Town of Hempstead/City of Long Beach
Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB)
Feedback in Response to
HempsteadWorks One-Stop Operator
Annual Report for Program Year 2014
(July 1, 2014 through June, 30, 2015)
Section I:Background
The HempsteadWorks One-Stop System Operator has submitted its Annual Report for Program Year 2014 to the LWDB in accordance with the local Recertification Process and the Local Plan. The Town of Hempstead Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) is providing this document in response to the Operator’s Report to identify positive and negative trends, issues of concern and continuous improvement actions that the Operator must undertake. In addition to the Operator Report, our feedback and instructions are based upon data obtained from the following sources:
- New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) Common Measures Summary Report
- Local Workforce Development Area Customer Service Indicator Performance Report
- HempsteadWorks Quality Assurance Program (HWQAP) Reports
Section II:Summary
In general, the report indicates outstanding performance by the HempsteadWorks One-Stop Operator in terms of customer satisfaction, return-on-investment, and organizational results. The report indicates that the Operator passed all United States Department of Labor (USDOL) Common Measures. In addition, the Operator achieved a “Satisfactory” rating of for the following Customer Service Indicators:
Initial Assessment
Reduce Number of Unemployment Insurance Exiters
Job Search Related Services
Regional Training
The Operator achieved an “Unsatisfactory” for the Customer Service Indicator entitled: “Employability Profile.”
Section III:Issues/Actions
Issue1:Common Measures Performance
The Town of Hempstead/City of Long Beach Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA) passed all Common Measures in Program Year 2014; however, it performed between the minimum passing rate of 80% of the planned goal and 100% of the planned goal for the following measure:
- Youth Literacy and Numeracy Gains Rate
Table I below describes the LWDA performance versus its planned goals for all of the Common Measures, with the above bulleted measure highlighted in gray.
Table I:Common Measures
Measure / Funding Stream / Goal / Actual / Num. / Den. / % of GoalPlacement in Employment or Education / Youth (14-21) / 70.5 / 82.4 / 28 / 34 / 116.9%
10/01/2013 - 09/30/2014
Attainment of Degree or Certificate / Youth (14-21) / 65.9 / 85.3 / 29 / 34 / 129.4%
10/01/2013 - 09/30/2014 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Literacy and Numeracy Gains / Youth (14-21) / 56.7 / 52.9 / 8 / 15 / 93.3%
07/01/2014 - 06/30/2015
Entered Employment Rate / Adults / 59 / 59.8 / 2,960 / 4,953 / 101.4%
10/01/2013 - 09/30/2014 / Dislocated Workers / 53.4 / 56.1 / 5,678 / 10,126 / 105.1%
Retention Rate / Adults / 81 / 81.1 / 2,674 / 3,297 / 100.1%
04/01/2014 - 03/31/2015 / Dislocated Workers / 82 / 84.2 / 4,952 / 5,880 / 102.7%
Average Earnings / Adults / $13,401 / $16,349 / 43,226,753 / 2,644 / 122.0%
04/01/2013 - 03/31/2014 / Dislocated Workers / $19,587 / $22,163 / 108,508,131 / 4,900 / 113.2%
In order toimprove these outcomes, the Operator must continue to ensure that pre and post testing is conducted in a timely manner, that tutoring services are provided as necessary, and that outcomes are entered in OSOS on a timely basis.
Issue # 2: Customer Service Indicators Performance
The LWDA achieved a “satisfactory” rating for all Customer Service Indicators, except for the Customer Service Indicator entitled “Employability Profile,” for which the LWIA achieved an “Unsatisfactory” rating The LWDA performance goal for this indicator was 95% and the actual performance rate as of June 30, 2015 was 61.3. The LWDB acknowledges that the Operator achieved a steady improvement for performance under this indicator throughout Program Year 2014. Table II below describes the LWIA performance versus its planned goals for all of the Customer Service Indicators, with the Employability Profile indicator highlighted in gray.
Table II:Customer Service Indicators
Indicator / Criteria / Goal / Actual / % of Goal / RatingInitial Assessment / % of Initial Assessments / 95.0% / 97.5% / 103% / Satisfactory
Reduce UI Exiters / % of Exiters Receiving UIB / 10.0% / 6.0% / 167% / Satisfactory
Employability Profile / % of Customers withProfile Complete / 95.0% / 61.3% / 64.5% / Unsatisfactory
Job Search Referral Services / % of Customers Referred within 5 days of Registration / 95.0% / 98.0% / 103% / Satisfactory
Regional Training / ITA Course on Priority List / 95.% / 98.7% / 104% / Satisfactory
The Operator musttrain staff to comply with the new requirements for the Customer Service Indicators in Program Year 2015, as described in Technical Advisory #15-9. Particular attention should be paid to the Indicator entitled “Employability Profile.” As the Technical Advisory states:
- “The intent of this measure is to enhancethe initial assessment process by ensuring each customer has a complete Employability Profile in NYESS/OSOS. The information contained in the Employability Profile enhances the customer’s employment options by ensuring a proper assessment, forming the basis for a quality resume, and improving the job matching and referral services.
- A complete Employability Profile requires specific attention to the following:
- Objective Tab:
- Enter an appropriate Employment Objective. This includes replacing “To Be Updated” with an appropriate Objective for UI customers.
- Complete the Desired O’NET section, including
- Filling out the Experience fields; and
- At least one of the desired O’NET titles matches an O’NET title from the Work History.
- Education/License (Ed/Lic Tab):
- School Section must have at least one complete entry for customers who possess an Associate’s Degree or more (i.e., Bachelor, Master or Doctorate). This information must match the Education Information on the General Info Tab.
- Work History Tab:
- Enter at least one complete entry. For UI customers, staff must replace “TCC Update” with a complete entry describing the last position the individual held. A complete entry must have accurate information in all required fields, particularly:
- Start and End dates;
- Reason for Leaving;
- ONET Title;
- Job Duties; and
- Wage.”