Cincinnati Bible College and Seminary

Spring 2013

Professor Gary J. Gregory

2 Hours Credit


Worship and the Arts is an introduction to the various expressions of the arts in worship. The course will investigate the biblical basis for the arts as well as historical and contemporary uses of the arts in worship. Forms studied will include but will not be limited to music, painting, sculpture, drama, technology, print media, and expressive movement. Special attention will be given to exploring ways to enhance corporate worship through the use of the arts.


The church of the 21st Century is in the midst of one of the greatest transitions in history—from modernity to postmodernity. In many ways the church has found itself in a struggle to present the gospel in a cultural setting which is different from the past. Leonard Sweet has described the new postmodern culture as experiential, participatory, image-driven and connected. This transition from a predominantly verbal culture to a multisensory culture has made an impact on the church that has created a widespread desire for worship renewal that connects today’s society with the truth of the gospel in new ways. Many renewalists are expressing an interest in restoring the arts in worship as a means of recovering the lost aspects of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell in the worship experience. Just as people experience life in multiple ways, some visual, others auditory, etc., the message of the gospel must also take on many forms to reach and touch their lives.


  • To provide a scriptural and theological basis for the employment of the arts in worship.
  • To introduce the student to a variety of art forms which can be used in worship.
  • To explore the development of new forms of expression in the spreading of the gospel.
  • To encourage creativity and innovation in uses of art forms for the purpose of worship.
  • Construct a logical order of worship through which God’s story is proclaimed and embodied in the acts of worship

In addition to gaining a deeper understanding of worship and the arts the following attitudes and commitments are objectives for each student:

  • Active involvement in worship renewal that employs various expressions of art in Christian worship.
  • Appreciation of the relationship of the arts to the Christian life.

Required Texts for the Class:

Best, Harold M. Unceasing Worship: Biblical Perspectives on Worship and the Arts. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003.

BCherry, Constance M. The worship Architect: A Blueprint for Designing CulturallyRelevant and Biblically Relevant Faithful Services. Grand Rapids: Baker BookHouse, 2010.

Types of Learning Experiences:

Some class sessions will include lecture information, and other sessions will be presented in a highly interactive format that may include class discussion, activities or brief worship experiences of various styles. Reading assignments are listed in the course schedule and are to be read in advance in preparation for class each. Students will be required to experience a different worship tradition other than their own and reflect on the experience in light of their studies in this course. Two exams will be given in the semester. Study guides will be available for each exam.


1. Daily assignments will consist of readings as listed in the course agenda, responses to the study questions as assigned, and other preparations as assigned. Assigned responses will form the basis for class discussions for some sessions and at other times will simply serve to get you started thinking about the topic. Students will also participate in small group practicum experiences that are presented in class and are based on different applications of the arts in worship. Each student is required to participate in planning and leading in practicum experiences as assigned. Groups will consist of a minimum of two students and a maximum of three students.

  1. Reflection on Church visit. Visit a Church worship service that is not of your own background and write a one or two-page reflection paper after your visit. If possible, this visit could include a seasonal service related to the church calendar. As you report on your visit describe the style of service you attended and reflect on any of the following worship aspects you observed: use of symbols, use of the arts, worship environment, view of God, worship style, technology/multimedia, modernity/ postmodernity, level of engagement of the worshiper, etc.

3Major Project. The major project will include an in-class presentation of research on a chosen media with an accompanying audio or visual presentation. This project will be presented in place of a final exam. Project ideas might include: presentation of a praise song or psalm setting enhanced with visual presentation, a praise banner, sculpture, other visual art, electronic media, a dramatic creation, etc. Students are expected to do additional reading related to their major project. A 6-8-page paper including researched information on the content of the presentation or the format of the presentation should accompany the project. All projects must be approved in advance.

Grading Criteria:



Major Project 25%

Daily Assignments30%

Class Participation / Practicum Presentations15%

Reflection on Church Visit10%


Adams, Doug. Eyes to See Wholeness: Visual Arts Informing Biblical and Theological Studies in Education and Worship Through the Church Year. Prescott, AZ: Educational Ministries, Inc. 1995.

