
Dear Parents, Carers and Children

After week 2 we have almost ironed out the glitches linked to Dolce. We would be very grateful if parents would get into the habit of ordering meals at the weekend. There have been a couple of children each Monday who have not ordered at home. The longer we use the system the easier it will be. We would also be grateful if we could be informed if any child has an early morning medical appointment but will be in for dinners. Thank you for your cooperation.

Thank you also to everyone who has ordered tickets for the pantomime. “Cinders” will be performed in the school hall at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 7th February and Thursday 8th February. Tickets cost £1.50 each. As of Monday they will be on general release ie there will be no restriction on the number of tickets purchased by any family. If you wish to make a purchase please complete the form at the end of tonight’s School News and return to the school office in an envelope with “Pantomime” and your child’s name written on the front. The tickets will be given to your child later in the week.

All money raised at the pantomime will be used to purchase a covered sandpit in the Foundation Stage playground and an extension to the trim trail.

School closes for the half term holiday at 3.15 pm on Friday 9th February and re-opens at 8.55 am on Monday 19th February 2018.

Lent is the six week period prior to Easter during which time Christians try to make themselves into better people by fasting, praying more and giving to charitable causes. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday which this year falls in the half term holiday.

Each Tuesday in Lent all classes Y2-Y6 will attend the Parish morning Mass (9.30 am) in St Mary Magdelene’s church on Morrell Street. We are grateful to Father Don for working with school personnel in this venture.

·  Tuesday 20th February – Y2 and Y6

·  Tuesday 27th February – Y3

·  Tuesday 6th March – Y4

·  Tuesday 13th March – Y5

If you do not want your child/ren to go to the 9.30 am Mass, please let school personnel know before the half term holiday.

If you would like to accompany your child’s class in the walk to and from church, please leave your name in the school office.

Each Friday in Lent we will undertake a fun, fund-raising activity.

·  Friday 23rd February Pyjama Day - £1.00 for the privilege

·  Friday 2nd March Book Character Day – come dressed as your favourite character. Pay £1.00 for the privilege.

·  Friday 9th March Sponsored run / walk.

·  Friday 16th March Bring and Buy Sale (old toys, books, DVDs, jigsaws etc).

·  Friday 23rd March Logo Day – come dressed in the colours of either the Cancer Research logo (dark blue, light blue, purple, pink, grey) or Shiloh logo (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple). Pay £1.00 for the privilege.

·  Friday 19th April Easter Egg Raffle.

The recipients of this year’s fund-raising will be Cancer Research and Shiloh (Rotherham) which is a Christian-based charity which helps homeless people to become more independent.

Please have a quick peruse of “Ten Top Tips” for reading stories to your children. Hopefully these will help make reading together a more enjoyable experience for both adults and child.

Top Ten Tips for Reading Stories to your Child

1 Make reading to your child feel like a treat. Introduce each new book with excitement.

2 Make it a special quiet time and cuddle up so both of you can see the book.

3 Show curiosity in what you’re going to read.

“Oh no! I think Arthur is going to get even angrier now.

4 Read the whole story the first time without stopping too much. If you think your child might not understand something, model an explanation:

Oh I think what’s happening here is that …..

5 Chat about the story:

I wonder why he did that?

Oh no, I hope she’s not going to …

I wouldn’t have done that, would you?

6 Avoid asking questions to test what your child remembers.

7 Link stories to your own experience (eg This reminds me …)

8 Read favourite stories over and over again. Get your child to join in with the bits they know.

9 Read with enthusiasm. Don’t be embarrassed to try out different voices. Your child will love it!

10 Read with enjoyment. If you’re not enjoying it, your child won’t.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely

Catherine McLaughlin


I would like to purchase ……… tickets for the pantomime

Wednesday 7th February 2018 □

Thursday 8th February 2018 □

Name of child: ------

I have enclosed £………. Signed …………………………………….
