TCAT; Stormy Weather (1929-1936)

1. In May 1932 the Bonus Army March saw ______veterans march on Washington. What did they want? ______. President Hoover ordered the camps ______.

2. US Steel laid off ______workers. There were ______bank failures by 1932. How many unemployed? ______

3. People blamed themselves for the mess, and turned to the radio. Shows like ______and ______took their attention away from problems.

4. A huge dust storm swept across the Great Plains. This became known as the ______; ______square miles of land was destroyed.

Most farmers headed for ______

Homeless men rode around on ______

5. The ______Party gained membership and 100,000 Americans headed to Russia. This was the only time in American history that ______


6. How did Hitler use his speeches to sway the people? ______

7. What were Hoovervilles? ______

Hoover Blankets: ______; Hoover Flags?______

8. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s campaign slogan (what the little girl says): “______”

9. There were ______Americans unemployed by 1933.

10. FDR gave speeches and the people felt that he was talking ______.

“We have nothing to fear ______”

The first 100 days Roosevelt pumped money into the economy by closing & reopening ______and creating ______.

11. What did the CCC (______) do? ______

The pay: ______

12. With a boost from Roosevelt the labor movement got moving.

In 1934 the ______went on strike in San Francisco.

As a result the city shut down for ______- all their demands were met.

By 1934 there were ______strikes.

13. What was Charles Coughlin’s occupation? ______

14. Huey Long was known as ______. He was like Robin Hood in that ______.

He said that everyone deserved a ______, ______, ______.

15. The Second Hundred Days saw all of the following accomplishments:

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

(examples: ______)

16. In Germany the economy picked up because ______.

17. In 1936 the Germans moved troops into the ______. This was in violation of the terms of the ______. The response or policy of England and France was ______