
110000 / Agriculture and Fishing Industry
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) Degree
110900 / Technology of Production and Processing of Agriproduct
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
110100 / Agrochemistry and AgriculturalSoilScience
110400 / Agronomy
110500 / Horticulture
110800 / Agro-engineering
111100 / Zootechny
111400 / Aquatic Bioresources and Aquiculture
111500 / IndustrialFishing
111900 / Veterinary SanitaryExamination
Specializations for Specialist Degree
111801 / VeterinaryScience
120000 / Geodesy and Land-utilization
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
120100 / Geodesy and Remote Sensing
120700 / Land-utilization and CadastralRegister
Specializations for Specialist Degree
120401 / Applied Geodesy
130000 / Geology, Exploring and Mining of Minerals
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
131000 / OilandGasEngineering
Specializations for Specialist Degree
130101 / Applied Geology
130102 / Technologies of Geological Exploring
130400 / Mining
131201 / Physical Processes of Mining or Oil-and-gas Production
140000 / Power Engineering, Power Engineering Industry and Electrical Engineering
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
140100 / Heat-Power Engineering and Heating Engineering
140400 / ElectricPowerIndustry and Electrical Engineering
141100 / Power-plantEngineering
141200 / Refrigerating, Cryogenic Engineering and Life Support Systems
150000 / Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Material Processing
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
150400 / Metallurgy
150700 / Engineering
151000 / Technological Machines and Equipment
151600 / AppliedMechanics
151900 / Engineering and Technological Support for Machinery Productions
160000 / Aviation and Rocket-and-spaceTechnics
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
160100 / AircraftBuilding
160700 / Aircraft Propulsions
162300 / Engineering Exploitation of FlyingMachines and Engines
162500 / Technical Operation of Aircraft Electric Systems and Aviation Systems
Specializations for Specialist Degree
160100 / Aircraft and HelicopterIndustry
162107 / Technical Operation of Transport Radio Equipment
180000 / Marine Machinery
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
180100 / Naval Architecture, Ocean Engineering and Systems Engineering of Marine Infrastructure Facilities
Specializations for Specialist Degree
180403 / ShipNavigation
180405 / Exploitation of ShipPowerPlants
180407 / Exploatation of Shipboard Electrical Equipment and Automation Equipment
190000 / Conveyances
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
190100 / Overland Transport TechnologicalComplexes
190600 / Operation of Transport and Technological Machines and Complexes
190700 / Transport Process Technology
Specializations for Specialist Degree
190109 / Terrestrial Transport and Technological Facilities
190300 / Railway Rolling-stock
190401 / Railroading
190901 / Supporting Systems for Train Operation
200000 / InstrumentMaking and Optical Equipment
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
200100 / InstrumentMaking
200400 / Optical Equipment
201000 / Biotechnical Systems and Technology
210000 / Electronic Engineering, Radio Engineering and Communication
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
210100 / Electronics andNanoelectronics
210400 / Radiotechnics
210700 / Infocommunication Technology and Communication systems
211000 / Design Engineering and Electronic Instrumentation Technology
Specializations for Specialist Degree
210601 / Radio-Electronic Systems and Complexes
220000 / Automatics and Management
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
220100 / SystemAnalysis and Management
220400 / Management in EngineeringSystems
220700 / Technology Processes and Productions Automation
221000 / Mechatronics and Robotics
221400 / Quality Management
221700 / Standardization and Metrology
230000 / Computer Science and Computer Facilities
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
230100 / Computer Science and Computer Facilities
230400 / InformationSystems and Technology
230700 / Applied ComputerScience
231000 / Software Engineering
231300 / Applied Mathematics
240000 / Chemical and Biotechnology
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
240100 / ChemicalTechnology
240700 / Biotechnology
241000 / Energy-conservative and Resource-saving Processes in Chemical Technology, Petrochemistry and Biotechnology
250000 / Reproduction and Processinf of Forest Resourses
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
250100 / TimberTrade
250400 / Technology of TimberCutting and TimberProcessing Industries
250700 / Landscape Architecture
260000 / Technology of Food Products and Consumer goods
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
260100 / FoodStuff of VegetableResources
260200 / FoodStuff ofAnimalOrigin
260800 / Production Technology and Organization of Catering
261100 / Technology and Designing of TextileProducts
261400 / Technology of Artistic Handling of Materials
261700 / Poligraphic and Packaging Production Technology
262000 / Technology of LightIndustry Products
262200 / Design of LightIndustry Products
270000 / Architecture and Construction
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
270100 / Architecture
270300 / Design of ArchitecturalSpace
270800 / Construction
270900 / Municipal Engineering
Specializations for Specialist Degree
271101 / Unique StructureBuilding
271501 / Railway, Bridge and Subway Construction
280000 / Life Safety, Environmental Engineering and Environmental Protection
Specializations for Bakalavr (Bachelor) and Magistr (Master) Degrees
280100 / EnvironmentalEngineering and Water Consumption
280400 / Applied Hydrometeorology
280700 / Technosphere Safety