Sample Assessment Items
This is not meant to be printed off and given as a test…this document is to give you ideas of how this standard might be assessed. Please use these as an example when you are developing your own formative assessments. Remember formative assessment is to be given throughout the teaching of a standard to help you guide your instruction based on students needs. A good formative assessment should have a mix of multiple choice as well as open ended.
S3E1. Students will investigate the physical attributes of rocks and soils.
d. Determine how water and wind can change rocks and soil over time using observation and research.
Multiple Choice:
A fast moving river runs through a mountain ridge. What might happen?
a. A valley will form.
b. The mountain will grow taller.
c. The mountain will become shorter.
d. The river will flow up the mountain.
Answer: a
How does the soil from the mountaintops of Georgia usually travel to the valleys?
a. Rain moves the soil.
b. Humans move the soil.
c. Animals move the soil.
d. The soil does not move.
Answer: a
A large boulder slowly becomes smaller over hundreds of years. How did this rock change in size?
a. Animals ate it.
b. Lava melted the rock.
c. People broke it down.
d. Wind and rain eroded it.
Answer: d
All of these may cause weathering EXCEPT ______.
a. light
b. plants
c. water
d. wind
Answer: a
Water helps in the making of soil. Which of these is something water does to form soil?
a. It makes up the tiny drops in a cloud.
b. It breaks down rock into small pieces.
c. It flows in streams that go to the ocean.
d. It turns into steam when it gets very hot.
Answer: b
Which of these BEST describes why the fields are shaped this way?
a. to prevent the soil from eroding
b. to prevent animals from eating the crops
c. to prevent the soil from becoming too hot
d. to prevent the soil from turning into limestone
Answer: a
Large rocks are found at the edge West Point Lake. How will water from the lake change the rocks over time?
a. It will wear down the rocks.
b. It will make the rocks heavier.
c. It will help plants grow on the rocks.
d. It will change the color of the rocks.
Answer: a
Karen's family went to the beach during Spring Break. While they were there, Karen noticed that rocks close to the water were smooth, and the rocks farther away from the water had more jagged edges. What MOST LIKELY caused the rocks to be smooth instead of rough?
a. birds pecking at the rocks
b. fish swimming over the rocks
c. the sun shining on the rocks
d. waves crashing down on the rocks
Answer: d
Open ended:
How can wind and water change rocks over time?
How can wind and water change soil over time?
How do wind and water change rocks and soil over time?