
Roll Call 7:20

Shane Cleveland, Laurie Sabik, Karen Browning, Angie Jepsen, Laura Bowerman, David Lopez, Carl Brasher, Arlena Dickerson, Paul Gooris, Teddy Mitchell, Cassandra Osterloh, Michael Daney

President’s Report: Shane Cleveland

·  Difficulty with obtaining records regarding accounting practices. Shane laid out the goals that he would like to see the “Budget and Audit Committee” alleviate some of the duties to the Treasurer. Shane outlined some of the problems that have occurred since his becoming President. See attached documentation.

·  Discussion took place regarding the duties of the Budget and Audit Committee. The addition of a professional to the committee was discussed. The need was for a CPA to the committee.

****Motion: To authorize an Ad Hoc committee to the B&A Committee. This will include the addition of a CPA with the goal to perform a full internal audit. Passed ****

****Motion: Special meeting to be held on Tuesday March 8th, 2011 with the agenda to be that of removing the current Treasurer from office based on the facts outlined in the 18 page documentation put together by the President. Passed ***

Location to be determined. Notification to be sent out to the membership. Laurie will send membership list to Karen. Karen will send out notice

Treasurer’s Report:

****Motion: To not approve the proposed report as it is not complete. PASSED

Secretary’s Report: Karen Browning

Karen will be finalizing the job descriptions. They will be available at the next meeting.

Membership Report: Laurie Sabik

Laurie outlined that there are some committee chairs that still need to update memberships.

Committee Chairs

RaceWalking – Art Faulder

Upcoming workshop to be held April 2-3, 2011. The purpose of this workshop is to outline both the regulation, technique and speed of the sport.

Officials – Paul Gooris

Still in need of officials for the Great Southwest Indoor as well as the West Zone Championships.

We are in good shape for the other Indoor Meets to date.

LDR – Laura Bowerman

Annual meeting update included as a good resource.

Laura would like to have an updated list of current championships in NM. Additionally there is a request to get an updated list of records. Tom Rohas does house some of the information needed. Request was put forth to seek the information.

Youth – Arlena Dickerson

See attached list of “Rule changes” from annual meeting.

We do need to discuss the change which added including up to place 5 from Regionals to National. Difficulty will be that our 5th place finishers do not compete.

USATF is contemplating ditching Hy-Tech. Meeting will occur next week. Possibly going to an Australian company.

Discussion took place around the age cut off for sub-bantams.

Discussion took place around the agreement between AAU and USATF and the proposed calendar for all championships.

Masters – David Lopez

No report

Mens/Womens – Giles McDonald

Not present

Medical –

Old Business:

Indoor Nationals: Angie Jepsen- reported that we are still in need of someone to pick up the poles for pole vaults. Will also need the addition of color coded tags. Needing volunteers to unload the Gill truck 2/21/11. Will also need someone to load/unload for Masters.

Licensed Massage Therapist are still needed.

Level 1 Coaching Education will be Feb 18-20, 2011. Instructors are Matt Lydum and Mike Cunningham, Giles McDonnell, Andrew Allden

Level 2 will be held outside Atlanta in the beginning of July.

Indoor Masters: we are still in need of volunteers for all areas. Please contact Angie or Karen.

New Business:

2010 Annual Meeting update – Laurie Sabik See attached report.

Discussion took place regarding using credentials for coaches that have passed a background check. Possibiliy of utilizing orange vests for coaches and parents to be on the field.

Teddy Mitchell – Athletes Advisor Committee – outline was put forth on the role of elite athletes and the board of directors with USATF. Teddy told us how much the athletes liked the ABQ track. Teddy appreciated the addition of the “Tea/Coffee” with the USATF board of directors.

Arlena received a call requesting Albuquerque host JO Regionals July 7-10, 2011. Site is yet to be determined. UNM is $4800/day. Also consider Cleveland HS in Rio Rancho. Schedule is also being considered. Utah is being removed from our rotation. Arlena is also asking that they get placed in with SnakeRiver.

Arlena was awarded the “Outstanding Youth Chair”

Teddy Mitchell was also selected as the PanAm Coach

CC: we will be hosting XC Nationals December 8, 2012

Executive/Managing Director Report: Laurie Sabik – see attached report for the IRS

****Motion put forth to name the President and the Managing/Executive Director on the Taxation and Revenue Registration Update. PASSED *****

Mike Daney discussed the upcoming Native American 5K State Championship on June 18, 2011. He then presented the question of course certification. Laurie informed Mike that there is information on the national website. Laurie will send link.

Who will handle the awards? Hasty Awards? Laura to research this.

Meeting Adjourned 9:45pm