31 Edgehill Way, Mileoak

Brighton, East Sussex, England

BN41 2PU

10th May 2014

Globe Legislators, UN Food & Agriculture Rome, UNPGA John Ashe, UNSG Banki Moon

UNDP Helen Clarke, UNDP Olav Korvin

Antonio Tujan CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE)

Dear Sirs & Madammes

Re: Post 2015 UN Development Goal on Natural Capital Accounting and Civil Society

GLOBE Agriculture Meeting Mexico – June 2014

Thank you for defining and working towards the above UN Development Goal. I am writing on behalf of animals, as their advocate and to list some of my concerns which I hope can be addressed.

Much of the world's "natural capital" comes from animal products – the diary industry, the beef industry, McDonalds, Burger King, KFC. The fashion industry, leather, skins and the fur trade.

My report contains catasphropies and atrocities inflicted by man onto some animals, that we mass produce in their billions. These are animals of "food trade" "world trade" " "live export". Myself and friends in the animal rights community sincerely hope this can be addressed by Globe in June.


1. Ancient Food Torture Culture – General Torture/Boiling Alive Some South East Asian people still hold the belief that eating tortured cat flesh or dog meat, will bring them health benefits. There is no protection for dogs and cats that are still being boiled alive/tortured in some parts of China and South Korea. Case in point: Tortured in North India, stuffed with rice, and roasted alive. #civilSoc

2. Ancient Egypt Force Feeding Method – Foie Gras – ducks and geese are force fed 2kg of corn meal a day (the same as us eating 20KG). The physiological and physical torture these animals face as their livers swell up (to create an ancient delicacy) is untold. They cannot breath, and their back passages burst out. Often choke to death with food coming out from their nostrils. #civilSociety

3. Live Export – cultural/religious abuse and disasters

a: Case in point: The Gaza Files

Australian bulls sent over for a religious festival. Found - over 100 recorded cases of torture and abuse. Some bulls stabbed in the eyes. World Trade. Export.

b: Case in point:EU Animals traded through Beirut "Every day Beirut Public Slaughterhouse is open and operating animals are suffering unimaginably.This place should not be allowed to operate while it flouts international recommendations on slaughter. We believe thousands of EU animals pass through Beirut Public Slaughterhouse every year." stated by Compassion in World Farming.

c: Case In Point: Live Export disaster: 20,000 Australian sheep infected, rejected by the Arabs.

Karachi business man then bought them. Then ordered by his own government to kill them.

The animals had already endured a long and sweltering journey and been waiting in the boat days longer due to rejection. After a few more days in terrible conditions in the gruelling sun without access to food or enough water, thousands were clubbed over the head and many buried alive with bull dozers. Not all of them received a halal slaughter.

4. Infection/Virus Control - mass burning/live burying of agricultural animals

Case in point:Russia - Thousands of pigs thrown into pits and burned alive due to virus.

Millions of baby chicks and grown chickens thrown into fires. Live export/virus – example Karachi above.

5. Unethical Food Agriculture – Mother and Baby – civil society

Mother dogs in meat trade trucks giving birth, tiny puppies pushed out through gaps in wire cages, new born puppies & kittens thrown into pots and boiled alive in China/SKorea...... tiny runt piglets taken from mothers, smashed against walls and left in piles sometimes still alive...... baby calves being taken from greiving mothers at just a few hours old. Aborted calves eaten in Austria.

Please could the above "Animal Atrocities" be an agenda item at the June Agriculture Meeting in Mexico, or any other time when convieninent – as part of UN's #post2015 and #civilSociety.

The following are not Agriculture but "Trade" animals non the less. Fashion Industry.

1. Unethical Fashion – Mother and Baby – civil society Kacherel skin, as soon as a black baby lamb is born to its mother, it is killed by heartstick – for its soft coat. Sometimes they are aborted early. Baby calves also aborted early to gain extra fine leather.

2. The Unregulated Fur Trade and Fur Trinket Trade – civil society

This trade is now said to be worth as much as WiFi. This is a lot of natural capital, but very little accounting. In China some of the farms that skin animals alive claim there is no profit margin for welfare. In USA millions of animals are trapped for their fur. The trade is growing because pop stars and fashion designer have made it appear fashionable again. 48% young people now believe its acceptable to wear fur. The truth of the industry is a shocking atrocity, with millions of animals being skinned alive and thrown live into meat grinders in China. Jackets with fur trim from China is regularly available on Ebay and can be posted all over the world, usually at the cost of just $29.

Dogs and cats are also used as fur trim and sold into the EU from China Ebay. Unregulated.

3. The Unregulated leather Trade

People think leather is the by product from the beef industry but actually the leather makes more money. Most of the world's leather comes from India, where there is no regulation and animals suffer horrifically with abuse, starvation, extreme thirst, exhaustion, greulling transport, and having red pepper rubbed into their eyes to make them get up. Illegal slaughter houses.

4.The unregulated "live trinket" trade – Millions of live turtles, frogs, in China, sold inside sealed plastic keyrings. I did hear that this issue will be a "major focus" at June's UNEP meeting, I really hope UNEP can be assist in this instance and hope this example of disgrace serves as a catalyst for all the animals born into "World Trade" as advocated for above.

Thanks you and best wishes

Yours faithfully

Ms A Dolloso Bsc - Occupy UN 4 Animals

Please note, this pig was boiled alive in USA. Because of timescales, they dont allow them enough time to bleed out before they are scalded to remove hair. Millions of chickens also scalded alive in USA, again because of keeping costs low – not enough time on production line, to allow them to bleed out. Sometimes they miss having their throat cut, and are scalded. This is money.

Ancient force feeding method – devised in Ancient Egypt. Is this relevant in #post2015 sustainable agriculture and civil society? Is the amount of suffering for months, worth it, for a pate that sits on the mouth for a moment, and then gets flushed down the toilet? Is this UN Agriculture?