Lansdale, PA 19446


JUNE 2010


Electronic Document Submissions

Here’s how to prepare:

Documents sent to Robyn Miller will be in one file on multiple sheets. Be sure to complete each sheet within this excel file. These documents should be saved as endofyeardocuments 10 – teacher last name.


Electronic document - When you receive the document you will see a sample of what information to include. If you do not have a home email, cell phone number and/or summer address, leave the area blank. This is a confidential document. Once you record and save your 2010 information; email the document to Robyn Miller.

Deadline: June 28th prior to 3:00p.m.


Electronic document- Be sure to include the locker number, the name of the student to whom the locker was assigned, a listing of the contents of the locker, and the place you put the contents. NOTE: Clothing and miscellaneous “stuff” should be given to security for “lost & found.”

BOOKS – Student books left in lockers should be returned to Patti Sell in E112 prior to June 28th by 3:00p.m. (Please remember senior books are due to Patti by June 15th at 11:30a.m.)

Deadline: June 28th prior to 3:00p.m.


Electronic document - If you do not have any maintenance requests, you still must submit the form electronically, but make sure to label this sheet in the file as none.

Deadline: June 28th prior to 3:00p.m.



Ø  Electronic Document - All obligations will be sent to Patti Sell using obligation form. The timeframes for submission are listed below:

Underclassmen – Obligations submitted only from noon on June 24h to June 25th at 11:30a.m.

Obligations sent prior to the timeline above will be returned and obligations sent after above time lines will be discarded. When emailing obligations, if you have no obligations, you only need to email that you have no obligations. There is no form required, but a response is required.

>Once an obligation has been submitted; a) students are required to visit their home office to clear their obligations, b) you cannot accept textbooks or monies to clear student obligations


Electronic document – Please submit student failures based on student failure instruction sheet based on the timeline below:

Senior Deadlines:

Art/FCS – June 10th – 3:00p.m.

Health & PE/Tech Ed/Music – June 11th – 3:00p.m.

English/Reading/Social Studies – June 14th – 2:00p.m.

Math/Science – June 15th – 12:00p.m.

Business/World Language – June 15th – 2:00p.m.

Junior/Sophomore Deadlines:

Art/FCS/Music/Health & PE – June 22nd – 3:00p.m.

Tech Ed – June 23rd – 2:00p.m.

English/Reading – June 24th – 12:00p.m.

Math – June 24th – 2:00p.m.

Social Studies/Science – June 25th – 12:00p.m.

Business/World Language – June 25th – 2:00p.m.


Physical Submission of Documentation

Here’s how to prepare:

STUDENT LOCKER LISTS – Submitted to Robyn Miller, Main Office

>Because these are needed for locker security, please submit the locker list you received and filled out at the beginning of the school year. DO NOT request a copy of the list if you don’t have the original. For security purposes, we need to know which locker lists have been lost, misplaced or stolen. These lists should be returned physically to Robyn Miller in the main office. If you cannot find your original list, please see Carol Stauffer in K031 immediately.

Deadline: June 28th prior to 3:00p.m


Check to make sure every student has a grade for every marking period, including a final exam grade, and a final average grade. For clarity, if a student was exempt from a final exam, indicate accordingly in the final exam column (N, 70). If you determine any errors, or omissions, be sure to notify Audrey Deatrick in writing of the discrepancy, otherwise write none on the sheet.

**Remember that Final course grades in which the average is between 50 and 64 MUST be graded as an “E” regardless of the course. An “F” as a final course grade indicates the final average was below 50%, and be sure to check that the required comments accompany the final grades for “E” and “F”.

Deadline: June 28th prior to 3:00p.m

“CLASSROOMS FOR THE FUTURE” TEACHERS – Visit Doug Povilaitis in F040

·  Please visit home office F040 to either sign out your laptop or return it for the summer. If you do not visit F040 prior to 11:30a.m. on June 25th, you will be asked to visit F040 during check out on June 30th to finalize this process.

Deadline: June 25th prior to 11:30a.m

TEACHER LEVEL CHANGE FORMS– Submitted to student’s counselor.

·  Please review your student grades and course recommendations for next year. Following this review, if you find a need to change a student level please submit the Teacher Level Change form to the student’s home office.

Deadline: June 25th prior to 3:00p.m


Procedural Reminders for End of Year

Here’s how to prepare:


·  A physical grade book will not be submitted. Grade books may NOT be password protected.

These do NOT need to be returned. Please cut and discard.

Please mark all your NPSD furniture with your with name and current location. In addition,

please refer to furniture instructions provided in Furniture Instructions document.

Please read “End of Year Technology Procedures” to ensure your compliance with the district expectations related to technology.

KEYS – See Doug Povilaitis in F040

>You will receive an envelope in your mailbox indicating the keys which you signed out in the fall. If a discrepancy exists or you are missing keys listed, please see Doug Povilaitis in the F040 prior to June 25th at 11:30a.m.

Deadline: June 25th prior to 11:30a.m


Wednesday, JUNE 30th 1:30-2:50

Beginning at 1:30p.m. and NO LATER THAN 2:50p.m. -----you may complete your checkout:

Check-Out Location in MAIN LOBBY: This will be done alphabetically by last name at 15 stations- look for posted signs indicating your segment of the alphabet.

You will need just the three items below for check-out on June 30th.

·  CHECKOUT CLEARANCE FORM – You will receive this form in your mailbox by the morning of June 30th. This form will reflect your submission of documentation for end of the year check-out. Please bring this document to check-out. If you are missing any items, please bring them to check-out.


>Please bring the envelope with the appropriate keys inside the envelope with the clasp closed to check-out. (DO NOT SEAL THE ENVELOPE) This includes every school key that you have. For those who need access to the building following June 30th, please see Doug Povilaitis in F040 with your request. Keys will be available in the F036 copier room in the summer for sign-out daily beginning Thursday, July 1st from 7:15 to 3:30p.m.


Please submit a copy of your 2010-2011 grading policy at check-out. Please make sure to follow the directions for your grading policy in the Grading Policy document. When submitting your grading policy, you may attach the pink summer copy request form and indicate the number of copies needed. If your grading policy is approved without changes, it will be sent to the photocopy center for copying. The copies would then be waiting for you when you return in September. This will greatly reduce the need for copying at the very start of the year.

Feel free to use the check-off box below for tracking. These are all the items that you are responsible for in preparation for check-out.

Please follow deadlines listed above / Due at Check-out.
Summer address / Oblig. Lists / Emptied Locker List / Maint. Forms / Course Failures / Locker List / Grade Verification / CFF Sign out / Teacher Level Change / Grading Policy* / Keys*

Bold items are electronic due dates listed above Non bold items are physically submitted

* Items submitted at check out.
