Literacy Weekly Planner: Persuasion Week 1
Genre: Non-fiction – Persuasion / Class: 3
Term: Autumn Week Beg: 26/11/07
Learning Intentions / Whole class - phonics, spellings, vocab & grammar / Whole class - shared reading and writing / SEN/EAL
Provision / Independent work / Plenary / Resources
Mon / WALT: Recognise persuasive language in written adverts
WILF: / The children do spelling tests on the words learnt.
Guided reading in groups
Read the Wonka piece on IWB and pick out the persuasive language together. / Discuss why some words are persuasive and others not. Make a list of good persuasive words – Mrs G can type them up for display at a later stage. Introduce the adverts and ask the children not to write on them / DP
Support with reading. Work with support
Mrs G to monitor / LA
Work with TA identifying and recording the persuasive language in books. / MA
As lowers but with some help from teacher. / HA
As middles Make a list of other words if they finish / Together use some of the words they have found and thought of to make up their own advert for the school Teacher scribes on board. Keep advert for tomorrow. / IWB files ready
Sheets of adverts prepared
Books available for children
Guided reading books available
Mins 15 / Mins 10 mins / Adults / 25 mins / 25 mins / 25 mins / 10 mins
Tue / WALT: Recognise persuasive language in TV adverts
WILF: / Teacher listens to top group in guided reading. Others read independently except Mrs G’s handwriting group
Recap the work on persuasive words. What can they remember? / Talk about adverts and the persuasive language they hear on TV. Can they remember any adverts on at the moment? Watch the YouTube adverts together. After each one, collect the persuasive language. / DP
In group
Mrs G to monitor progress / Teacher models an advert – It’s Christmas time and there’s lots of Christmas adverts for toys and food etc. Can the children come up with an advert for something themselves?
In mixed ability groups ( see suggestions) compose adverts for performance. Think of what the product will be. Act out the advert and begin to type them up as they go. They will need to perform them at the end of the lesson. / Look at adverts and get the children to assess the use of persuasive language in each one.
What do they spot? / IWB file
Suggestions for products if children can’t think of one
15mins / 10 mins / Adults / 25 mins / 25 mins / 25 mins / 10 mins
Wed / WALT: Write the script for an advertisement
WILF: / A quick recap of yesterday’s work. Can they remember the persuasive words that they used? What good ideas did they have yesterday? / Model the writing of a playscript on the board. Make sure that the names all have colons after them and that important stage directions are recorded. Choose groups for the children. Suggested groups on IWB file / DP In group
Mrs G to monitor / Mixed Ability groups from yesterday. Continue the playscript with help from adults. Take them away from time to time to model the advert and discuss how it might be written down. What is important to record? How can the tone of voice be maintained? / Try to perform each others’ adverts. What has gone wrong and what has been communicated well? How can the scripts be improved? / Books marked from yesterday
Planning sheets
IWB files
Computers ready for use
15 mins / 10 mins / Adults / mins / mins / mins / 10 mins
. / WALT: Perform and improve an advert
WILF: / T reads with top group and middles read independently. Usual group does handwriting with Mrs G
Recap the playscript idea using the advert for the Zapper. / Point out the features of the playscript and discuss how you might improve the stage directions. Choose someone’s performance from yesterday and begin the transcript / DP With Group
AA to monitor / Continue yesterday’s work and complete the playscripts. Film completed plays using digi-blues and then perform to class. Use Digital camera for recording of this performance if possible (It’s in the cupboard) or again use digi-blues for the final performance too. / Reflect on each performance and say what was good and what could be improved still / Computers ready with files for editing
Video cameras (digi blues)
15 mins / 10 mins / Adults / 25 mins / mins / mins / 10 mins
Fri / WALT: Design an advert for a new invention
WILF: / Guided reading to begin. T reads with middles and Mrs G with lowers. Tops read independently. Look at speech marks again. /

Together look at the vacuum cleaner advert. What has been done to make it appear attractive? How has it been labelled? What sort of language has been used?

/ DP Monitor language use and help with spelling
Mrs G to monitor / LA
Drawing with assistance in layout and form of annotation of the diagram. Emphasis persuasive language / MA
Less help, but monitor the persuasive language use / HA
As middles / Show finished advert to a partner. Artwork to be ignored. How good is the quality of the Persuasive language? What one thing could be improved? / Guided reading books ready for use
IWB file
10 mins / 10 mins / Adults / 25 mins / mins / mins / 10 mins