Psychology 9B
Final Paper (Paper 2)
You have collected your data and analyzed it. Now it is time to write it up and present it in an APA paper that would theoretically be ready for publication. The final paper is worth 40% of your lab grade.
Due: At the beginning of lab on the syllabus due date. Hard copy only, print ahead of time!
Late submissions (any proposal given to me more than 15 minutes after lab starts) will be deducted a half grade per day late (including weekends). The highest score you can receive after 1 week is 50%.
Required sections in APA format:
- Title Page (1 page)
- Abstract (1 paragraph)
- Introduction (3 pages minimum) (summarize previous research; end with your hypothesis)
- Method (as long as necessary to properly describe your methods)
o Include subsections:
§ Participants (include demographics about participants- mean & s.d. ages)
· Include this sentence at the end of your participants section:
o Participants were treated in accordance with the “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” (American Psychological Association, 2002).
§ Materials
§ Procedure
o Make sure you describe each section clearly enough that allows someone to replicate the study
- Results (as long as necessary). Make sure you:
o Include both descriptive (means/ s.d.’s) and inferential (sig, fx) analysis of your data
o Re-introduce your hypothesis
o Describe the statistical measures & variables used to test your hypothesis
o Report results of statistical significance, and effect size if stat-sig
o Make sure you follow APA format on how to report statistical data
- Discussion (minimum 3 pages)
o Explanation & interpretation of results
o Support or nonsupport of your hypothesis
o Interesting findings – future directions to explore
o Similarities or differences between your study and previous studies
o Limitations of your study
o Generalizability
- Reference Page
o Must include at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to your study
o Also include:
American Psychological Association. (2002). Ethical principles of psychological and
code of conduct. American Psychologist, 57(12), 1060-1073.
- Appendix
o At least one graph or figure that best illustrates your findings (with caption & axis labels)
o Include a sample of the materials used in your study (e.g., survey, questionnaire, etc.)