APRIL 12 – 13, 2012


See attached “Motions to Amend” flowchart.

Order Paper #1 – Articles, By-Laws and Standing Rules – Page A-10, Article 8 – Amendments Section 1Page B-25 Bylaw 9 – Amendments, Section 1

1. Articles, By-Laws and Standing Rules (Standing Rules are general sections of the Playing regulations – relevant to all Championships)

Can be amended at the AGM by a 2/3 majority vote of the entire Council membership (Executive Council, Representatives’ Council, Principals’ Council) present at the beginning of the April AGM, and no member shall have more than one vote.

Order Paper # 2 – Standing Rules – Sport Specific “Rules of Play” – Page B-25, Bylaw 9 – Amendments , Section 2

1.Standing Rules – Sport Specific “Rules of Play” (ie Rules and Officials, Uniforms and equipment, Seeding) governing competition at the various Championships sponsored by the Federation can be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present at a Representatives Council Meeting, including 6 Principal Representatives, providing there is a quorum.


(Article 8, Sec. 1) / BY-LAWS
/ / (A) General sections of Playing Regulations - relevant to all Championships (Awards, Social, Uniform, Deportment, Supervision, Jury of Appeal, Competition Committee)
By-Law 9, Sec. 2(a) / (B) Sport specific regulations (Rules and Officials, Uniforms and Equipment, Seeding)
By-Law 9, Sec. 2(b)
1.Input from Ad Hoc Committee / 1.Input from Ad Hoc Committee
Executive Council / Representatives’ Council / Principals’ Representatives for Vote - 2/3 majority vote of entire Council membership present at the beginning of the Annual Assembly. / 2.
Executive Council / Representatives’ Council / Principals’ Representatives for Vote - 2/3 majority vote of entire Council / 1.Respective Sport Advisory Committee

Request may be made to have the Championship Review Committee give an opinion on consistency from sport to sport. /
Request may be made to have the Championship Review Committee give an opinion on consistency from sport to sport.
2. Executive/ Representatives’/Principals’ Representatives’
for Vote - 2/3 majority vote of entire Council present at thebeginning of the Annual
Assembly / 2. Representatives’ Council
(to include 6 Principal Reps) for Vote - 2/3 majority vote ofmembers present.

Motions to change any of the above may come from:

  • member associations;
  • a Sport Advisory Committee;
  • any of the four OFSAA Councils (Executive, Representatives, Principals,

Presidents);any OFSAA standing committee or ad hoc committee


Order Paper # 1




Page A-10, Article 8, Section 1 and Page B-25, By-law 9, Section 2a - Amendments

WHEREAS: Under the new governancethe Association Presidents only vote on general corporation matters.

AND WHEREAS: They are association representatives.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Effective immediately, Article 8, Section 1 and By-law 9, section 2a) be amended by adding President’s Council to the list of voting members.

Mover:Heather ChambersSeconder: Sandy Blackshaw

School: Constitutional Review CommitteeConstitutional Review Committee

Name of Speaker: Heather Chambers

ACTION: ______



Page B-13, By-Law 5, Section 2 – Schools (b) (i)

WHEREAS: The classification policy does not address situations of schools in twinning arrangements.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A paragraph be added to By-Law 5, Section 2 (b) (i), which reads:

“Schools which have entered into an official twinning arrangement as described in By-Law 5, Sections 3 (b), shall use the combined FTE of the twinned schools for purposes of classification”.

Mover:Tammy BouvairdSeconder: Sean Mullan

School:E.S Notre DameSchool:Widdifield SS

Association:EOSSAAAssociation: NOSSA

Name of Speaker:Doug Gellatly

ACTION: ______


Page B-17, B-18 - By-law 5, section 4 (g) – The Federation’s Transfer Policy

WHEREAS: There is not a section in the transfer policy to accommodate students who have transferred as a result of being bullied.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A new (v) be added to By-law 5, section 4, (g) (d):

The student was the victim of bullying and after attempts to resolve the issue the sending school agreed that it was in the best interests of the student to transfer schools. The appeal must be accompanied by the following information: documentation from the sending school’s administration or the police, confirming the seriousness and frequency of the bullying, including a description of the incidents and dates; documentation from the sending school’s administration describing the strategies put in place to resolve the bullying and the reasons the strategies did not succeed; and a letter from the sending school’s administration in support of the transfer.

Mover: Jim WoolleySeconder: Flora Smith

School:Waterloo DSBSchool:Westmount SS

Association:CWOSSAAssociation: SOSSA

Name of Speaker: Jim Woolley

ACTION: ______


Page B-17, By-law 5, section 4 (g) – The Federation’s Transfer Policy (a), (ii)

WHEREAS: Students changing residences and applying under section a (i) of the transfer policy must attend their designated or closest school.

