LS Baseball

Scholarship Application 2017

Each Spring LS Baseball, formerly known as Sudbury Little League and Sudbury Babe Ruth League but combined in the recent past to form a single organization, awards one or more college scholarships, in varying amounts, to graduating seniors who have participated in our programs. We typically split our scholarship budget ($7,500) amongst multiple deserving recipients. Seniors at LS, as well as other high schools, are eligible and you do not need to be a member of your high school baseball team to earn a scholarship.

Scholarships are awarded to those seniors who benefited and learned from participation in LS youth baseball. We are also looking for a demonstrated commitment of time and energy in support of LS Baseball, other youth sports programs and other service-oriented activities. Recipients of these scholarships possess exemplary character traits and solid academic records as they will represent the Lincoln and Sudbury communities as they move on to college life.

Awards will be based upon the following criteria as determined by a Committee of members from the LS Baseball Board of Directors:

1.  The quality of effort and amount of time spent as a participant and/or volunteer in the LS youth baseball programs.

2.  The demonstration of the three major developmental objectives that are considered core values of the LS Baseball Program: character, courage, and loyalty.

3.  The ability to articulate how participation in baseball and other sports activities has made a difference in your life and that of others you played or interacted with.

4.  The quality of effort and amount of time spent as a volunteer OR in paid service to LS youth sports programs, schools, church, and/or community.

5.  The level of responsibility in each of the above, e.g., leader, coordinator, participant, etc.

6.  The depth and breadth of descriptions and explanations in the application.

7.  The appearance, neatness, spelling and grammar of the completed application.

8.  The applicant’s academic performance.

9.  It is expected that the application will be completed solely by the applicant. A member of the Committee may contact the applicant for further information.

This application must be completed and submitted by April 23rd, 2017. An electronic version can be downloaded from either or Please type your response to each question on the application (immediately following each question) and submit the completed application by e-mail (preferred) or postal mail to the contact information below. Along with the application, please submit a copy of your current high school transcripts (scan and e-mail or by postal mail) to the committee chairperson. Your transcript should show grades for all classes Grade 9 to present and include current Credits Earned and GPA. An unofficial copy is acceptable but please do not submit iPass screenshots, quarter grades, etc.; only a transcript (which can be obtained via a guidance counselor) will be acceptable for the submission to be considered complete for committee review.

Awards will be announced at the Senior Scholarship Ceremony currently scheduled for May 30, 2017 at 7pm at LSRHS. Recipients will also be asked to attend the subsequent LS Baseball Board Meeting currently scheduled for June 19, 2017 at 8pm at the Senior Center (40 Fairbank Road) for a short visit to introduce themselves and tell the Board about their college plans. The Board enjoys this brief glimpse into who will be representing our communities as they move on to college life.

Kevin McGrath

Chairman, LS Baseball Scholarship Committee18 Partridge Lane

Sudbury, MA 01776


1.) Sudbury Little League/Sudbury Babe Ruth Participation: (Please put an “x” in the space provided to indicate the number of years of your participation.)

____Less than 4 years ____4-6 years ____7-9 years ____10 or more years

NOTE: Use as much space as you need, the boxes will expand to contain your answers to questions 2 through 5, however, the Committee appreciates comprehensive, yet concise, answers.

2.) Life Lessons from Playing Baseball

Bob Feller, a great pitcher for the Cleveland Indians from 1936 to 1956, once said “Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is, with a new game every day, and that’s the way baseball is.”

Reflecting on the above, please list three specific examples of situations where the lessons you have learned from playing baseball have been beneficial to you in other areas of your life.

3.) Service to LS Youth Baseball Programs and other Sports Programs

Please describe your involvement in LS youth baseball and other Lincoln or Sudbury sports, emphasizing your contribution to others in advancing their interest in sports. Why do you think your involvement increased their interest in the programs? (Please distinguish between voluntary, compensated, and expected service activities. For example, coaching in a sports program is voluntary, umpiring or refereeing is compensated, and participating in fundraisers as a member of an athletic team is expected. Also, please describe your level or responsibility in these activities.)

4.) Extracurricular and Volunteer Service (Non-Sports)

Please provide your community service hours (available in iPass for LSRHS students) and describe your involvement in other (non-sport) extracurricular and volunteer activities on behalf of your community, church, school, or other organizations. (Please distinguish between voluntary, compensated, and expected service activities. Also, please describe your level or responsibility in these activities.)

5.) LS Youth Baseball Program

As you look back on your LS Youth Baseball experience, what did you like most? Also provide at least one suggestion you have on how the LS Youth Baseball program could potentially be improved in the future?

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