BI 512 —Bible Archaeology and Geography


Tobias England

I. Course Description

This course is designed to relate pertinent archeological developments and geographical information to the Bible. A portion of this course is devoted to archeological methods.

II. Objectives

The student who successfully completes this course will be able to: / Institutional Objectives* / Bible Program Objectives / Course
1 / Demonstrate working knowledge of primary features of geography, topography, travel route, and cities in Biblical regions. / 1 / 1, 3 / Textbook
2 / Correlate geographical facts with Biblical events, locations, and statements. / 1, 2 / 2, 3 / Tests
3 / Describe how archeology contributes to Biblical studies and outline the process of archeology. / 2 / 1, 2, 3 / Tests
4 / Articulate contributions from the field of archeology to apologetics. / 1, 3, 5 / 1, 2, 3 / Book Critique
5 / Define terms common to archeological studies. / 2 / 3 / Tests
6 / Discuss recent archeological data and its relation to God’s Word. / 1, 5 / 2 / Book Critique, Tests

III. Course Requirements

A.  Required Reading

a.  Text. The required text for this course is the Holman Bible Atlas by Thomas Brisco.

b.  A critical book review of The Popular Handbook of Archaeology and the Bible by Joseph Holden and Norman Geisler is due on April 24th.Please see format and instructions at

B.  Research Projects

a.  Research Paper on an archeological site that would relate to the Bible. Due March April 2nd.

i.  This project should be at least 3,000 and less than 4,000 words.

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ii. This research is to be compiled, organized, and presented to the class in an oral report during the second half of the semester. Each student will have about 15 minutes for this report.

C.  These research papers should adhere to the following guidelines.

a.  Use Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. Double space the text, but do not add an additional space between paragraphs. Indent the first line of each paragraph, do not use block format. (i.e. the spacing between paragraphs should be the same as between lines of text).

b.  Margins should be 1” on all sides except the first page of text which should have a 2” margin at the top of the page.

c.  Footnotes are strictly required for work that is not your own or general knowledge. You will need to cite quotations (three or more words that are from another author), ideas, facts, and information. A good essay paper will often have several citations per page.

d.  Students should refer to James Chapman’s Handbook of Grammar & Composition for correct format. Be sure to use footnotes and a bibliography.

e.  Do not rely too heavily on electronic resources (internet, etc.). Doing so indicates a shallow level of research. Printed sources such as books will improve your understanding of the topic as well as your grade!

IV. Spiritual and Academic Integrity

Classroom Behavior:

Biblical Archaeology and Geography is a class where participation of the student is part of the learning process. Brief discussions may ensue, moderated by the instructor, or specific questions may be asked to specific students.

Every class period a student misses is a lost opportunity for learning. Students who miss more than 15% of this class as recorded on the portal will be dropped from the roster and receive an “F” in this course. Please attend on a consistent and punctual basis.

You are responsible for material covered, projects due, and tests given even on days that you are absent. Projects submitted after 5:00 on the day they are due will receive a 20% deduction. No papers will be accepted after the beginning of the next time the class meets. All missed quizzes or tests will be rewritten and available for make up for 48 hours. Anything not completed in that time frame will be recorded as a “0”.

Academic Honesty:

Cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and any act designed to give an unfair advantage to the student (such as, but not limited to, submitting the same written assignment for two courses or providing false or misleading information in an

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effort to receive a postponement or an extension on a test, quiz, exam, or other assignment) is considered cheating and will not be tolerated.


Plagiarism is “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.” Common forms of plagiarism are copying words or ideas and not giving the author credit for them by providing proper reference.

Another author’s specific words must be placed within quotation marks with an appropriate reference given. Another author’s ideas must include an appropriate reference.

You may choose to use appropriate footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical references.

V. Course Grading

Course grade will be determined by the following measurements of learning:

1.  Notebook from lectures

2.  Critical Book Review

3.  Research paper

4.  Quizzes

5.  Mid-Term

6.  Final

VI. Final Word

The only right reason to be pursuing a master’s degree is that the Lord has led you to do so. Assuming that is the case for you, God’s will should not be regulated to a second-place priority. Please approach this course with the appropriate amount of energy and dedication. Continuing your education at the graduate level will equip you with an increased ability to understand and communicate God’s Word. Feel free to contact me at or call/text me at 661-874-2767.