MorningStar Europe oversees the European arm of the MorningStar Fellowship of Ministriesunder the covering and endorsement of Rick Joyner and Tom Hardiman.Membership of MFM Europegives you all the benefits of the USMorningStar Fellowship of Ministries plus closer ministry relationships, conferences and MorningStar resources in Europe.

Membership fees for MFM Europe are:

£15 per month

There are 4 sections to this form:
1. Personal Information
2. Church Information
3. Declaration of Beliefs
4. General questions about your ministry vision, etc.

Our goal with these questions is to understand and know you so that we may have the best understanding of how we can benefit one another in God's purposes. All information you submit to us is without prejudice and treated as confidential.

Please type application completely and return to:

MFM Europe, Little Mollington Hall, Parkgate Road, Chester CH1 6NY

or Email:
You may also submit your answers using our online form

Note: If you use a separate page for your answers pleasemake sure the questions are included.


Country / Postcode
Marital Status / ___ Single ___ Widowed
__ Engaged/Date ______
__ Married/Date ______
__ Separated/Date ______
__ Divorced/Date ______
__ Remarried/Date ______
Name of Spouse
/ Email
Business Phone
Home Phone
Sex / M / F
Date of Birth
Names of Children: / Age:

Education:High School University

 College Ministry School

Degrees held and year graduated:
Diplomas held and year graduated:
Honours or achievements:

Other Professional Qualifications or Experience:



Present Home Church:

Denomination or Affiliation:
Length of time with this church:
Are you the Senior Pastor of this Church?
Position(s) you have held in the past with this church
How long did you hold these positions?
Pastor’s Name
Church leader’s or employers email address
(so that we can write for a reference):
Other Ministry Association(s) you belong to:
Phone: / Fax:

Describe your primary ministry (check one):

Apostolic  Prophetic Evangelistic Pastoral

 TeachingAdministrationsIntercession Musician

 HelpsBusinessOther______

Are you currently in a leadership position of a ministry? If so, please briefly describe your role.

Describe the gifts of the Holy Spirit that operate regularly in your life.


MorningStar Europe Statement of Faith
(Please see our website for more information regarding the Scriptural basis for these beliefs.)

We believe...

  • in common with the worldwide established church the core beliefs expressed in the Nicene Creed. These include the trinity of the Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the virgin birth, the physical crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, the future return of the person of Jesus Christ to earth to judge the living and the dead.
  • Scripture

The 66 books of the Bible from Genesis to Malachi (39 books) and from Matthew to Revelation (27 books) are the inspired Word of God and that the canon of Scripture is closed and complete. The canon of Scripture is inspired by God and therefore authoritative.

  • Sin

All men are born with a sinful nature inherited from Adam and it is God's work to make men righteous through the atonement of Jesus Christ - there is no other way to salvation. No man should presume to mediate between men and God in Christ's place.

  • Salvation

God is Sovereign and in his divine wisdom has given men free will to choose or reject salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. However, noone is able to come to salvation unless God chooses and draws them and while people are powerless to save themselves they are saved through the gift of grace.

  • The Priesthood of all believers

All Christian's are called to 'full time ministry' (works of service Eph 4.12) and this is to be expressed in all occupations and walks of life.

‘I agree with each of these statements of faith.’


Signature Date


Answer the following questions completely (please type your answers on a separate page).

  1. Briefly describe your salvation experience and when it took place.
  2. Have you ever been baptized with water? If so, When?
  3. Briefly describe your personal experience with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, if any.
  4. Have you trained others to work in your field for ministry? YesNo
  5. Describe your personal vision for ministry. What type of ministry has the Lord called you to and what does that look like in your life right now?
  1. What do you consider your two greatest strengths, and how do you use them, or plan to use them?
  2. What do you consider your two greatest weaknesses, and what are you doing to correct them?
  3. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?  YesNo

If yes, explain, including the year it happened and any punishment received.

  1. To what extent are you knowledgeable of the ministry and teachings of the MorningStar MinistryTeam or associated ministries (books read, conferences attended, etc.)?
  2. Are there any teachings or positions promoted or distributed by MorningStar that you disagree with? If yes, please give a brief explanation.
  3. What are your reasons for wanting to be part ofMorningStar Europe?
  4. How can MorningStar Europe help you fulfill your ministry vision?
  5. Do you now, or have you in the past, known or had a working relationship with any MorningStar membersor associated ministries? Describe:

I have answered all questions to the best of my knowledge and in good faith.


Signature Date

Thank you for your application, we look forward to serving the Lord together for His glory.

MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries Europe Application Form v2.0