Inglês 9.º ano
English Speaking Countries

Read the text below and answer accordingly.

Lady Gaga, Fame Monster or Positive Role Model?

There’s no doubt that some of Gaga’s antics, such as wearing meat and being painted with blood is not something that parents want to highlight to their teens. As a parent, you may love her or you may hate her. One thing is certain these days though, you can’t avoid her. The reality is that she is one of the most modern teen influencers today, so parents need to understand some of her influential messages as well as choose to focus on her positive actions.

For one thing, Lady Gaga works hard and has done so since she was a toddler. She was playing the piano at the age of five and was writing songs by the time she was 13. She started performing at open mike events at the age of 14. She attended "Tisch School of the Arts in New York University, where she studied art and music. Gaga did end up dropping out in the second semester of her sophomore year, but only to dedicate herself to her musical career. She’s one of the few pop artists that writes her own songs, plays her own instruments and sings live.

Another prominent Gaga message that parents should be aware of is her focus on strength and individuality. It’s true that Gaga’s fashion sense is unconventional. But on the other hand, she is demonstrating individuality. Some say that her fishnet stockings, quirky sunglasses and boots make her look bad. She has been criticized in some circles for her bikini bottoms and leotards, but do these same people blink an eye when Britney Spears, Beyonce or Rhianna dress the same?

Gaga is all about elevating pop music to an art form. She’s a serious artist and business woman, who’s also concerned about her fans. She embraces her role model status and her femininity. She wants to be a good role model and have a strong connection with her fans. More than that though is her desire to have her fans connect with each other. Therein lies the importance of teen influencers.

Although parents may question some of Lady Gaga’s performance antics, she has earned a spot in the philanthropy world providing much needed financial aid for others in need by supporting numerous humanitarianism works and charities. Parents striking up conversations with their teens should consider these social topics in their discussions. She writes her own award-winning songs, performs in award winning videos, wins fashion awards and works hard at her craft. Isn’t this what all parents want of their children — to work hard and be successful at something they are passionate about?

Adapted and Abridged version of M., Elizabeth. "Lady Gaga, Fame Monster or Positive Role Model?" Web. 20 Feb. 2015. htt://

1. Decide if the following statements are True [T] or False [F].

a) You can just ignore Lady Gaga's influence on teens.

b) Even as a child Lady Gaga worked hard.

c) She started writing her own material in her twenties.

d) Lady Gaga has a degree from Tisch School of the Arts.

2. Decide if the following statements are True [T] or False [F]. Correct the false ones.

a) In her early twenties she was already performing for live audiences.

b) She didn't get a university degree.

c) She has a very unique fashion sense.

d) Gaga is a very bland artist.

3. Choose the correct option.

An "open mike event" means...

a) a live show where the audience members wait for Mike to open the event.

b) a live show where the audience members pay to perform what they want.

c) a live show where the audience members are free to sing or perform stand up comedy.

4. Choose the correct option.

Lady Gaga is a multifaceted artist, which means:

a) she is talented and has many artistic skills.

b) she is adaptable and has many artistic faucets.

c) she is dull and has many artistic personalities.

5. Choose the correct option.

To "not blink an eye" about something means:

a) you are forced to keep your eyes open.

b) you are so surprised that you just stare.

c) you show no reaction and couldn't care less.

6. Find synonyms in the text for the following words:

a) emphasize (paragraph 1)

b) begin (paragraph 5)

c) skill (paragraph 5)

d) famous (paragraph 5)

7. Find antonyms in the text for the following words:

a) follow up (paragraph 2)

b) commonality (paragraph 3)

c) selfishness (paragraph 5)

d) normal (paragraph 3)

8. Match the words on the left with their meaning on the right.

1- Antics. / a) A close-fitting one-piece garment made of a stretchy fabric.
2- Toddler. / b) Outrageous behaviour.
3- Fishnet stockings. / c) Young child who is just beginning to walk.
4- Leotard. / d) A piece of clothing worn on leg with a pattern of small holes.

9. What do the following words refer to?

a) “her” (paragraph 1)

b) “where” (paragraph 2)

c) “their” (paragraph 5)

d) “this” (paragraph 5)

10. Finish the sentences according to the text.

a) You can either love or hate her, but you...

b) In her second semester she...

c) Her sense of fashion demonstrates...

d) She isn't just keen on being a good role model she also wants...

11. Find evidence for the following statements.

a) She showed an artistic side from an early age.

b) She is a multifaceted artist.

c) Some of the people who criticise her are biased.

d) Lady Gaga wants to take pop music to a higher level.

12. Find the odd one out.

a) Pop; braid; trance; jazz.

b) Adele; Amy Winehouse; Leona Lewis; Lady Gaga.

c) Acoustic guitar; bass guitar; unplugged guitar; electric guitar.

13. Fill in the blanks with the words below.

After last night’s a) ______I should just b) ______that my singing career is officially over and, for all means and purposes, I am now another School of the Arts c)______.

