Introduction to Healthcare and Public Health in the US: Meaningful Use of Health Information Technology


The questions in this self-assessment for make use of screen images from the VistA electronic health record (EHR) of the US Veterans Administration. The questions show various screens that have been captured for a sample patient in the system (Seven, Inpatient). Students are asked to identify the appropriate meaningful use objective(s) that are demonstrated by each screen.

1. This is the summary screen (Cover Sheet) for a patient. Which of the following meaningful use objectives are seen here?

a. Problem list

b. Medication list

c. Generate patient lists by condition

d. Report clinical quality measures

e. None of the above

f. a and b

g. All of the above

2. Which of the following meaningful use objectives are seen on the following screen?

a. CPOE for medications

b. Drug-drug/drug-allergy checks

c. Record demographics

d. Structured problem list

e. None of the above

f. c and d

g. All of the above

3. Which of the following meaningful use objectives are seen on the following screen?

a. CPOE for medications

b. Drug-drug/drug-allergy checks

c. Chart changes in vital signs

d. Structured problem list

e. None of the above

f. b and c

g. All of the above

4. Which of the following meaningful use objectives are seen on the following screen?

a. Structured medication list

b. Clinical decision support rule

c. Report clinical quality measures

d. Electronic health information to patients

e. None of the above

f. a and d

g. All of the above

5. Which of the following meaningful use objectives are seen on the following screen?

a. CPOE for medications

b. Drug-drug/drug-allergy checks

c. Structured problem list

d. Generate patient list by condition

e. None of the above

f. c and d

g. All of the above

6. Which of the following meaningful use objectives are seen on the following screen?

a. CPOE for medications

b. Structured problem list

c. Structured clinical lab data

d. Submit data to immunization registry

e. None of the above

f. b and c

g. All of the above

7. Which of the following meaningful use objectives are seen on the following screen?

a. CPOE for medications

b. Structured problem list

c. Structured clinical lab data

d. Clinical decision support rule

e. None of the above

f. b and c

g. All of the above

8. Which of the following meaningful use objectives are seen on the following screen?

a. CPOE for medications

b. Generate patient lists by condition

c. Structured clinical lab data

d. Clinical decision support rule

e. None of the above

f. b and c

g. All of the above

9. Which of the following goals for the healthcare system would justify the meaningful use objective of submitting data to immunization registries?

a. Improving quality, safety, and efficiency

b. Engaging patients in their care

c. Increasing coordination of care

d. Improving the health status of the population

e. Ensuring privacy and security

10. Which of the following is not required to achieve incentive payments for meaningful use of the electronic health record (EHR)?

a. Use of an EHR that has been certified by an ONC-approved certification body

b. Acceptance of patients insured by Medicare or Medicaid

c. Use of an EHR that has the ability to capture and query healthcare quality data

d. Formal training of providers in clinical informatics

e. Use of an EHR that has the ability to carry out health information exchange

Type: S

11. How is “meaningful use” of health information technology defined in the context of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act?

Type: S

12. List the categories of standards and an example within each for Stage 1 of meaningful use.

Type: S

13. Describe the likely criteria for Stages 2-3 of meaningful use.

Health IT Workforce Curriculum Introduction to Healthcare and 1

Version 3.0/Spring 2012 Public Health in the US

Meaningful Use of Health Information Technology

This material (Comp1_Unit10) was developed by Oregon Health and Science University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number IU24OC000015.