Adams, Doug, and Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, eds. Dance as Religious Studies. New York: Crossroad Publishing, 1990.

Apostolos-Cappadona, Diane, ed. Postmodern Worship and the Arts. Sarasota, CA: Resource Publications, 2002.

Baker, Jonny, Alternative Worship: Resources from and for the Emerging Church. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2004.

Best, Harold M. Music Through the Eyes of Faith. New York: Harper Collins, 1993.

Best, Harold M. Unceasing Worship: Biblical Perspectives on Worship and the Arts. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003.

Begbie, Jeremy S., ed. Beholding the Glory: Incarnation Through the Arts. Grand Rapids: Baker Book

House, 2000.

Brand, Hillary, and Adrienne Chaplin. Art and Soul: Signposts for Christians in the Arts. Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 2002.

Brown, Frank Burch. Good Taste, Bad Taste, and Christian Taste. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Brown, Frank Burch. Inclusive Yet Discerning: Navigating Worship Artfully. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009.

Bustard, Ned, ed. It Was Good: Making Art to the Glory of God. Square Halo Books, 2000.

Cherry, Constance. The Worship Architect: A Blueprint for Designing Culturally Relevant and Biblically Faithful Services. Baker Academic, 2010.

Cloninger, Curt. Drama for Worship: Contemporary Sketches for Opening Hearts to God. Volume 1,2. Cincinnati: Standard Publishing, 1998,1999.

Dawn Marva J. A Royal “Waste” of Time: The Splender of Worshiping God and Being Church for the

World. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1999.

Dearborn, Tim A. and Scott Coil, eds. Worship at the Next Level: Insight from Contemporary Voices.

Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2004.

Drury, John. Painting the Word: Christian Pictures and Their Meanings. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000.

Dyrness, William A. Visual Faith: Art, Theology and Worship in Dialogue Engaging Culture. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2001.

Farley, Todd. The Silent Prophet. Pasadena: Mimeistry Inc., 2002. (Available online )

Giles, Richard. Re-Pitching the Tent: Reordering the Church Building for Worship and Mission. Revised, expanded edition. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2000.

Goens, Linda M. Praising God Through the Lively arts. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1999.

Hustad, Donald P. Jubilate II: Church Music in Worship and Renewal. Carol Stream, IL: Hope Publishing, 1993.

Liesch, Barry. The New Worship: Straight Talk on Music and the Church. Grand Rapids: Baker books,


McGregor, Neil. Seeing Salvation. New Haven: Yale University, 2000.

Miller, Kim, and the Ginghamsburg Church Worship Team. Handbook for Multi-Sensory Worship. Vol. 1. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1999. [Includes CD.]

Miller, Kim, and the Ginghamsburg Church Worship Team. Handbook for Multi-Sensory Worship. Vol. 2. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2002. [Includes CD.]

Mitman, F. Russel. Worship in the Shape of Scripture. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2001.

Old, Hughes Oliphant, Leading in Prayer: A Workbook for Worship. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing

Co. 1995.

Pederson, Steve. Drama Ministry: Practical Helps for Making Drama a Vital Part of Your Church. Grand

Rapids; Zondervan, 1999.

Roth, Anne Van Dillen. Art and Soul: Exploring God’s Power through Scripture and Creative Arts. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2002.

Ryken, Leland. The Liberated Imagination: Thinking Christianly About the Arts. Harold Shaw, 1989.

Sample, Tex. Powerful Persuasion: Multimedia Witness in Christian Worship. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2005.

Schultz, Quentin. High-Tech Worship? Using Presentational Technologies Wisely. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 2004.

Siewert, Alison, ed. Drama Team Handbook. Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 2003.

Sweet, Leonard. Post-Modern Pilgrims: First Century Passion for the 21st Century World. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2000.

Turner, Steve. Imagine: A Vision for Christians in the Arts. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2001.

Veith, Jr. Gene Edward. The Gift of Art: the Place of the Arts in Scripture. Downers Grove, IL: Inter- Varsity Press, 1983.

Webber, Robert E., ed. The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Volume III, IV. Nashville: Star Song Publishing Group, 1994.

Webber, Robert E. Enter His Courts with Praise. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1997.

Webber, Robert E. Planning Blended Worship: The Creative Mixture of Old and New. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998.

Webber, Robert, E. Worship Is a Verb. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers: 1992, reprinted 1999.

Williamson, Beth. Christian Art: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2004.


Week /

Class Lecture / Discussions /class activities

/ Assignments:

Reading / Questions / Discussion

1 1/23 / Introduction to the Course
1/25 / Unceasing Worship/Continuous Outpouring / Best Ch. 1, 2 (Create a six to eight line poem response to the reading)
2 1/30 / Preliminary Considerations on Worship and the Arts / Best Ch. 3, 4 (Make a pencil drawing that reflects a concept in the reading)
2/1 /

Worship, Witness, Praying, Preaching

/ Best Ch. 5, 6 (Write a prayer that is based on a scriptural prayer)
3 2/6 /

Continuous Outpouring and Artistic Action

/ Best Ch. 7 (Set to music one idea in the chapter in one verse of song)
2/8 /

God’s Creation/Music

/ Best Ch. 8,9 (Musical analysis assignment)
4 2/13 /

The arts and worship

/ Best Ch. 10,11 (Written response)
2/15 / Culture and art: issues
Multi-cultural worship / Best Ch. 12,13 (Three pictures that represent issues in the reading)
5 2/20 / What of Quality-
Philosophy of the Arts / Best Ch.14, Epilogue (Create a ppt. slide(s) that expresses the point of the reading)
2/22 / Take-home Exam on Readings /Class Notes. Discussion - Dance / (Write a Philosophy of Worship and the Arts)
6 2/27 / *Planning time for Tenebrae Service
3/1 / Class Discussion / Cherry: Intro/Ch.1 Establishing the Foundation (3-18)
7 3/13 / (Write down three ideas for inte-grating youth into the church body) / Cherry: Ch. 2 Worship is Centered in Jesus Christ (19-33)
3/15 / *Planning for Tenebrae Service / Cherry:Ch. 10 Encountering God in Music (151-177)
Spring Recess
8 3/20 / Music and Multi-Cultural Worship / Cherry: Ch. 11 Encountering God in Music (179-203)
3/22 /

The art of public prayer – how to voice the congregation’s prayer

/ Cherry: Ch. 9 Encountering God in Prayer (125-149)
9 3/27 / *Planning for Tenebrae Service
3/27 / Tenebrae Service at Family
3/29 / Good Friday / NO CLASSES
10 4/3 / Practicum – Visual Art / Cherry: Ch. 12 Encountering God in the Christian Year (205-218)
4/5 / Practicum – Ethnic Music/Art / Cherry: Ch. 3 The General Order of Worship (35-37)
Cherry: Ch. 4 The Gathering (53-66)
11 4/10 / Practicum – Story Telling / Cherry: Ch.5 The Word (67-83)
4/12 /

Practicum – Drama

/ Cherry: Ch.6 The Table of the Lord (85-96)
12 4/17 / Practicum – Sacred Space / Cherry: Ch. 8 The Sending (111-121)
4/19 / Practicum - Multi- Media / Cherry: Ch. 13 Principles of Worship Style (221-242)
13 4/24 / Open / Cherry: Ch. 14 Exploring Convergence (243-257)
4/26 / Choir tour – no class
14 5/1 / Cherry: Ch. 15 Nurturing Hospitality ( 259-271)
5/3 / Major Project presentations / Student Presentations
15 5/8 / Major Project Presentations / Student Presentations
5/10 /

Major Project Presentations

/ Student Presentations
5/11 / Finals-- Major project Presentations / Student Presentations

Notice: Course Plans are subject to change during the semester at the discretion of the professor.

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