Bonding Video Rubric

Criteria / A / B / C / Incomplete
Identification and Classification of Bonds with Rationale / Project has correctly classified the type of bond and provided a thorough explanation of their rationale for the classification using the electronegativity and element classification / Project has correctly classified the type of bond and provided a rationale for the classification using the electronegativity and element classification / Project has correctly classified the type of bond and provided a rationale for the classification using the electronegativity or element classification / Project is missing or has incorrectly identified the classification and/or rationale
Model of Chemical Bonds / Project includes a model of the structure of each bond that accurately demonstrates the bond type using an extra original description, analogy, anecdote or story. / Project includes a model of the structure of each bond that accurately demonstrates the bond type using an extra description that aids in understanding. / Project includes a model of the structure of each bond that accurately depicts the bond type using an established bonding model (ball and stick, LDS, etc.) / One or more of the bonding models is missing or inaccurate.
Chemical Formulas / The project accurately predicts what the chemical formula of the given compounds will be
(Students will be assigned binary compounds) / The chemical formula is inaccurate or missing.
Strength / The project illustrates the strengths of the three bond types and discusses why they are ranked in that order with a thorough rationale to show a clear understanding of the forces behind relative bond strengths / The project ranks and describes the strengths of the three bond types with sufficient rationale to show understanding of relative bond strengths / The project ranks the strengths of the three bond types. / Rank of the strengths is incorrect or missing
Properties / Project provides a description of at least one unique property for each bond type with aillustration, demo or model showing understand of the underlying forces that cause this property. / Project provides a description of at least one unique property for each bond type. / Project lists at least one unique property for each bond type. / Properties are incorrect or missing – or the property listed is not unique to compound of that bond type.