8th Grade Musical

“Journey Through Time”

Kid 1: Hannah

Kid 2: Shana

Kid 3: Josh

Mrs. Sutley: ??

Benny: Zak

Elvis: Billy Wetzel

John: Nick E.

George: Reno

Ringo: Nicolay

Paul: John F.

Bob: Brian G.

Shakira: Daniella

Mrs. Sutley:Hi, 8th Grade!

ALL:Good afternoon and God bless you, Mrs. Sutley.

Mrs. Sutley:For this week’s music class, we will be studying how music has changed throughout history. Your assignment is to research a little bit about artists from various genres and time periods and present it to the class next week. I will break you up into groups, and please begin working.

Breaks up into a group and they arrange to meet after school.

Later that day

Kid 2:What in the world are we going to do this project on?

Kid 1:First, let’s look at the artists we were given and find some facts.

Kid 3:I don’t know ANY of these people! Who in the world is Benny Goodman?!

Kid 1:That’s why we are researching......

Kid 3: I wish we could meet these artists. That would make this project a whole lot easier!

Kid 1:(sarcastically) Forget about the fact that some of them aren’t alive anymore...

Kid 2:(yawning) Well, I’m tired. I think it’s time for a nap.

Kid 3:Yeah, that’s a good idea.

Kid 1:Well, I’m not going to do all the work! I guess we could take a little break...

The dream starts with the three main characters hearing the beginning drums, and they are at first confused.

Then lights turn and song begins as Benny Goodman walks into the center of stage. (Sing Sing Sing)

Once the performance ends the dialogue between the main characters with Benny.

Kid 1:Sorry to act ignorant but, where am I, and who are you?

Benny:See here pally, you’re in The Drake...you know, Chicago?

Kid 2:Ok...we were in Los Angeles about 30 minutes ago. Am I being punked!?

Benny:Look here...I don't know how you got here or who you are and what "Punked" is but you’re in Chicago and I am Benny Goodman.

Kid 3:I’ve heard your music before! So you made it!

Benny:How did you hear it! That was my debut!

Kid 1:Umm...your friend told us about it before...

Benny:Oh yeah, well it’s really nice to meet a fan. Hey, did you know that the song didn’t originally have lyrics. It was just written for a big band, but no singer.

Kid 2:Really? Then how did it evolve into what it is now?

Benny:One day during one of our rehearsals, we had a visitor, and he was a singer. He said that the song was just too good to not sing along. So, right on the spot, he made up the words, and we’ve been doin’ it that way ever since!

Kid 3:Wow, that’s so cool!

Kid 1:By the way what was your inspiration?

Benny:Who do think you are! Never ask an artist!

(fades away to next dream)

(Boy 1 and Girl 1 walked through the door, and saw Elvis Presleypracticing,“Jail House Rock”)

Elvis:“Why, hello there. Care to stay for a bit and listen to me play?

Kid 2:“Hi! Sure, Elvis!”

Elvis:That’s Mr. Presley.

Kid 3:Cool! I’ve heard of you! How long have you been a musician?

Elvis:Well I didn’t start out as a musician. I got into acting first. I’ve only been singin’since 1953.

Kid 1:Wow! Can we hear one of your top songs?

Elvis:Sure, thing.

( Elvis sings “Jail House Rock” and the kids sing along with him)

Kid 2:WOW!!! You’re a really amazing musician.

Elvis:Thank you, thank you very much.

Kid 3:Well we have to get going. See you soon!

After they meet Elvis they go to the next Famous Musician

(Hello Goodbye)

**the kids walk in humming the tune of the Beatles song**

The Beatles: "Hey that's our song, ‘Hello Goodbye!’"

Kid 1: You're the Beatles!?! I thought that there was only one of you.

Lennon:Nope there are four of us. That’s the reason we are called “The BeatleS” rather than “The Beatle.”

Beatles: Hello, Hi, Hi there, etc.

