ESM Table 7. Description of Sur Sur samples.

Sample / Rock unit
mineral /


807-809 m / PQM
zircon / Quartz monzonite porphyry with quartz-potassic feldspar cement; phenocrysts of plagioclase, quartz and chloritized biotite; sericitized plagioclase; anhydrite; rounded quartz; zircon.
616.5 m / BXM
biotite-cement / Magmatic breccia; cement of fine (<100 m) and coarse biotite(ca. 1 mm)containing millimetre to centimetre diorite clasts with plagioclase, some quartz and anhydrite; clasts are slightly sericitized; chloritized biotite; coarse grained biotiteat clast rims; no biotite in clasts.
705.7 m / (BXT) BXMGD
feldspar vein / Tourmaline breccias with Cascada granodiorite clasts; quartz-potassic feldspar-vein with smaller calcite-(quartz)-vein; in some parts accumulation of fine-grained biotite(< 150 m); some anhydrite.
708.3 / BXMGD
quartz-sericite vein / Magmatic breccia with Cascada granodiorite clasts; quartz-potassic feldspar-plagclase with sericitiation, plagioclase contain rarely apatite (40 m); fine-grained biotite (40–100 m) in agglomerations; deformed plagioclase, twin lamellae are curved; scarce zircon (< 40 m); rare anhydrite; calcite formation in some feldspar.
802 m / BXMGD
feldspar vein / Magmatic breccias with Cascada granodiorite clasts; quartz-feldsparcement with agglomeration of finer grained slightly chloritized biotite (<200 m); some quartz grainscontain crystals of fresh biotite (+/- 100m); some anhydrite-veins; rare apatite (80 m) in feldspar.
809.7-810.4 m / GDCC
feldspar flooding / Cascada granodiorite; feldspar phenocrysts of ca. 1mm or bigger; some biotite of ca.200 m; groundmass with locally fine grained quartz, feldspar and secondary fine-grained biotite (ca. 10 m); anhydrite-muscovite vein.
646.3 m / BXMGD
biotite vein / Tourmaline breccias with Cascada granodiorite clasts; feldspar cement partially sericitized; anhydrite; gypsum vein; tourmaline; chloritized biotite; disseminated bornite and chalcopyrite.
590 m / BXT
feldspar vein / Tourmaline breccias with Cascada granodiorite clasts; cement of tourmaline; clasts contain feldspar; strong sericitization; few chloritized biotite; feldspar-opaques vein cuts cement and BXT clasts.
599.8 m / BXT
biotite-cement / Tourmaline breccias with diorite clasts; strongly sericitized fragments with magnetite;fine-grained cement biotite (< 100 m) strongly chloritized;tourmaline veins with discontinued molybdenite rims; anhydrite.
429 m / BXT
molybdenite / Tourmaline breccia with tourmaline in cement and diorite fragments; clasts contain sericitized feldspar and quartz phenocrysts; quartz-chlorite and quartz-gypsum veins; molybdenite vein and molybdenite associated with quartz-chalcopyrite-chlorite veins.
145.8 m / BXT
biotite vein / Tourmaline breccia with tourmaline in cement and Cascada granodiorite fragments; biotite in quartz-anhydrite chalcopyrite-green sericite vein rim (“C”-type vein).
TSS -53
553 m / Diorite
feldspar aplite / Diorite in contact with potassic feldspar aplite; aplite shows in contact zone high accumulation of potassic feldspar; with distance from contact zone quartz, potassic feldspar, plagioclase, chloritized biotite and some opaques.

GDCC: Cascada granodiorite; PQM: Quartz Monzonite porphyry; BXMGD: magmatic breccias in granodiorite; BXT:Tourmaline Breccia.