Jordan University of Science & Technology
Faculty of Computer & Information Technology
Department of Computer Science & Information Systems
Year: 2013/2014 / Semester: 2

Course Syllabus

Course Information
Course Title / Web Application Development
Course Number / CIS340
Prerequisites / CIS201
Course Website /
Instructor / Dr. Qusai Abuein
Office Location / PH4
Office Phone / 7201000 Ext. 23907
Office Hours / Check the office hours on the office door
E-mail / mailto:
Teaching Assistant / Determined later
Text Book
Title / Internet & World Wild Web: How to Program
Author(s) / Deitel, Deital and Nieto
Publisher / Prentice Hall
Year / 2008
Edition / 4th edition
Book Website /\deitel
References / ·  Burdman, J., “Collaborative Web Development”, Addison Wesley
·  Carey, P., 1999, “Creating Web Pages with HTML”. Course Technology
·  Crouch, M., 2000, “Web Programming with ASP and COM”, Addison Wesley
·  Umar, A., “Application Reengineering: Building Web-Based Applications and dealing with legacies, I/e”, Prentice Hall
·  CGI programming
·  Perl programming
·  PHP programming
Assessment Policy
Assessment Type / Expected Due Date / Weight
First Exam / 20%
Second Exam / 20%
Lab and Project / 10%
Assignments and Quizzes / 10%
Final / 40%
Total / 100%
The Goal
Provide a Practical survey of both Principles and Practice of Web Application Development, such as JavaScript, DHTM, XML, ASP.NET, PHP, Ajax, DOM and CGI/Perl.
Course Objectives / Weights
1-Create individual web sites and demonstrate a working knowledge of HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, DHTML and simple database interaction using SQL, ASP and session variables, CGI/Perl programming and / or PHP.
2-Develop and implement prototype server and client side applications, using a programming environment such as Java/VB or ASP.
3-Demonstrate understanding of multi-media, human interaction design principles and implement them.
4-Identify and discuss web servers and introduction about XML / (40%)
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students should
Related Objective /

The expected achieved outcome

1.1 / State introduction about JavaScript concepts and commands / 6.1 to 6.6
2.1 / State and discuss more about JavaScript commands like control statement. / 7.4 to7.13
3.1 / Know more about control statements such as case and loop statements. / 8.1 to 8.9 except to 8.8
4.1 / Understand the types of functions in JavaScript. / 9.1 to 9.3
4.2 / Know how build user defined functions / 9.4 to 9.11
5.1 / Know how create and use Arrays in JavaScript / 10.1 to 10.6
5.2 / Understand the passing arrays to function, sorting, searching, and multidimensional arrays. / 10.7 to 10.10
6.1 / Understand the Objects like String, Date, and others / 11.1 to 11.5
7.1 / Understand the Dynamic HTML for Object Model and Collections / 12.1 to 12.8 except to12.3
8.1 / Know more about Dynamic HTML. How state the events and how call them. / 13.1 to 13.11
9.1 / Know web servers and accessing using Microsoft IIS.
Or Apache server and CGI/Perl programming. / 21.1 to 21.6
10.1 / State the SQL statements such as select, insert and others / 22.4
11.1 / Know the environment of ASP.NET. / 25.1 to 25.12
12.1 / Know introduction about XML / 14.1 to 14.4,14.6,14.7
13.1 / Understand the multimedia: audio, video, speech synthesis and recognition / 16 to 20
Course Content
Week / Topics / Chapter in Text
1-4 / ·  JavaScript
·  JavaScript: Control Structures
·  Functions
·  Arrays
·  Objects / 6-11
5-6 / ·  Dynamic HTML
·  Event Model / 12-13
7 / ·  Web Servers (apache), PHP / 21, 23
7 / ·  Ajax / 15
8-9 / ·  Active server Pages (ASP) / 25
10 / ·  Extensible markup language (XML) / 14
11-12 / ·  Multimedia: audio and video / 16-20
Teaching & Learning Methods
·  Class lectures, lecture notes, homework and assignments are designed to achieve the course objectives.
·  You should read the assigned chapters before class, complete assignments on time, participate in class and do whatever it takes for you to grasp this material. Ask questions. Ask lots of questions.
·  You are responsible for all material covered in the class.
·  Please communicate any concerns or issues as soon as practical either in class, by phone or by Email.
·  The web page is a primary communication vehicle. Lecture notes will be available before each class. It will contain homework assignments, study guides, and important instructions.
Additional Notes
Home works / ·  Home works are due at the beginning of class.
·  Late homework will not be accepted.
·  All work has to be done independently.
·  Submit a hard copy and soft copy of your homework with your name, Section#, Sequence #, SID, and Homework # on it.
·  E-mail submission is not allowed.
·  All homework assignments are to be done individually.
·  Students handing in similar work will both receive a 0 and face possible disciplinary actions
Exams / ·  The format for the exams is generally (but NOT always) as follows: general definitions, Multiple-choice, design, short essay questions and writing codes.
·  To make sure you pass the exams, you should do the assignments by yourself.
·  Grades will not be given out via e-mail
·  The exams might be online
Makeup Exams / ·  Makeup exam should not be given unless there is a valid excuse.
·  Arrangements to take an exam at a time different than the one scheduled MUST be made prior to the scheduled exam time.
Drop Date / ·  Last day to drop the course is before the twelve (12th) week of the current semester.
Cheating / ·  Cheating or copying from neighbor on exam, quiz, or homework is an illegal and unethical activity.
·  Standard JUST policy will be applied.
·  All graded assignments must be your own work (your own words).
·  Some of the assignments (programming or homework) may be graded orally.
Additional Notes (Continue)
/ ·  Excellent attendance is expected.
·  JUST policy requires the faculty member to assign ZERO grade (35) if a student misses 10% of the classes that are not excused.
·  Sign-in sheets will be circulated.
·  If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out about any announcements or assignments you may have missed.
Workload / ·  Average work-load student should expect to spend is 8 hours/week
Graded Exams / ·  Instructor should return exam papers graded to students not after the week after the exam date.
Participation / ·  I appreciate people asking questions during my lectures - it lets me know which concepts you are having difficulty with. Any question student asks is an important question regardless how he/she or others feels about it. Ask any question you think of directly or not directly pertinent to the lecture, I would be happy to entertain them during or/and at the end of the class.
·  Ask me to repeat explaining things as many times as it takes to get it. When a student asks me to repeat the material just explained, the last thing I think off, if ever jumps to my mind, that the student is not smart enough to catch it. Most likely it is my mistake. It is either I was fast, slipped a point or I did not do it well. Whenever, a student asks me to repeat myself, I always learn new way to present the material.
·  Sometimes I don't know the answer, but I'm happy to dig around and report back at the beginning of the next class.
·  Ask and never think that you are wasting the class time or bothering me. I have the courage to tell you, in the best you that will not heart your feelings, to stop, delay, or to see me after the class.
·  Making any kind of disruption and (side talks) in the class will affect you negatively.
Lab / · Internal lab should be registered separately on student schedule. Failure to do so the course will be withdrawn automatically.
Project / ·  Projects in the lab have a high score and concentration.
Finally / ·  Make backups of all of your work.
·  This includes any assignment and project materials you and your group produce.
·  Copy files onto 2 or 3 different memories and photocopy diagrams and other materials to share with your group