AND WHEREAS: The same requirement currently does not apply to students transferring from outside Canada or the United States.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-law 5, section 4 (g), (a), (ii) be changed to read:

The student has transferred to an Ontario school from outside Canada or the United States and is attending the designated school in their choice of system (public, catholic or independent) according to school board boundaries (or is attending the closest school in the student’s choice of system to the student’s home if no school boundaries exist).

Mover: Jim WoolleySeconder: Dave Carscadden

School:Waterloo DSBSchool:Innisdale SS


Name of Speaker: Jim Woolley

ACTION: ______


Page B-18, By-law 5, section 4 (g) – The Federation’s Transfer Policy (c )

WHEREAS: an I.P.R.C. process may not be available to all students;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The following be added to By-law 5, section 4 (g) (c ) so it appears as (c ) (ii):

The student has transferred from an independent school to a public or catholic school as the result of an educational exceptionality which the independent school was unsuccessful in accommodating. In such cases, the student was unable to access the I.P.R.C. process (Identification, Placement and Review Committee). The appeal must be accompanied by the following information: a psycho educational assessment diagnosing an educational exceptionality; documentation from the independent school demonstrating the strategies used to attempt to accommodate the educational exceptionality; and documentation from the receiving school confirming additional and/or new methods being provided to accommodate the educational exceptionality, which were not being provided at the sending school.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The current section (c ) now be section (c ) (i).

Mover: Jim WoolleySeconder: Flora Smith

School:Waterloo DSBSchool:Westmount SS

Association:CWOSSAAssociation: SOSSA

Name of Speaker: Jim Woolley

ACTION: ______


Page B-21, By-Law 5, Section 4 – Individuals

WHEREAS : Sport schools and sport academies may create unequal competitive situations;

AND WHEREAS: OFSAA is committed to ensuring competitive opportunities for students are as equitable as


BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The following be added to By-Law 5, Section 4:-

(I)Sport schools and sport academies are schools that offer flexible or modified timetabling to accommodate students’ athletic training, competition and/or travel schedules; or schools that admit athletes due to their level of athletic status who are required to take additional credits in health and physical education specific to fundamental and fitness training principles.

Sport programs are considered to be a course or courses offered by a school which are sport-specific curricular programs.

  1. Any student enrolled in a sport school, sport academy, or sport program will be eligible to compete in all sports provided they are attending the designated school according to school board boundaries (or the closest school where no boundaries exist).
  1. Any student enrolled in a sport program and the school is not his/her designated school according to school board boundaries (or not their closest school where no boundaries exist), will be eligible to compete in any sport except the sport being provided through their sport-specific curricular program. The period of ineligibility will continue as long as the student attends the school where the sport program exists.
  1. Any student enrolled in a sport school or sport academy and the school is not their designated school according to school board boundaries (or not their closest school where no boundaries exist), will be eligible to compete in any sport except their declared or designated sport of specialty. The period of ineligibility will continue as long as the student attends the sport school or sport academy.
  1. The declared or designated sport of specialty shall be the sport played at the highest level. Schools must submit their students’ declared or designated sport of specialty for approval by the local athletic association (e.g. district, zone) by September 15 of the current school year.
  1. An appeal of a student’s declared or designated sport may be made by the school’s athletic director, principal, or vice principal to the OFSAA member association by September 30 of the current school year.
  1. Students who were registered in a sport school, sport academy, or sport program as of September 4, 2012 shall be eligible for all sports provided they meet all rules of eligibility.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: A new (i) be created called sport schools, sport academies and sport programs.

Mover: Jim WoolleySeconder: Tim Larry

School:Waterloo DSBSchool:East Northumberland SS

Association:CWOSSAAssociation: COSSA

Name of Speaker: Jim Woolley

ACTION: ______


Page B 24 and B 25, By-Law 8 – Boards of Reference - Section 1 Procedures- b(ii)

WHEREAS:By-Law 8 section 1b)(ii) states:

“The Board of Reference shall:

a)receive and adjudicate reports from any source regarding matters that might discredit the aims, objectives, and values espoused by the Federation;

b)receive and adjudicate reports from any source regarding violations of Federation’s Articles, By-Laws, Standing Rules (Playing Regulations) and Policies. The reporting of the alleged violation must be received by the Executive Director within sixty (60) school days of the alleged violation. All parties with a legitimate interest in the matter will be notified within three (3) working days by the Executive Director.”;

AND WHEREAS: the words “any source” could mean a source which is not affiliated with OFSAA;

AND WHEREAS: three (3) working days does not always allow enough time to send notification to the various parties;

AND WHEREAS: the term “working days” may not be applicable for a school calendar. The term “school days” should be uniform throughout the By-Law.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Effective immediately, this section will now state:

“The Board of Reference shall:

a)receive and adjudicate reports from teachers and/or school administrators regarding matters that might discredit the aims, objectives, and values espoused by the Federation;

b)receive and adjudicate reports from teachers and/or school administrators regarding violations of Federation’s Articles, By-Laws, Standing Rules (Playing Regulations) and Policies. The reporting of the alleged violation must be received by the Executive Director within sixty (60) school days of the alleged violation. All parties with a legitimate interest in the matter will be notified within ten (10) school days by the Executive Director.”

