Youth and Family Ministry

June & July

Summer Sunday Morning Coffee – Youth and their families take turns serving coffee and rolls after worship during the summer. This is a Summer Youth Fundraiser. Proceed go into the Youth Fund to help with the cost of fun events! For example: The Valley fair trip in June is about ½ price to you because we can use some money from the Youth Fund. How sweet is that? Be sure to sign up to help!

Water’s Edge 2011 is Thursday, May 31 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM at EdgewaterPark! Celebrate the beginning of summer and the last day of school! It’s for grades 7th through 12th. Bands playing are Loftland ( and The Cast & Crew ( Also featuring: Panic Switch, Indiscrepancy and I’ll Let You Know. Cost is free but bring extra money for concessions. This event is sponsored by TrinityChurch along with other local churches, organizations, businesses, and individuals.

Let’s go to Valleyfair! Wednesday, June 27 a bus for the LYU (Lutheran Youth United) Valleyfair event leaves from Central Park at 8:00 AM. All youth going into 7th – 12th & friends can go! Cost is $25. Absolute deadline to sign up on the Youth Board is June 21. Sign up sheet is on the Opportunity Table by the office. 90 youth went last year! Sign up ASAP. You snooze. You loose. You’ll leave Valleyfair at 8:00 PM & be home by 10:00 PM.

FAMILY Valleyfair Trip on the same day! Wednesday, June 27 there is a bus leaving Trinity at 8:00 AM. This bus will leave Valleyfair to get home by 8 PM OR earlier.

Cost is $25. Sign up sheet is on the Opportunity Table.

SUMMER SPLASH is Friday, July 22. Water fun & grill out at the Stanley’s is all about friends and families having fun together! 625 Park Ave. W. Water fun begins at 1:00 PM. Come when you can! Dinner is around 6:30 PM. The best hamburgers and hot dogs are on the grill! No cost. Please sign up at the Opportunity Table and order your choice of hamburgers and/or dogs.

VOLLEYBALL GAME for Youth & Adults!

Sunday, July 15! No cost! Absolutely FUN, FUN, FUN!

Also a sign up for food at the Opportunity Table!

SHINEFEST – is the 2ND Week in August. People from churches in the community volunteer to help people with “Acts of Kindness.” Activities could include helping with free oil changes on cars, cleaning up school grounds, mulching around trees and other “Acts of Kindness.”

Watch your church bulletin for details!

S/Coreen Johnson, Youth & Family Ministry