Paul Mc: I’m Paul McCartney, you have already met John Lennon over here, and this is our awesome drummer, Ringo Starr.

Ringo: Hello.

Paul Mc: This last guy is George Harrison.

Kid 2 :So, how was it making this album – hard or easy?

Ringo:It was easy!

Paul mc: It was easy for you because you didn’t do any of the work!

John:We’re just joking around Ringo...

George:It was a hard task, but all arts have challenges, and we are like brothers to each other.

Kid 3: Is there something you can tell us that will inspire us as young artists?

Paul Mc: Making it in this business will not come easy.

Ringo: You need to practice, hard work, and a good attitude.

Kid 1: Thank you for your time, guys!

Kid 2:Wow, I can’t believe it’s Bob Marley!

Kid 3:Should we go talk to him?

Kid 1:Yeah!

(walks over to Bob Marley)

Kid 2:Um… excuse me, Mr. Marley?


Kid 3:Hi! You’re a legend!

Bob:Thanks, man. I am very proud of my work and regret nothing, I am truly happy that my name is being kept alive by my fans.

Kid 1: Is it okay if I ask you a couple questions for a school project?

Bob:Yes, I am happy to answer.

Kid 2:I absolutely love your song, “Is This Love.” What year was it song composed?


Kid 3:What was your inspiration?

Bob:I want anyone to be free to love anyone they want.

Kid 1:How many people are in your band, and what instruments do they play?

Bob:Well, there are quite a few of us. I sang lead vocals, Ashton Barrett was on bass, Carlton Barrett on drum kit, Tyrone Downie played the keyboards, Alvin Patterson on most of the percussion instruments, Junior Marvin on lead guitar, the “I-Threes” sang backup vocals, Vin Gordon played sax, and Glen DaCosta and David Madden were on horns.

Kid 2:Wow, that’s a lot of instruments… Are any of your songs based off your family?

Bob:Yes, I have a major love for my family, I truly care for mykids, and I hope that generations from now, they keep my name alive.

Kid 3:You have had over 50 live performances. Which one is your favorite?

Bob:That’s easy, the “One Love Peace” concert. I held it in Jamaica, and it was during a civil war between two fighting parties. The concert also brought together 16 of Reggae’s biggest acts.

Kid 1: I also know that you donate a lot to charities of Jamaica.

Bob: Yes, I plan on always donating to them, they need help. I try to use my music to not only raise money, but awareness.

Kid 2: Thank you for answering our questions.

Bob: Any time. You wanna sing “Is This Love” with me?

Kid 3:That would be awesome!

(Is This Love)

Kid 1:Hey! Isn't that Shakira?!

Kid 2: Do you think she'll sign my phone case?

Kid 3:Let's go ask her!

Shakira: Hola! Why are you in my hometown, Columbia?

Kid 1:We're not sure, but can you tell us more about yourself? What are you currently doing in the music industry?

Shakira: Well, currently I am on the show The Voice. My music is a reflection of my culture, both English and in Spanish.

Kid 2: Didn't you write the song for the World Cup?

Shakira:Why yes, I did! It was a great experience and I had somuch fun performing it. Why don't I sing it for you now?


All kids clap

Shakira:Thank you so much!

Kid 3:It really incorporates the African culture, and is a beautiful song.

Kid 2: Well, unfortunately, we have to go now. Thank you so much for the performance.

Shakira: No problem! It was nice meeting you. Adios!

(kids walk away)

(Kid 2 runs back so Shakira can sign their phone case)

(dream ends and the kids are back at their computer and wake up)

Kid 1:Wow! That was an adventure!

Kid 2:I know! I can’t believe Shakira signed my phone case!

Kid 3:That’s so cool! And Bob Marley?! He was awesome.

Kid 1:This is going to make our project so much easier!

Kid 3:And I know who’s getting an A on their report.

Kids 1 & 2:Who?

Kid 3:(pointing to himself) This guy...

Kid 2:I can’t wait to tell Mrs. Sutley about this!

Sing WakaWaka reprise