Assignment Topics
Assignment – 1 Date of Submission –18-09-2009
What is Services Marketing? Explain the current growth trendof Indian Service Industry. Explain Services Marketing Mix, Gaps Model of Service Quality? What is customer’s expectations and Perception? What are the different levels of customer expectations and factors influencing customer’s satisfaction?
Assignment – 2 – Group Assignment - Date of Submission – 15-10-2009
Students are requested to join as a group of 4 members in a team (totally 14 teams) for the services marketing group assignment work. Each team has to investigate and analysis any one of the service industry/firm and you are required to submit the final report as specified below. This group assignment work is introduced in the course work to make teaching and learning in align with the industrial learning and to gain deeper knowledge about the service industry.
The group assignment work starts with identification of suitable project topic and for the same the synopsis has to be prepared by explaining what will be done during the group assignment work with in 500 words. All you need to prepare the questionnaire and you are required to make primary research on customer expectation & perception related to your title. Minimum 100 respondents should be there. The analysed data should included in the assignment report. And the rough draft is to be prepared as specified in the specifications for the group assignment work.
The final assignment report must be submitted on or before 15-10-2009. There will beOHP/power point presentation in front of the evaluators and marks will be awarded based on the contents, current information and presentations. The assignment report has to be prepared like business report which gives more credit to your career.
Assignment Topics for each group
- A study Retailing industry services reference to kannan departmental stores
- A report on KPN travels
- A study Service offering of HDFC banking
- A report on Karvy Investments
- A study on LIC of India reference to erode or Perundurai
- A study on Indian Railway service system in Erode
- A study on Chennai Silks Erode
- A study Hero Honda service in Erode
- A study on KMCH Hospitals in Erode
- A study on Indian Oil Corporation Services
- A study on BSNL service offering in Erode
- A report on DTH service in Erode
- A study on Reliance Mutual fund services reference to Erode
- A study on Product & Service offerings of KVB in Kongu Engineering College.
Specification for Services Marketing – Assignment Work (Minimum 25 pages)
- Title of the Report (Example: Market Research Industry:Forrester Research, Inc)
- Executive Summary
- Table of Contents
- Details of the Report
(i)The Company profile
(iv)The Industry profile
- Structure
- Major companies
- Performance
- Industry Trends
- Benchmarks
- Size (All the major companies in the sector are ranked on the basis of sales, profits, total assets and employee numbers). The largest and smallest of the key players can be easily identified, while the relative size of any company can be assessed.
- Growth (The average annual growth of each company's sales, profits, total assets and number of employees over the three-year period being analysed is calculated and ranked)
- Competitor Analysis
- Identifying Acquisition Targets
- Role of Technology
- 'Tangibility' spectrum of the Industry
(v)Service offering of the company
- Customer Behaviours in this service industry
- Customer Expectations
- Services received by customers
- Service Quality dimensions
- Customer involvement in the service delivery
(vi)Customer requirements
- Knowing Customer requirement through market research
- Customer relationship system in this industry
- Service recovery and maintenance of service quality
(vii)Service Blueprint
- Create a blue print of the service firm
- What are the service Encounters/ moments of truth in their service offerings
- Value of blueprinting a service
(viii)Physical Evidence
- Role of servicescape in this industry/firm
- Effect of servicescape in the service delivery process
- Use servicescape as a source of competitive advantage
(ix)Performance of the Service
(x)Profitability of the industry
(xi)Own ideas & services innovations (Special section)
- Service Production
- Pricing Strategies
- Promotion Strategies
- Demand and Supply
- Employee’s role of service delivery
- Internal Marketing mechanism
(xii)Scope and Opportunities in this industry for the existing players and new entrants.
(xiii)Expected growth of this industry and firm
- Conclusion
- References & Sources (Used for the assignment Work)
Report Presentation Guidelines
Font – Times New Roman,
Font Size - Heading – 14, Text – 12
Submission Deadlines for project work
- Submission of Synopsis of assignment work5th September 2009
- Rough draft – 7thOctober 2009
- Final draft – 15thOctober 2009 with OHP/Power Point Slides
- Final Presentation will be announced during the date of submission
Wish you All the Best!
Students have to make presentation on the selected topics as part of the academic study. For this purpose class will be divided into 14 groups of 4 members each. Students have to prepare themselves for the presentation with the help of text book, newspapers, library materials, magazines and journals and internet sources as their references. Students have to discuss with the lecturer before making their presentation on the given topics. At least two day before the presentation the presentation content (the data’s collected from various sources like text books, website, library source, journal and magazine, etc.) has to been submitted for the approval of the lecturer before presentation.
Regarding the topics students are advised to discuss with the lecturer before the presentation. Presentation has to be done in a OHP or power point mode; it should not go beyond 30 minutes. Followed by the seminar presentation there will be of question discussion session.
List of seminar topics for Presentations – Choose any one Topic
Group No’sTopics
- Service Marketing – Traditional Vs Expanded Marketing Mix concept of IBM business Model
- Role of Information technology (IT) in closing Service Gaps of Financial Institutions
- Service encounters: the foundation for building blocks of satisfaction and service quality reference to Indian Hotels and Hotel Leela Ventures
- Understanding customer expectations and perceptions through marketing research – Hero Honda, India
- The customer is always right Vs The customer need not be always right
- Trend of Consumer Behaviour and Expectations in Indian Retail Industry
- Customers response to Self-Service Technologies of ATMs
- Cultural value of Customers in Service Industry
- Customer Expectations in Healthcare Industry
- Indian Airlines: Current issues of customer service expectations
- Customer perception towards Indian Auto Industry
- Customer Satisfaction Index of US Economy/Indian Economy
- Relationship Marketing Strategy in Service Industry
- Relationship Marketing in Central Europe a Case Study of Volvo Truck Czech Göteborg, GraduateBusinessSchoolby Anna Rott
- Service Recovery: A Strategy to rebuilt customer Confidence on the service failure – Nokia Battery Replacement Strategy
- Service Delivery: A role of Employees, Customer and Electronic Channels
- Demand and Supply of Indian Multiplex Industry
- Advertising of service in Airline Industry
- Pricing Mechanism of satellite service providers - Tata Sky, Sun Direct
- Indian Telecom Industry: Service Quality, Customer Retention and Profitability
Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai P Sivarajadhanavel