SampleOral Consent Script – SBS Non-student Project
[Note that although the verbal consent is being sought, participants should be given a copy of the script that includes the researcher’s and IRB’s contact information.]
Instructions are in red; bolded items must be included.
Before submission to the IRB: remove instructions and any bold emphasis
[Study Title]
[PI Name]
Hello. My name is [insert name]. I am a researcher in the Department/School of [add department or School] at AUB. I would like to invite you to participate in a research study about [describe project in non-technical language; explain purpose of study].
Before we begin, I would like to take a few minutes to explain why I am inviting you to participate and what will be done with the information you provide. You will be asked to [describe procedure, such as “participate in a short interview” or “take several memory tests.” Include types of questions that will be asked; describe alternative procedures, if any]Please stop me at any time if you have questions about the study.
I am doing this study as part of my research at AUB. I will be [add what you will be doing as part of data collection, e.g. interviewing x number of people, asking y number of people to complete the tests, take surveys, etc.] and this collected information will be used in published research as well as in academic presentations. Your individual privacy and confidentiality of the information you provide will be maintained in all published and written data analysis resulting from the study. [State any conditions for confidentiality of data here.][If identities will be disclosed, provide details, e.g. with your permission your identity will be made known in the written materials resulting from this study, or pseudonyms will be used with any quotes attributed to an individual.] [N.B. If you will be sharing the information with other researchers or putting data in archives, etc, explain your plans here.]
Participation should take approximately [insertduration.] Please understand your participation is entirely on a voluntary basisand you have the right to withdraw your consent or discontinue participation at any time without penalty.[If you will be asking any personal or sensitive questions, state as much here, e.g. some of the interview questions may ask about your personal behaviors; some of the pictures you will be asked to look at may cause some distress, etc.] [State any foreseeable risks to participants here, including steps you will take to minimize these risks. If the risks are minimal, state so.] The benefits which may reasonably be expected to result from this study are [state any potential direct benefits here. If there are no direct benefits, state as such. For example, there are no direct benefits to for participating in this research, but you may be helping others to better understand (fill in generalizable knowledge benefit).]
You will receive [insert reimbursement or incentive for participation; explain any proration of payment if the subject withdraws for completing study, if any; if there is no payment or compensation, state as such]as payment for your participation.
If at any time and for any reason, you would prefer not to answer any questions, please feel free to skip those questions [interview – say ‘skip this question’; paper form, just skip the question]. If at any time you would like to stop participating, please tell me. We can take a break, stop and continue at a late date, or stop altogether. You will not be penalized for deciding to stop participation at any time [if prorating payment, make clear impact of deciding to withdraw from participation.]
[If you will be tape recording or videotaping the subject include the following:]
I would like to tape record/video tape this interview so as to make sure that I remember accurately all the information you provide. I will keep these tapes in [state where you will keep them] and they will only be used by [state who will have access to the tapes].[If you will be sharing taped data with other researchers and/or archiving data, state whether identifiers other than voice or face will be included.][Explain what will happen to the tapes after the research done is completed.] [If participants may participate without being taped, state so.]
If you have any questions, you are free to ask them now. If you have questions, concerns or complaints about this research study later, you may contact me at [add your contact information, including name, email address, phone number, etc.].
Are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about research or your rights as a participant, please contact the AUB Social & Behavioral Sciences Institutional review Board (SBSIRB) at AUB: [addcontact information for SBS IRB/IRB Office, address, phone number, email.]
Are you interested in participating in this study?
Consent to Record Interview
(Question should be posed before any recording begins)
May I record this interview?
Consent to Quote from Interview
I may wish to quote from this interview either in the presentations or articles resulting from this work. [If a pseudonym will be used, include this statement: A pseudonym will be used in order to protect your identity, unless you specifically request that you be identified by your true name.]
Do you all me to quote from this interview?
Consent to Use Name
There may be reasons for which you prefer that your true name be used in presentations and articles related to this research.
Would you like your true name to be used in any oral presentations or written documents resulting from this research?
[Note that if a participant agrees to have his or her name used, signed consent should be obtained, including a separate signature line for participation, taping (where applicable), and use of name. In such cases, add signature lines to this consent document.]
Confirmation of Consent to Record Interview
(Question will be posed once recording has begun)
May I record this interview?