Online Certificate Courses from Patentforces Innovations Foundation Trust (PIFT)

Beginning 5th June, 2017

Patentforces Innovations Foundation Trust (PIFT)

The PIFT is a ‘not for profit’ Indian Entity working since 2016 in the field of ideas/invention/innovation harnessing aimed at leveraging the potential of the harnessed ideas from the field of science & technology, environment, agriculture & livestock and clean-green energy for the betterment and upliftment of a vibrant and resilient society.

Armed with the mandate to associate itself with any activity related to the field of ideas, innovations and inventions focusing on science & tech, environment, agriculture-livestock and clean green energy, both at national and international level, PIFT made a humble beginning a year back and has played its part in knowledge dissemination as well as sensitizing the people towards the role and significance of idea to patent development and its exploitation for benefit of society as well as entrepreneurial spirit in the target audiences.

e Adhyayan Initiative (e Learning)

As part of its efforts in the fields of IP (Intellectual Property), Environment, and Societal Benefits through technology interventions, the knowledge dissemination and generating support for the same, PIFT under its ‘e Adhyayan’ initiative runs several short term online certificate courses, aimed at lending a helping hand to the country in creating a pool base of skilled professionals in IP who are well versed and better equipped with knowledge and skills necessary for playing an integral part in the progress and prosperity of India.

In addition to the 3 very basic regular online certification IP(Intellectual Property) Courses, that PFIFT runs throughout the year, this year on the World Environment Day, the PFIFT is also launching 3 NEW COURSES in frontier areas of Environment.

Online Certificate Courses on offer under the e Adhyayan Initiative

§  Basics of the IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) Knowledge Interface for modern society

[6 weeks time duration, Fees Rs. 4500/-]

§  Basics of Patent Brief, Patent Filing and Patent Grant procedures

[8 weeks time duration, Fees Rs. 5500/-]

§  Basics of International Patent Filing (PCT Route and Convention Route)

[4 weeks time duration, Fees Rs.3000/-]

§  ‘New’ Green Economics

[6 weeks time duration, Fees Rs. 3500/-]

§  ‘New’ The Environmental Impact Assessments [EIA] Protocols

[8 weeks time duration, Fees Rs. 5000/-]

§  ‘New’ Patenting in ENVIRONMENT Innovations

[8 weeks time duration, Fees Rs. 5000/-]


The online certificate courses run by PFIFT are open to all individuals who have computer and internet access and are desirous of knowledge building and skill enhancing.

Study Methodology

The online certificate courses of PIFT are run under the following phases :-

• Stage 1: Registration and Distribution of Study Material

• Stage 2: Forum based Interactions

• Stage 3: The Tests, Assignments and Monitoring

• Stage 4: Evaluation & Result Communication

• Stage 5: Issuance of Certificates

Registration and Getting in Touch

The interested applicants may use the Registration Form attached alongside and send the filled in copy of same to Trustees, PIFT along with the ‘Registration Fees’ quoted alongside the given course, at the given postal address or scan it and send to:

; and,

For detailed information on course content of the online certificate courses being offered please visit us at :



Course Secretariat No - +91- 98216 79957

Modes of Fees Payment


Please have a DD/Bankers Cheque made in the name of “PatentForces”, payable at New Delhi and send the same by post to the given address along with Registration Form.

Also, please send us a scan copy of DD and the filled in Registration Form on any of the mail addresses given above in the Registration Section.


Though at present the PIFT does not encourage an arrangement for the online fund transfer, still if you feel difficulty in exercising the Offline payment mode then please let us know in writing on mail. We shall then let you know the mode for online payment.

Fees paid are NOT refundable.

Course Content - Brief Information

The PIFT certificate courses are designed with an intent to benefit the entire panorama of attending participants.

For students these courses offer the early bird advantage of being acquainted with the concepts of IP management and Environment related issues. The student community can also get the benefit of obtaining certain number of credits towards training and have the same included in the skill building activities for a better future.

For the teaching and research community these courses provide an opportunity for using the certificates acquired by them by pursuing these courses in their career advancement and skill enhancement exercises.

For the members from the industry and other than academia community such as the CEOs, CFOs, the MSMEs and host of such entities, the PIFT courses offer an opportunity of pursuing the ‘Continuing Education’ program at an easy pace keeping their engagement schedules in mind.

Last, but not, least, the audience may please bear in mind that under the PIFT’s e Adhyayan (e Learning) initiative, they stand to gain a lot at highly subsidized costs since PIFT is a ‘not for profit’ entity.

The PIFT offers ‘second to none’ quality in terms of course content and all time guidance.

Also, Ladies and Gentlemen, by enrolling for the PIFT’s courses, you are also doing a yeoman service towards the cause of IP sensitization for a modern and self-reliant India by supporting the PIFT in carrying forward its mission.

For more information on the COURSE MODULES, of the PIFT online certificate courses please visit our website at: