Design and Implementation of Jewelry Selling System Based on .NET MVCFramework

I want to create an online product catalog (Jewelry store) that customers can browse by category and page, a shopping cart where users can add and remove products, and a checkout where customers can enter their shipping details. Another thing that I want is creating an administration area that includes create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) facilities for managing the catalog—and I want to protect it so that only logged-in administrators can make changes, and the code must be done by ASP.NET MVC (model-view-controller).

The application I want to build is not just a shallow demonstration. Instead, I need tocreate a solid and realistic application that adheres to best practices. And the database is SQLSERVER includes its required tables. Also I want the full instructions to run the program perfectly with the screenshots for the running it properly

The logic for the program

According to actual needs, the jewelry online sales system mainly consists of four modules, each module holding corresponding sub-modules, which is shown in figure 2. Next, I will introduce each module briefly:

1) User Login module: Identify manager, customer and

merchant identity. The system shall provide individuation

service and operation according to different people.

2) Information management module: it mainly consists

of user information management and jewelry information

management. User information management module is

convenient for users to modify password, personal

information and so on. Jewelry information management

module is designed to achieve operation of all kinds of

jewelry, like add, delete, modify and query. It is convenient

to operate and manage jewelry uniformly.

3) User browser module: its main function is to browse

various types of jewelry overview, and details of jewelry

information, which includes jewelry type, quality, color,

shape, weight, price, real images and certificate of quality.

4) Online purchasing module: online purchasing part

mainly includes order management, online payment and

security features, which ensure the smooth progress of online


Figure 2. Jewelry Online Sales System functional module

The System interface structure is shown in the Figure bellow:


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