Escalante Middle School EPO

October 21, 2015 | 5:30-6:30

Meeting called to order byMr. Voss

In Attendance

Jeremy Voss, Amanda Araujo, LeeAnn Jackson, Lauren Ammerman, Karel Longan, Veronica Piccoli, Heather Brumbach

Teachers Wish Lists

Jeremy Voss presented to the group the teacher’s wish lists. Many of the items have already been purchased and collected. Remaining items include Speed Radars, Rocket Fin Holder, Scholarships for raft trips/Outdoor Ed, iPads, Kitchen for outdoor Ed camping trips, Laptops, and $3,000 towards Adaptive Sports days at Purgatory for students.

Bank of Colorado – LeeAnn is going to approach them for some donations towards Adaptive Sports, Lauren to talk to the Wells Group, and Karel to talk with BP/WPX about grant money to put towards Adaptive Sports. Mr. Voss to provide a written description of what the program provides. Karel mentioned that the college refurbishes 2-year-old laptops and sells them for $200. She will discuss with the college to see what inventory they have at this time. Veronica mentioned doing an iPad Drive at the school to see if families will bring in older iPads to donate to the school.

8th Grade Survey Results

Mr. Voss presented a recent survey that was done amongst middle school children. The main topic revolved around what students thought made a kid cool and popular in school. Mr. Voss then did a survey amongst a group of Escalante 8th graders to compare. Our students showed a very positive outlook on what makes someone popular. Really shows that we have a great group of students.

Teacher Survey

Mr. Voss did a survey amongst the staff at Escalante. He asked 13 teachers questions about their skills and abilities to handle certain tasks that revolve around class projects, crew effectiveness, workplan goals. This survey allowed him to analyze what the teachers need from him to move forward on learning guidelines and effectiveness in the classroom.

Officer Elections

Melinda, LeeAnn, Amanda, and Lauren will continue in their roles of leadership. Veronica Piccoli offered to step in to help when needed.


The group agreed to cancel doing the book fair this year as the rewards were not worth the time investment. LeeAnn is going to look into the Scholastic program to send out book orders. This seems to be a better investment in time and the return is great as well. The group discussed serving food/popcorn/Rocky Mountain Chocolate at the band/choir events to raise some money. Two parents are looking into whether popcorn machines can be borrowed from local elementary schools. LeeAnn and others will continue to sell t-shirts and sweatshirts at the sporting events coming up in November. In the Spring the focus will be on the 5th graders that will be new students in 2016.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM.

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