Minutes of a Men's Playing Committee meeting held on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 at the ELA Head Office, National Cycling Centre, Stuart Street, Manchester M11 4DQ, following the Annual General Meeting.

Present:Eddie Owen - Chair

R. Balls, G.Caplin, P. Davidson, D. Elwood, K. Haves, E. Hodgson, A. Holdsworth, R. Gartside, D. Marsden, M. Nugent, D. Shuttleworth

1)Apologies for Absence

Apologies for Absence had been received from J. Adshead, S. Gill and J. Sharples (Karen Robinson attended as Cheshire Representative)

2)Confirm Agenda


3)Minutes of last Meeting (20th March 2012)


4)Matters Arising, not covered by Agenda items



Finance Statement: Ron Balls had circulated this prior to the meeting and is appended to the Minutes.

No significant change.

£1,000 had been paid to Walcountian Blues for the European Club Championships.

European Championships fees to be offset by an ELA grant of £5,000

Draft Budget 2012/13: This also circulated prior to the meeting and appended to the Minutes.

Balance from 2009/2010 to be confirmed.

ELA Allocation £32,000

£950 to LS BNC Subsistence (travel/accommodation for South teams) - £953 actual spend

£20,350 available for allocation after Admin Expenses

£20,000 total of allocations, leaving residual of £350.

Budget accepted by all.

6)Matters Arising from the AGM

Formation of a North West Men's Lacrosse Association was discussed at length. This would mean that Cheshire and Lancashire County Associations would be wound up to form the new Association which would fit in with plans to reorganise regions.

Lancashire to write to all Cheshire Clubs to invite their input on the new Association.Action: RG

Yorkshire would not wish to change but would be a region rather than a County.

RB confirmed funding still to be allocated, whether 1 or 2 bodies.

The new Association to assume responsibility for organising representative Lacrosse, including County games in the NW.

Jr & Schools position discussed – suggestion of this section to be under NEMLA and NEMLA rep. to report to MPC.

Future of Junior Competitions in the North under NEMLA and SEMLA in the South.

Under 19 Review:Not yet taken place. Dave Elwood to arrangeAction: DE

Risk Assessment:Questionnaire out in September.Action: DS

7)Rules Dispensation – Goals

The recommendation from R & R committee is to allow dispensation in the terms of the date of implementation as follows:


League South League North

Start Season 2013-14PremierAll Premier

Start Season 2014-15East 1/ West 1All other divisions

Start of Season 2015-16Remainder

Consideration needs to be given to LN Premier 3 delayed to 2015-16 if funding is an issue for newly formed clubs.

LS request open ended time limit until clubs can afford change. R & R trying to get consistency throughout.

Agreed to delay implementation until 1st September 2015

8)Disciplinary Procedures

Document had been circulated prior to the meeting and appended to these Minutes.

The administration of disciplinary matters within the respective geographic regions is dealt with under local byelaws by both NEMLA/League North and SEMLA/League South.

The fundamental policy statements agreed by this Committee are:

If a player is barred from playing lacrosse the ban should stipulate:

a)the precise time period of the ban

b)the number of League/Flag matches to be covered by the ban

If the number of matches (of the ban) are not covered within the time served period then at the end of this period the residual ban will only apply to league/flags matches and not other games. Implicit in this is a requirement for the relevant Disciplinary Committee to set a time period in all instances.

Committee in agreement with procedures and Sub-committee to be formed to implement if agreed for next season.

9)MPC Policy Manual update

The updated Manual had been circulated prior to the meeting.

Additions to the previous copy: MPC Responsibilities and Operating Procedures.

Rules dispensation (Goals) see Item 7 above.

To be added: British National Championships/North Flags – clarification and responsibilities.

10)Urgent Committee Matters

The matter of the provision of Club referees at all levels to discussed out of the meeting due to lack of time and noting that NEMLA minutes had not yet been confirmed..

PD to report to the September meeting on the proposals for clarification and interpretations of the new rules agreed at the General Assembly in 2010 that will be presented at this years FIL General Assembly meeting in Amsterdam in June

2012.Action: PD

11)Meeting Dates 2012/13

18th September 2012

13th November 2012

22nd January 2013

19th March 2013

21st May 2013

AGM 21st May 2013

There being no other business the meeting ended, with a vote of thanks to the Chair from Ken Haves, at 10.15pm

Next meeting Tuesday 18th September 2012