MODULE TITLE: POL3045 Foreign Policy Analysis

Module Provider (AoU): / Politics / Subject (3 letters): / POL
Level: / HE3 / Number of Credits: / 20
Module Co-ordinator: / Maxine David


Unit(s) of Assessment / Weighting Towards Module Mark( %)
Essay (1,500-2000 words) / 40%
Formulation of a Case Study (2,000 words) / 20%
Case Study (4,000 words) / 40%
Qualifying Condition(s)
A weighted aggregate mark of 40% is required to pass the module.


Level 2 BA Politics


The module seeks to demonstrate the continued relevance of Foreign Policy Analysis to understanding and explaining current global events. It situates FPA particularly within the wider discipline of International Relations but reveals it as sitting at the nexus of IR and Political Theory. A case study on Russia is used in order to help students understand how a general theoretical framework can be applied to a particular case. Russian foreign policy-making is discussed within the wider global context, with focus being placed particularly on relations with the wider Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the USA.


·  Introduce students to the key debates in foreign policy
·  Introduce the main approaches in FPA
·  Help students see the relevance of Political and International Relations theories to the study of foreign policy
·  Understand current challenges for foreign policy decision-makers
·  Develop deep understanding of Russian foreign policy in respect of the wider Europe, the CIS and the USA particularly.
·  Develop students' capacity to study independently


By the end of the module, students should have developed the skills to demonstrate the following:
Knowledge and understanding
·  A critical understanding of foreign policy analysis.
·  Knowledge of theoretical underpinnings in FPA
·  Understanding of the forces that shape foreign policy-making and the ability to critically evaluate their relative significance
·  The ability to formulate and complete a case study, applying theoretical frameworks to empirical evidence.
·  Understanding of the specificities of the Russian situation.
Transferable and Practical Skills
·  Critical analysis
·  The ability to research independently and effectively
·  Good time-management and other organisational skills
·  Presentation skills
·  Excellent communication skills – both oral and written
·  Reflective thinking – understanding of learning processes


·  Identification of and familiarisation with key literature in order to introduce students to significant debates in FPA.
·  Meta-debate in Foreign Policy Analysis: the Two Generations.
·  Examination of criticisms of FPA delivered in the aftermath of the revolutions in central and eastern Europe 1989-1991.
·  Identification of the factors that must be considered in order to construct a framework for the analysis of foreign policy.
·  Consideration of the place of foreign policy relative to its overarching discipline of International Relations.
·  A substantial Case Study on Russian Foreign Policy is applied, examining Russia’s foreign policy relations with Europe, the CIS and the USA in particular.


Lectures, seminars, enquiry-based learning - requiring students to work collaboratively, in order to research pre-assigned questions and to present results of that research to the class.


Clarke, M & White, B (1989) Understanding Foreign Policy. The Foreign Policy Systems Approach, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Cox, M & Stokes, D (2008) US Foreign Policy, Oxford University Press
Donaldson, R & Nogee, J (2002) The Foreign Policy of Russia, Armonk, NY & London: M E Sharpe
Hill, C (2003) The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy, Basingstoke, Hants: Palgrave MacMillan
Smith, S, Hadfield, A, Dunne, T (2008) Foreign Policy. Theories, Actors, Cases, Oxford University Press
Webber, M & Smith, M (2002) Foreign Policy in a Transformed World, Harlow, Essex: Pearson
White, B (2001) Understanding European Foreign Policy, Basingstoke, Hants: Palgrave
White, Stephen, Gitelman, Z & Sakwas, R (eds,) (2005) Developments in Russian Politics, Basingstoke, Hants: Palgrave MacMillan