IBSA Goalball African Regional Championships(Men & Women)

20th – 27thNovember 2015

Algiers – Algeria

Dear African National Paralympics Committees and IBSA National Federations,

The NPC of Algeria has the great pleasure of inviting you to take part in the 7th edition of the IBSAGoalball African Regional Championships (men and women) to be held in Algiers from 20 to 27 November 2015. This is a regional tournament for African teams who are in good standing as IBSA members to be able to qualify for the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games. NPC Algeria is providing a special opportunity to encourage the participation of African women’s teams and will provide full accommodation and local transportation to all African female teams (players and two officials per team).

We request you complete and return the attached first entry form to us by 15 February 2015. So that we can make the appropriate plans to ensure an outstanding competition, we ask that you submit your entry form on time. We are looking forward to your participationand hope to hear from each of you very soon!

With our Best Greetings


Algeria Paralympic Committee President


20thNovember : Official Arrivals andOfficial Trainings

21st November : Official Trainings and Technical Meeting and Classifications

22rd November : Classifications and Opening Ceremonyand Matches

23rd November : Matches

24th November : Matches

25th November : Matches

26th November : Semifinal Matches, Bronze &Gold Medal Matches

27th November : Official Departures

Team accommodation :

·  Single room per person per night :80 €

·  Double room per person per night:60 €

·  Triple room per person per night :50 €

·  Female athletes and up to 2 officials per female team are free of charge.

·  Additional persons will cost 100€ per person per night.

·  Extra night(s) outside the official event nights will cost 100€ per person per night.

IBSA Capitation Fees: 25€ per athlete non-returnable payement due November 5, 2015.

Acommodation : 3-star EL Mehdi Hotel Staoueli in Algiers, lacated 30km from Houari Boumedienne International Airport.

Meals : Meals will be served at thehotel, begining with dinneron arival day and endingwith breakfast on the departureday.

Health care : It is mandatory for all participants to have contributory health insurance coverage.

Competition venues :

§  Chéraga Sports Hall: The distance between this sports halland hotel is 5 Kms (10 minutes).

§  Staouel Sports Hall: This venue is located 50m from the hotel.

Event rules : to be carried out in accordance with 2014-2017 IBSA Goalball Rulesand Regulations.

Classification: All athletes must have a current classification as an IBSA B1, B2 or B3 athlete to participate. Classification will be prior to the competition for those athletes requiring classification. All athletes must also have a current Medical Diagnostics Form on file with IBSA.

Local Transportation : Transportation from the airport to the hotel and from the hotel to the competition areawill be provided by the Organising Committee.

IBSA Goalball African Regional Championships Secretariat

Address: 4 Rue Youcef Meliani Chateauneuf El-Biar Algiers 16030 - Algeria

At. Mr. AICHAINE Zoubir


Mobile: +213661700 947

Tel : + 213 21 92 82 48 / +213 21 92 39 74

Fax : + 213 21 92 18 59

Bank Information

Acount Name: Fédération Algerienne Handisport

Name of the Bank: Banque de l’agrriculture et de developpement rural (BADR)

Adres of the Bank: 8, rue Abane Ramdane – Cheraga – Alger

Acount No: 634-011335-202-0/60-33

Customer No: comités paralympiques Africains


Bank code: 003-code guichet : 00634

IBAN: 634-011335-202-0/60-33 code banque : 003-code guichet : 00634 swift : BADR : DZALXXX

Or The amount will be paid directly, in cash, to the organisers at the arrival in Algiers.

Key Dates:

·  Final Entry Forms and Information Package Sent to Teams (20/05/2015)

·  Final Entry Form Due: (20/08/2015)

o  Final entry forms will include participant names and uniform numbers, transportation arrival and departure data, hotel rooming preferences and payment information

First Entry/Expression of Interest

Estimated Delegation Size / MALE / FEMALE / TOTAL
Contact Information
Name of Organization
Name of Contact Person
Contact Details / Address

Please complete this form and return itby 15 February 2015 to:

IBSA Goalball African Regional ChampionshipsAlgiers 2015 Organizing Committee

04 Rue Youcef Meliani Chateauneuf El-Biar 16030 Algiers, Algeria.


TEL: +213-21-923974

FAX : +213-21-923974

Should you have futher questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Algeria Paralympic Committee President