Tuesday 18 October 2016

Attendees:Nigel Callaghan (NC)

Issy Johnson (IJ)

Ed Bowen-Roberts (EBR)

Aline Kay (EK)

Jackie Rawle (JR)

Stephen Steer-Smith (SSS)


  1. ANTI-BULLYING POSTER – the two school councils have met (Herons Moor and Baytree) all designs were agreed and it was the task for Herons Moor to put this together into a poster. Unfortunately the School Council Leader has left the school and no contact has been made regards a further meeting or progress of the poster. Baytree School Council Leadership has also moved from Ed Bowen-Roberts to Lottie Pimm – Ed will speak with Lottie to arrange a further meeting or contact with Herons Moor.
  1. E Safety Incidents – two incidents to report – one in June 2016 (recorded as a ‘near miss’ by the Local Authority) and one last week. Steps have been taken to ensure this does not happen again. All teachers now have access to their own encrypted hard drives and USB sticks and have had further training on where to save information on the network safely.
  1. E Safety Training (Online Child Exploitation and Online Safety and also Data Protection (Information Safety and Governance) has now been issued out to all staff members – this training is EDUCARE and needs to be completed by December 2016. All Governors have access to this training as well.
  1. You Tube – this is now available to all classes however it is imperative that you watch all videos through to the finish before showing in class. There is still a filtering system on the server. Aline and Jackie will put together You Tube rules for everyone.
  1. The new Digital Magazine has been received and distributed out to all pupils (w/e 14.10.16).
  1. School Website – this has been updated and new photos have been put on the website.
  1. 360 Review – Progress Review (15.09.16) made 3 rating changes improving your overall rating to 1.3. This makes your current rating significantly above average compared to the 8316 schools using 360 degree safe. Congratulations – our records suggest that you have reached the E Safety Mark standard.
  1. New Laptops etc – IJ mentioned we have to spend some Devolved Capital money by the end of this financial year – AK and JR will put together a plan of what is needed in school by the end of this week in order for IJ to get quotes and order.
  1. Eyegaze – there have been some problems with compatibility and this needs to be taken into consideration when ordering new IT equipment.
  1. EBR mentioned a new system for a learning journey for Parents – Tapestry. This will be looked at and trialled in Green Class hopefully receiving feedback from parents. NC is happy to be the trial parent – EBR will investigate further.

Date of next meeting – Monday 4 July @9:00