Project on the

Application of Engineering Materials

Due date of Submission : Not later than May 7, 2015 (no project will be accepted after this date)

Conduct a Research and Analysis/Evaluation on any three(3) items below regarding the practical application of our course Engineering Materials. Present your project type written neatly on an A4 paper. List down all your reference materials including the web sites used.

1.  Investigate the importance of polymers in heart-valve replacement surgery. What is the role of the polymer in the surgery ? What polymer is used for this purpose ?

2.  The nose cap and the wing leading edges of the space shuttle may reach temperatures of up to 16500C. (a) Would the silica fiber compound (HRSI) be a suitable candidate for these section of the shuttle ? (b) If not, select a suitable material for this location. (c) Investigate the important properties of the selected material that satisfy the design needs.

3.  (a) Create a list of the required properties of the materials to be selected in the design and manufacturing of a large travel suitcase (b) Propose a number of candidate materials. (c) Identify our best choice and explain why. Use chapter tables and the appendices.

4.  (a) Give examples of components or products that were originally made from steel alloys and are now made from aluminum alloys. (b) In each case give reasons as to why this change took place.

5.  Select the material to serve as an insulating cover to a conducting copper wire in an automobile engine. What factors must you consider in your selection ? What is the best choice ? Use chapter tables and appendices in the back of the book.

6.  Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is used in cookware as non-stick coating. Determine its properties. What are the warnings to be given to the users ?

7.  (a) In selecting the materials for bungee cord, what factors should you consider ? (b) What material do you suggest ? Once you have selected the materials, what mechanical ( or other ) factors should you consider ? Use chapter tables and the appendices in the back of the book