Planning a SIG/GIG Meeting

  1. Eight to ten weeks before the event

Schedule the date of the event

Helpful Hints:

Check the date against the ASTD meeting calendar for other events; coordinate with Google docs calendar

If possible, hold your meetings in a month the ASTD Chapter meeting does not meet

Reserve a meeting room; check set-up for arrangement of tables, chairs, maximum number of attendees, etc.

Confirm that event location is equipped with internet access for on-site event registration

Discuss speaker options and book a speaker for the event.

Obtain completed “Speaker Questionnaire” and pass to SIG-GIG marketing/communications

Create an engaging title

Create a flyer (for cross-promotion and to show to potential sponsors)

Search for and secure a sponsor

Let VP, SIG/GIGs know of event

Follow ASTD process to announce event on the ASTD Chapter web site and Facebook

Follow ASTD process to create event webpage in Wild Apricot

Create a LinkedIn event. Email the speaker and your SIG/GIG committee to add this to their profile

  1. Two to four weeks before the event

Reconfirm with speaker - ask if there are technology needs

Send an email and RSVP to the SIG/GIG group email list to promote the event

Get info to promote the sponsor

Market the meeting through other sources (websites, etc.)

Check how registration is progressing

  1. One week before the event

Create agenda

Ensure you have ASTD flyers to promote the ASTD organization

Check in with the speaker –reconfirm date, does he/she need directions, where to park, etc.

Check room for laptop connectivity

Secure projector, if needed

Determine food and beverages for event

Print out President’s Thank You letter for speaker; give to speaker after presentation at event

Prepare what to say to present speaker to attendees

Make copies of Sign-In sheets for sign-in of those who attend

Helpful hint: This is where you develop your email list and find SIG/GIG committee members.

Make copies of the SIG/GIG Meeting Evaluation form available in the Leadership Toolkit

Send reminder email and RSVP notice to the SIG/GIG list

Buy Name Badge Labels and magic marker for meeting

  1. Day before and/or Day of the Meeting

Request list of registered attendees for event from SIG/GIG communications

Set up room for event

Bring Sign-In sheets and pen(s)

Bring Name Badge Labels and Markers

Bring fee receipts for those that are paying at the event

Alert security in the building of the event, if needed

Bring SIG/GIGMeeting Evaluation forms

Buy/bring food, soft drinks and ice for event

Bring ice cooler

Buy/bring paper products

Save all receipts for reimbursement

Open room and set up ½ hour before the event registration

Ensure PowerPoint Chapter Rotator is showing in event room

Bring writing tablet to take any notes

Don’t forget to announce and thank the sponsor

Present speaker with President’s Thank You letter

Make announcement for next meeting and next Chapter meeting

  1. One to ten days after the meeting

Review results of the meeting evaluation formand send to speaker and SIG/GIG chair

Follow process for receipt reimbursement; coordinate with VP SIG/GIGs on cash receipts

Write up a summary of the meeting following guidelines on page 17 of the ASTD SIGs GIGs Manual; send a copy to VP, SIG/GIGs.
