Chapter 6

The American Revolution

Section 1 + 2

- Fighting Begins in the North

- The Declaration of Independence

Peace or War? – A Peace Petition

1.  On ______, colonial delegates met at the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia.

2.  What was the view of most colonists during this time? ______

3.  What was the Olive Branch Petition? What did it proclaim? ______

4.  Describe the reaction of King George III to the Olive Branch Petition? ______

Rebels Take Ticonderoga – Setting Up an Army

1.  Ethan Allen was a Vermont blacksmith who led a band of minutemen called the ______in a surprise attack on Fort Ticonderoga.

2.  Where was Fort Ticonderoga and why did the colonists want to control it? ______

3.  How did the Americans attack? What was the result of this? ______

4.  The Second Continental Congress voted to establish the ______. They appointed ______as Commander.

Advantages of the Opposing Sides

1.  Patriots – ______


2.  Loyalists – ______

3.  Describe the population of America in terms of who they supported? Think fractions or percentages.







1.  Disadvantages – ______


2.  Advantages - ______



  1. Advantages - ______


  1. Disadvantages - ______



1.  Who made up the population of Loyalists? What areas of North America were they found in? ______

2.  Many Loyalists fled from the colonies. Why? ______

The Fight for Boston – The Battle of Bunker Hill

1.  About ______British troops occupied Boston. Colonial militias surrounded the city and prevented the British from marching out.

2.  On June 16, 1775, Colonel William Prescott led 1,200 minutemen up Bunker Hill, across the river from Boston. Why did he choose this position? ______

3.  However, Prescott then noticed that nearby ______was an even better position, and ordered his men to move.

4.  At sunrise, British General ______spotted the Americans and sent 2,400 redcoats across the harbor to attack the rebels’ position.

5.  Describe the results of the three British attacks. ______

6.  What were the results of the battle? ______

7.  Reasons this battle is important? ______

The British Leave Boston

1.  When Washington reached Boston a few weeks after the Battle of Bunker Hill, what did he find? ______

2.  General Washington began to turn these recruits into a trained army. What made this especially difficult? ______

3.  In 1776, the cannons acquired by the Green Mountain Boys at Fort Ticonderoga reached Boston. What did Washington do with the cannons? Why? ______

4.  British General William Howe knew the British could not stay in Boston, and sailed to ______, Canada. About ______Loyalists went with them.

5.  King George III ordered a blockade of all colonial ports.

6.  Blockade –______.

7.  What are mercenaries? Why are they important in the Revolutionary War? ______

Section 2 - The Colonies Declare Independence

Common Sense

  1. What was Common Sense? How popular was it? ______
  1. Who do you think Paine was trying to reach with this pamphlet? Why? ______
  1. In Common Sense, Paine said that the colonists did not owe loyalty to George III or any other monarch. It could only hurt the colonists to remain under British rule.

Congress Votes for Independence – Making the Break – Signing the Document

  1. Congress also convinced some members of the Continental Congress that separation from Britain was necessary. Why was this dangerous? ______
  1. Traitor – ______
  1. Who was on the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence? ______
  1. Why was Thomas Jefferson asked to write the Declaration of Independence? What was the purpose of the document? ______
  1. In late June 1776, Jefferson finished the document. It was approved on July 2 that the 13 colonies were “______.” The delegates adopted the document on the night of ______.
  1. ______- the president of the Continental Congress - signed the document first.
  1. How did colonists in other colonies react to news of the signing? ______

The Declaration of Independence

Preamble (intro), and 3 main parts.

1.  Natural Rights

  1. First deals with Natural Rights – ______


  1. Three “unalienable” rights: ______, ______, ______.
  1. Governments form in order to ______

______. Governments can also only exist if they have the “______.”

  1. If a government fails to protect the rights of its citizens, it is the responsibility of the people to…? ______


2.  British Wrongs

  1. What does the second part of the document list? ______
  1. List some examples: ______
  1. Jefferson ended by referring to King George as a ______.

3.  Independence

  1. Last part announces that the colonies are ______


  1. As a free and independent nation, the United States has the power to: “______.”