Susan PennMarion BakerSue ClicknerMaryann HannayCarissa Zuniga

PresidentVice PresidentTreasurerRecording SecretaryCorresponding Secretary


March 5th, 2013

In attendance: Jason Chevrier: Principal, All PTO Board Members, Chris Siciliano, Kim Eaton, Danielle Cerrone, Kim Rossman, Carol-Jo Pusateri, Glenda Salerno, Ms. Rattner, Mrs. Ciampoli

Meeting called to order: 6:18 pm

Location: CES/Castleton Kids Room

Susan Penn, President: Welcome

Review and Approve March 2013 minutes: Motion to Approve: Chris Siciliano /Seconded: Kim Eaton

Sue Clickner, Treasurer Report:

The Report is available for review. Report shows current balances to date.

Thank You:

Marion Baker: for chairing, and all who volunteered for Family Movie Night.

Chris Siciliano: for removing all the expired soda from the PTO storage room.

Upcoming Events:

Pai’s Tae Kwon Do Fundraiser:

  • A flyer will be sent home to students for Pai’s 6 week introductory program, which will include a uniform and belt.
  • The cost is $69.00 per student.
  • Pai’s will give 100% of the proceeds back to CES/PTO.

CESAP: Meeting on 03/12/13 @ 6:30pm in CES Art Room. All are invited to attend.

TV Free Week: Chair Kim Eaton

  • A flyer will be sent home with more information.
  • There will be a dead-line this year to submit signed pledge.

Read Over/Sleep Over: Co-Chairs Danielle Cerrone & Chris Siciliano

  • Need fruit and mini bagels. Hannaford Warehouse wouldn’t donate them this year.
  • Parent suggestion to go directly to Hannaford East Greenbush and make request instead of the Warehouse.
  • Parent suggestion to send a list home of what the children need to bring.

Lip Sync: Chair Glenda Salerno

  • Rehearsal April 9th and show on April 12th
  • Everything is all set with both the DJ and videographer
  • 32 groups registered

CES Spring Picture Day – April 11th

  • Spring photos earn the PTO a discount on yearbooks.

CES PTO Meeting moved to April 16th as to not interfere with Lip Sync rehearsal.

PTO Storage Room:

The PTO will be purchasing plastic Totes for storage of plates, condiments, utensils etc…We are having an issue with mice and this will provide a sanitary solution for these items. The PTO will also be implementing an inventory log for those individuals who have access to the storage room. This will make it easier for chair people to assess what is needed for an event.

Community Fair – Spotlight on the need for Chair People

  • A hand out is available “Overview of Chair People/and Area Coordinators Roles”
  • Parent suggestion to get more people involved:

Have a PTO representative go to Maple Hill Preschool to inform the preschool parents.

Possibly have a CES/PTO table at the Strawberry Festival.

Have information available to Kindergarten students attending Town Summer Camp.

2013-2014 Chairs:

  • A list is available for those interested in chairing an event for the next school year.
  • Glenda Salerno volunteered to stay on with School Banking, although her child will be moving on to MHMS. Thank you Glenda!

Teacher Representative:

Mrs. Ciampoli presented the PTO with two beautiful cards from the students thanking the PTO for Opera to Go.

Ms. Rattner and the students are very excited for their author visit next week.

Principal’s Corner:

  • School Budget – $1.6 million deficit
  • Stay informed
  • Students will feel the reductions next year.
  • Advocating for our children is the key. Please check the website to see what you can do to make a difference.
  • All involved in the school budget process are trying to find creative ways to bridge the deficit.

Open Discussion:

  • Thank you Mr. Chevrier and all faculty members for championing for our children!
  • Carol-Jo Pusateri: rescheduling The Relay/Recess for Life meeting with faculty due to snowstorm.
  • The Relay will be held on Field Day 6:30pm – 9:30 pm

Meeting Adjourned: 7:30 pm

Next Meeting: April 16th, 2013

Free childcare always available