Better Access to Mental Health (BAMH) Care CV Summary Application Annexure A

Please use a separate sheet for each relevant position. It may be helpful to cross reference with your full CV

Your Name
Position /Role Title
Period of Employment: / The following 2 sections enable us to ascertain your duration of experience [to enable us to ascertain your 2 year full-time equivalent experience]. Indicate the full-time equivalent period in which you have simultaneously satisfied all requirements of supervised practice; experience delivering the focussed psychological strategies with the eligible diagnostic groups.
·  Dates of employment /Position dates
·  Full time/ part time/ contracted hours
(e.g. 2 years, part-time, 2.5 days per week = 1 year full time equivalent)
Criteria One: Focussed Psychological Strategies
Please note and briefly describe your application of the Focussed Psychological Strategies you have used and please note that these need to relate to the strategies as listed in the manual. These will be cross referenced against the requested recent CV. Please note you are not required to have experience with all strategies.
¨  Psychoeducation
¨  Motivational interviewing
¨  Cognitive behavioural therapy including:
·  Behavioural interventions
¨  Behaviour modification (especially for children, including behavioural analysis and Contingency management)
¨  Exposure techniques
¨  Activity scheduling (including pleasant events, mastery and time management)
·  Cognitive interventions
¨  Cognitive analysis, challenging and restructuring
¨  Self-instructional training
¨  Attention regulation
·  Relaxation strategies
¨  Guided imagery, deep muscle and isometric relaxation, controlled breathing
·  Skills training
·  Problem-solving skills training
¨  Anger management
¨  Stress management
¨  Communication training
¨  Social skills training
¨  Parent management training
¨  Interpersonal Therapy (especially for depression)
¨  Narrative therapy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. A description of the approved FPS can be found in Appendix B of the orientation manual.
Criteria Two: Eligible Diagnostic Groups / Please note that these need relate to the BAMH eligible diagnostic groups.*
Tick the relevant diagnostic groups that you worked with in this role, and provide a brief explanation of your relevant experience, knowledge and expertise in respect to these diagnoses in the section below...please note that not all diagnoses need to be marked off.
¨  Chronic psychotic disorders
¨  Eating disorders
¨  Acute psychotic disorders
¨  Panic disorder
¨  Schizophrenia
¨  Bipolar disorder
¨  Alcohol use disorders
¨  Drug use disorders
¨  Phobic disorder
¨  Mixed anxiety and depression
¨  Generalized anxiety disorder
¨  Dissociative (conversion) disorder
¨  Adjustment disorder
¨  Neurasthenia
¨  Unexplained somatic complaints
¨  Sleep problems
¨  Depression
¨  Hyperkinetic (attention deficit) disorder
¨  Sexual disorders
¨  Enuresis (non-organic)
¨  Conduct disorder
¨  Obsessive compulsive disorder
¨  Bereavement disorder
¨  Mental disorder, not otherwise specified
¨  Post-traumatic stress disorder
*Autism, Asperger’s, Dementia, delirium, tobacco use disorder and mental retardation are not regarded as mental disorders for the purposes of this Medicare scheme.
Criteria Three: Clinical Supervision
Please provide the name and qualifications of your supervisor during the period referred to above
Where your clinical supervisor has not been an occupational therapist please note this. Please also take the opportunity to highlight other relevant peer supervision, mentoring or SIG involvement.
Optional: Please briefly describe any relevant CPD/ knowledge development attained during this time
Optional: Please highlight any evidence based practice or quality activities that you have undertaken relevant to the your role and the to the application of BAMH

Repeat the above information for all relevant work experience until you have clearly demonstrated 2 or more years [full time equivalent] where you have simultaneously met all three criteria. This may involve filling in the above form several times for each different position you have held in order to meet the criteria.