Wilton Water Works Minutes

November 28, 2007

COMMISSIONERS: Chairperson Jim Tuttle; Tom Herlihy and Charles McGettigan.

Jim Tuttle called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.

Minutes – October 31, 2007

Old Business, #3, 1st paragraph, line one should be changed to read: CM said that several backflow

devices would be tested…

Old Business, #3, 4th paragraph, line one should be changed to read: Pennichuck should test

backflow prevention devices at Label Art, Roedel’s white building near the dam, and FRES. Sentence

2 should be deleted.

Old Business, #5, correct spelling of Roger Kieleg’s name.

New Business, #6. The following should be added to 1st sentence: … in old reservoir. The following

should be added to 3rd sentence: … on shore of new reservoir, along Sand Hill Road.

MOTION: Herlihy/McGettigan to approve 10/31/07 minutes as amended. All were in favor.


1. Pennichuck – The list of businesses that need backflow prevention devices has been reduced to:

Casa Capella, L.A. Limousine, Convenience 101, The Recycling Center & Dr. Rick’s office.

Still in question is Wilton House of Pizza. In addition, Bob Draper’s old house needs a check


McGettigan will make appointments for Pennichuck to test the remaining testable devices.

Herlihy will call Steve and ask if someone from the highway dept. will remove the water meter

from burned house at 4 Barry Court.

McGettigan reported that the water tank overflowed Saturday morning. A resident called him

to report it so he turned off the pumps and drove to the tank. He said what happened was a

transformer blew out on Abbot Hill Road, and when the power went out, the reader at the tank went down to 3’. So the tank was calling for water when it didn’t need it. McGettigan said that

someone from Pennichuck was there and that he had received an alarm but McGettigan didn’t

ask him what kind of alarm he received. Herlihy will call Pennichuck and try to find out what

kind of alarm they received on Saturday and also what are all the alarms they could receive from

the system.

2. Holt Rd. Chlorinator Building - McGettigan reported that asbestos removal company Deke-

Tam looked at the asbestos earlier in the day and will have a report by next week.

3. Interior Tank Painting – No action taken.

4. Future Concrete Tank – McGettigan met with Rene LaBranch of San-Tec Engineering and they

looked at the current tank site but McGettigan felt it would be useful for LaBranch to meet with

all of the commissioners together. McGettigan will set up a meeting.

5. Intervale Road Extension – No action taken. Rough specs needed.

6. Capital Reserve Accounts - McGettigan needs to find the document for the rest of the commissioners to sign in order to transfer funds from one account to another.

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Wilton Water Works



Discuss increasing water rates to fund future projects – No action taken.


1. Pump Station Roof – Tuttle received two bids: Henry Gibbons to provide 30 yr. shingles, 15# paper, ice shield 3’ from edge, metal drip edges on all sides, trim line shingles, ridge vent & roof cap for a price of $2,400. A similar bid was received from Al Preston, except it provided for 25 yr. shingles and did not specify the weight of the paper. The price was $1,200. Tuttle will contact Mr. Preston and ask him to adjust his bid to provide for 15# paper & 30 yr.

shingles. If the bid is still the lower, he will be hired. No action taken at this meeting.

2. Skirting for Storage Trailer – Al Preston will prepare a bid for removing the axel, building 2’ vinyl skirting as well as building stairs and deck. A bid from Henry Gibbons in the amount of $1,580 was received in July for the skirting job only. No action taken at this meeting

MOTION: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Submitted by Diane Nilsson, Clerk