Understanding Hyper-text

A Hands-on Workshop Presented by Sandeep

Use your time in the lab wisely.

Do not check or send e-mail unless otherwise specified.

This workshop is experiential. I want you to experience hypertext before you set out to write in it.

Stage 1: Experiencing Hypertext [35 minutes]

  • Visit the RMIT Hypertext Project [Spend 7-10 minutes browsing and clicking on the links]
  • Molly Wood column-
  • Read the Column on C/Net [5 Minutes]
  • Read the Column on Sandeep's Web Page [5 Minutes]
  • Read this hyper-text resume. [7-10 Minutes]
  • Open Microsoft Word. Go to the help section. Click on the Index tab. Type in the word Table in the search box. Go to the very first entry there- "About Tables". Read this document. [5 Minutes]

Stage 2: The Basic Tools To Create Hypertext [20 minutes]

  • Microsoft Word Menu- Insert-Hyperlink. Follow instructions to add links. You can either save as a Word document or as Web Page.
  • Powerpoint Menu- Inser-Hyperlink. Follow instructions to add links. Save.
  • On the Web, you can either upload a Word document or a hyper-text document. To see the difference between the two, first go here and then go here.
  • To make sure you know what you have understood how to do this, follow these steps-
  • Create a Word document with one link.
  • Save it as a web page on to the desktop.
  • Now, follow the next two steps to upload your file.
  • Uploading files on the Web:
  • Locate SSH-Secure FTP on the desktop/PC.
  • Click on "Quick Connect".
  • You will see a pop-up screen. If the host name is blank, type in dante.u.washington.edu. For user name, enter your NetID. Click on Connect.
  • If you have activated your account, you should see a public_html directory. Click on it.
  • Go to- You should see your file in hyper-text. Click on the link to make sure it works.

[Break of 10 minutes. Yes, it is ok to check your e-mail now.]

Stage 3: Getting Fancy [10 minutes]

  • You can create links to anything in Word.
  • Try this.
  • Create a textbox. Type in a word.
  • Now, create a link for the textbox.
  • Create the flowchart shown below.
  • Insert a link to each textbox.

The stages in the consumer purchase process are shown below. Every textbox is linked. Can you do this?

Stage 4: Writing in Hyper-text [20 Minutes]

  • Your job is to write a 2 page hyper-text document on one of these topics
  • "I, Brand". [Analyze yourself as a brand]
  • Create a hyper-text resume.
  • Create a knowledge map of what you have learned in this class so far.

Stage 5: Present to Class [20-30 Minutes]

  • Come up to the PC in the front.
  • Pull up your page.
  • Briefly describe what you did, what you learned about writing in hyper-text.