St. Patrick’s School Board Minutes

"The community of St.PatrickSchool believe that all students can grow in their Christian faith and strive to achieve the same standards that Jesus set forth in wisdom, age, and grace before God and Human kind. Our school's purpose is to prepare all children to reach their potential in spiritual, academic, physical, and social growth. Our responsibility is to help all students attain their maximum ability by word and example."

August 16, 2016

6:00 pm- Church Basement

St. Patrick School Board Meeting

The board appointed officers to start the meeting – President – Jack Regan, Vice President – Leah Hennessy, Secretary – Michelle Byrnes. Other Committees – Jack Regan- Parish Council, Tom O’Neill- Faith Formation, Leah Hennessy and Jessa Burns- Finance Committee.

1. Call to order-6:07 p.m. by Jack Regan after the Election of Officers

2. Opening Prayer- Father Mark

Members Present: Father Mark, Katie Fahey,Tom O’Neill, Jack Regan, Michelle Byrnes, Leah Hennessy, Jessa Lansing

Absent: Stacie Cooper

3. Approval of agenda – Motion by Leah, Second: Michelle

4. Visitors-None

5. Standing Committee Reports

A. Mardi Gras – No report, Mardi Gras will be January 28, 2017

B. Parents Group- Chili Supper will be in October, Tastefully Simple will continue for this year

C. Scrip Report- No report, however Scrip workers are requesting more workers to sign up,

D. Endowment Report- included in email 8/15

6. Consent Items

A. June Regular Board Meeting Minutes – Motion by Leah, Second by Father Mark

B. Financial Report/Finance Committee – Motion by Michelle, Second by Tom

7. Principal’s Report

A. STO- It’s that time to begin thinking about donating. Katie and Father Mark discussed the importance of donating and the benefits donations have on the school as well as for the person donating.

8. Old Business

9. New Business

A. Personnel

1. 1st grade teacher has been hired- Deb Hauber

2. Associates- Lower- Sherry Welch; Upper- Theresa Ellenz. Both associates will be helping out with recess duty throughout the week.

3. Custodian/Maintenance- John Duehr (25 hours a week). His current work day is from 6or 7 am-Noon, Monday -Friday

B. Enrollment

1. 185 students currently enrolled

2. Clover Patch Preschool currently has 30 students enrolled with 2 on the

waiting list

10. Adjournment and Closing Prayer – Motion by Michelle, Second by Leah at 7:15 p.m.

Next Meeting: September 15, 2016 Opening Prayer: Katie