Options: Drop out; Antics; Highlight

14. Fill in the blanks with the words below.

I have develop a a) ______personality trait: addiction to b) ______sessions for stand up comedy which, when you think about it, is absolutely silly since, pretty much like a c)______, I fall flat on my face when I try to stand.

Options: Open mike; Toddler; Quirky

15. Write the correct questions for the following answers.

a) No, you can love or hate Lady Gaga, but you can't ignore her.

b) She started writing songs when she was 13 years old.

c) Her university was in New York.

d) She has earned a spot in the philanthropy world by supporting numerous charities.

16. Answer the following questions.

a) Why do parents need to focus on her positive actions?

b) Where did she study art and music?

c) Why did she drop out of university?

d) What do all parents want?

17. Lay Gaga, Britney Spears and Beyoncé are all American singers. Can you name any British ones? Whose music has had a greater impact on your life?

18. Public figures have the added responsibility of being role models to a vast number of people, therefore they need to be careful with how they act and present themselves to the world. Would you want to be famous? How would deal with the responsibility of being a role model?

19. Lady Gaga is said to be one of the most modern teen influencers today. Do you agree? What is your opinion of her and her music?

20. America has been said to be the land of dreams. Do you think that still holds true? What (if anything) has changed?

1. a) F; b) T; c) F; d) F.


a) F - She started performing at open mike events at the age of 14.

b) T.

c) T.

d) F - Gaga is a multifaceted artist

3. c).

4. a).

5. c).

6. a) highlight; b) striking up; c) craft; d) successful.

7. a) drop out; b) individuality; c) philanthropy; d) quirky.

8. 1- b); 2- c); 3- d); 4- a).

9. a) Gaga’s message; b) Tisch School of the Arts c) parent’s teens d) work hard and be successful.


a) ...can't avoid her.

b) ...dropped out of university.

c) ...her individuality

d) have a strong connection with her fans.


a) " She was playing the piano at the age of five and was writing songs by the time she was 13. She started performing at open mike events at the age of 14."

b) "She’s one of the few pop artists that writes her own songs, plays her own instruments and sings live."

c) "She has been criticized in some circles for her bikini bottoms and leotards, but do these same people blink an eye when Britney Spears, Beyonce or Rhianna dress the same?"

d) "Gaga is all about elevating pop music to an art form."

12. a) braid; b) Lady Gaga; c) unplugged guitar.

13. a) antics; b) highlight; c) drop out.

14. a) quirky; b) open mike; c) toddler.


a) Can you ignore Lady Gaga?

b) How old was she when she started writing songs?

c) Where was her university?

d) How has she earned a spot in the philanthropy world?


a) Parents need to focus on her positive actions because she is one of the most modern teen influencers today.

b) She studied art and music at Tisch school of the Arts.

c) She dropped out of university because she wanted to dedicate herself to her music career.

d) All parents want their teens to work hard and be successful.

17. Students should:

- express their opinion on the matter, using grammatically correct language, including vocabulary appropriate to the topic to enhance clarity and readability;

- present at least one person whose music influences them stating their reasons;

- demonstrate knowledge of the writing process related to creating an opinion essay with attention to organization, topic and quality of ideas by:

- generating and organizing ideas for writing;

- developing a clear purpose for writing;

- making generalizations and using supporting details;

- arranging paragraphs into a logical progression;

- revising their writing for clarity, coherence, smooth transitions and unity.

18. Students should:

- express their opinion on the matter, using grammatically correct language, including vocabulary appropriate to the topic to enhance clarity and readability;

- make connections between personal experience and their knowledge of the world around them.

- present at valid examples (personal or otherwise) of a life role model responsibilities by drawing on their prior experience and their interactions with others,

- demonstrate knowledge of the writing process related to creating an opinion essay with attention to organization, topic and quality of ideas by:

- generating and organizing ideas for writing;

- developing a clear purpose for writing;

- making generalizations and using supporting details;

- arranging paragraphs into a logical progression;

- revising their writing for clarity, coherence, smooth transitions and unity.

19. Students should:

- express their opinion on the matter, using grammatically correct language, including vocabulary appropriate to the topic to enhance clarity and readability;

- present at least one valid reason for their opinion of Lady Gaga;

- demonstrate knowledge of the writing process related to creating an opinion essay with attention to organization, topic and quality of ideas by:

- generating and organizing ideas for writing;

- developing a clear purpose for writing;

- making generalizations and using supporting details;

- arranging paragraphs into a logical progression;

- revising their writing for clarity, coherence, smooth transitions and unity.

20. Students should:

- express their opinion on the matter, using grammatically correct language, including vocabulary appropriate to the topic to enhance clarity and readability;

- present at least one valid reason for how they see America by drawing on their prior experience and their interactions with others, establishing connections and forming interpretations;

- demonstrate knowledge of the writing process related to creating an opinion essay with attention to organization, topic and quality of ideas by:

- generating and organizing ideas for writing;

- developing a clear purpose for writing;

- making generalizations and using supporting details;

- arranging paragraphs into a logical progression;

- revising their writing for clarity, coherence, smooth transitions and unity.

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