NBT.1-Number and Operations in Base Ten: Count 1-120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.
Students will discover multiple ways to represent numbers.
Standards of Mathematical Practice
□Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
□Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
□Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
□Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
□Look for and make sure of structure.
□Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. / Informal Assessments
□Math journal
□Cruising clipboard
Exit ticket
Response Boards
□Other: ______
□Other: ______
□Have the cards cut and ready to be put in the pocket chart.
□Write numbers 1-20 on index cards. Have cards already put in the pocket chart.
□You will need 1 exit ticket for each child in your class. /
- Large pocket chart
- Numbers 1-20 written on index cards
- Multiple representation cards
- White boards and markers
- Exit ticket copied
- Represent
- Multiple representations
1.Read/show the problem to students: The peacocks were found wandering around the zoo. Look at the picture of the peacocks. How could we represent the number of peacocks to show how many are wandering around the zoo?
2.Have students brainstorm different ways that they could represent the number.
3.Explain to the students that when we show numbers in different ways, we call that multiple representations of a number. / Guiding Questions
- What ways can you think of to represent numbers?
- Tell students that we will now play a matching game together to explore multiple representations. Show them the pocket chart with the number cards 1-20 already in it.
- Tell them that one way to represent numbers is with number words. When we read the number word, we know what number it is representing.
- Have the number word cards mixed together. Choose a student to select a card. Have them read, or have a friend help them read, the number on the card. Then place it next to the corresponding number card. Repeat this for the rest of the numbers.
- Then tell students that another way to represent numbers is with tally marks. If students need a review, stop here to explain that tally marks are put together in bundles of five. Have tally mark cards mixed together. Choose a student to select a card and place it in the pocket chart next to the corresponding number and number word card.
- Explain that the last way we will represent numbers today will be with ten frames. Have ten frame cards mixed together. Choose a student to select a card and place it in the pocket chart next to the corresponding number, number word, and tally mark cards.
- After all cards have been sorted, call students’ attention to number 7 and the multiple representations for that number. Ask: what do you notice about these representations? Why do they all represent 7? (they all show the amount 7 but just in different ways). Then have students look at the number 16. Ask: what do you notice about these representations? why do they all represent 16? (they all show 16 just in different ways)
- Hand out white boards and markers to students. Select one of the numbers from the chart that you and your class just created together. Say, one your white board, show one way to represent the number. (e.g. 9 they could write the word, show in tally marks, or in a ten frame). Student can choose to represent it in different ways. Ask: how did you represent the number? Why did you choose to represent it that way? Then have them show another way to represent the number. Share out how they chose to represent it that time. Finally, have them represent the number in a different way.
- Ask: Look at your white board, what is similar about all of your representations? (they all represent the same number) Why is it important to show numbers in different ways? How can recognizing numbers in different ways help you?
- How can we represent numbers in different ways?
1.After students have completed their exit ticket, have them come to the carpet with their ticket. Select students to share out how they represented their number.
2.Ask: why is it important to recognize multiple representations of a number? Where do you see some of these representations? (on a chart or graph, number words on signs, etc.) / Guiding Questions
- How can seeing numbers in different ways make you a stronger mathematician?
Word Problem
The peacocks were found wandering around the zoo. Look at the picture of the peacocks. How could we represent the number of peacocks to show how many are wandering around the zoo?
Multiple representation cards for pocket chart
One / TwoThree / Four
Five / Six
Seven / Eight
Nine / Ten
Eleven / Twelve
Thirteen / Fourteen
Fifteen / Sixteen
Seventeen / Eighteen
Nineteen / Twenty
Number / Word Form / Tally Mark / Ten Frame
Name ______
Number / Word Form / Tally Mark / Ten Frame13
Name ______
Number / Word Form / Tally Mark / Ten Frame5
Name ______
Number / Word Form / Tally Mark / Ten Frame14
Name ______
Number / Word Form / Tally Mark / Ten Frame9
Name ______
Number / Word Form / Tally Mark / Ten Frame18
Name ______
Grade 1Unit 1: Block 7