Dear Incoming 8th Grade Student,

Wow, 8th grade has finally arrived! I want to congratulate you on all of your successes thus far and look forward to having you in my class next year. As a prerequisite to entering Pre-AP English, you are required to complete the summer reading novel and the assignments that follow. You WILL be given a quiz over the entire novel on the first day you return from break. The book, Parrot in the Oven by Victor Martinez, can be purchased at Half Price Books, Borders, or Barnes and Noble ($6-$8). Below outlines my expectations on novel annotations and packet completion. Please take the time to review these expectations as you will be held accountable for ensuring your packet is neat, complete, accurate, and on time.

Only Excellence Will Do,

D. Bruce

8th Grade English Language Arts and Reading

A Parrot in the Oven by Victor Martinez

Because this novel is about Manny’s coming of age, the search for identity and striving to become someone to respect are part of the enduring issue. However, Manny is going through this while at the same time facing problems with his family and friends. It isn’t easy being an adolescent, but his extra challenges make it even tougher. Throughout the novel, Manny is trying to grow up and figure out where he fits in. The central question could therefore be: what is my identity, and how can I become who I want to be?


1 Prediction- At the beginning of each chapter, write a prediction on what you think is going to happen in the coming chapter.

1 Question- Write down one question per chapter.

1 Connection (self, text, or world) - Make one connection per chapter to self, world or text.

2 Vocabulary words- Identify and underline 2 words per chapter with which you are unfamiliar. Look up definitions and write in the margins.

Main idea- Paraphrase the main idea (gist of what is occurring on that page) on the bottom or along the side margins of each page.

1 Visualization- Draw one illustration per chapter.

Summary BME (beginning, middle, end) - Write a BME summary at the end of each chapter.

Directions: All short answer questions must be written in complete sentences. You are to use a separate sheet of lined paper to answer all of the questions. Make sure that you are heading (labeling) each section before beginning your responses.

Chapter 1

  1. What is Manny's goal and how does he go about achieving it?
  2. Who are the family members?

Chapter 2

  1. How do Manny's parents discipline him? What do you think of their methods?
  2. Why is the father angry with the Garcia brothers?
  3. How does Manny handle the Garcia brothers?

Chapter 3

  1. What do you think of the father taking the money from Manny?

Chapter 4

  1. Why does Manny go with his mother to retrieve his father? Where is Nardo?
  2. What does the father say about Manny on page 52?
  3. How does Manny show himself to be responsible when his father is hysterically looking for bullets?

Chapter 5

  1. Manny finds saves and reads a science magazine. What do these actions indicate about him?
  2. Which boy encourages the other to keep working a little longer before taking a break?
  3. On page 88 Manny is thinking. What is his vision for his grandmother's life after death? What does it say about him?

Chapter 6

  1. What action on page 93 shows Manny again to be a dependable family member?
  2. Find a quote on page 108 that shows how sensitive and introspective Manny is.

Chapter 7&8

  1. What is Manny's job? How is this predictable?
  2. How is Magda treated at the hospital?

Chapter 9

  1. How does Manny again come through for the family, this time for Nardo?
  2. Manny had been warned not to go to the party, but he went and he got hurt. What does his insistence say about him?

Chapter 10&11

  1. What is his goal?
  2. How have his goals changed since the beginning of the novel?
  3. What realization does Manny have about Eddie's identity on page 210?
  4. At the bottom of page 210 Manny has an epiphany. What is it?

Essay: After reading the novel, write a persuasive essay that utilizes logic and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. A persuasive essay attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or take a particular action. The argument must always use sound reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, giving logical reasons, and using examples.

The essay must be 2-3 pages long. Write your essay on a separate sheet of lined paper.

Essay Topic:In A Parrot in the Oven, Manny’s father gets a gun and threatens to shoot his wife. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Should guns be allowed in homes?Defend your answer.