Mover:Brian PosteSeconder:Dez Forget

School:North Hastings DHSSchool:Chippewa SS

Association: COSSAAssociation: NOSSA


Name of Speaker at the Meeting:Brian Poste

ACTION: ______


Note: The following 3 motions have been submitted from the Championship Review Committee


All Sport Playing Regulations – Rules and Officials

WHEREAS: There has been inconsistency in application of the law as it pertains to OFSAA rules by officials during championship play.

AND WHEREAS: The Championship Review Committee believes this could be resolved by ensuring the head official attends the coaches meeting and is responsible for communicating OFSAA rules to all officials involved in the championship.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT: In all playing regulations under the respective Rules and Officials section the following be added:

“The head official must attend the coaches meeting, and is encouraged to hold an officials meeting prior to the start of the first game, when possible. Otherwise the head official is responsible for communicating the information to all officials participating.”

Mover: Helen DowneySeconder: Dale Huddleston

School: Bishop TonnosSchool: OFSAA Executive

Association: GHACAssociation: EOSSAA

Email: ail:

Name of Speaker: Helen Downey

ACTION: ______



WHERAS: Boys golf has satisfied all the criteria as outlined for Championship status.

AND WHEREAS: They have satisfied all the concerns of Championship Review.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Boys Golf move to full championship status effective the 2012 season.

Mover: Helen DowneySeconder: Dale Huddleston

School: Bishop TonnosSchool: OFSAA Executive

Association: GHACAssociation: EOSSAA

Email: ail:

Name of Speaker: Helen Downey

ACTION: ______



WHEREAS: After a hard review of the winter championships/events, gymnastics has not met the minimum number of associations (10) required to maintain championship status for the past three (3) years.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Gymnastics move from Championship status to Festival status effective 2012-2013.

Mover: Helen DowneySeconder: George Kurtis

School: Bishop TonnosSchool: TDSSAA

Association: GHACAssociation: TDSSAA

Email: ail:

Name of Speaker: Helen Downey

ACTION: ______



BOYS BASEBALL (4 motions)

These 4 motions were received and have been sent to SAC but we are still waiting for the committee’s comments. Hopefully comments will be available prior to the Annual General Meeting.


Page F-1, Section 3 – Tournament Structure and Procedure

WHEREAS: the current reading is:

3. Tournament Structure and Procedure:

For aneighteen (18) team structure:

There will be two regional elimination tournaments with 9 teams at each site. See Appendix A for Schedule. (Appendix A can be found on page F-8)

The tournaments will use a double knockout format, with the 2 finalists at each site advancing to the OFSAA Championship semi-finals.

AND WHEREAS: There are 97 A/AA schools currently playing baseball (see chart attached);

AND WHEREAS: Having all classifications levels compete to qualify for the OFSAA Baseball Championships is not equitable for the smaller schools;

AND WHEREAS: To continue to grow the sport of baseball in schools and encourage greater school participation within associations;

AND WHEREAS: Other OFSAA Championships have made accommodations for multiple classifications;


OFSAA Baseball split into two OFSAA Championships: A/AA and AAA/AAAA.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: A new section be added titled 3. Classifications, and to read:

3. Classifications:

There shall be two classifications of Championships - "A/AA" and "AAA/AAAA" for Boys' Baseball. Associations shall classify their school teams based on the criteria found in By-Law 5, Section 2(b).

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The current section 3. become section 4. and so on.

Mover: Greg ReidSeconder: Mike Mallory

School:St. Andrew's CollegeSchool: King City SS

Association: CISAA Association: YRAA


Speaker at the Meeting: Greg Reid

ACTION: ______

Association Baseball teams by OFSAA Division
# of Teams playing at each population level
Association / A / AA / AAA / AAAA / Total Teams
CISAA / 7 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 10
COSSA / 1 / 7 / 1 / 0 / 9
CWOSSA / 0 / 0 / 6 / 10 / 16
EOSSA / 5 / 7 / 6 / 0 / 18
GBSSA / 0 / 6 / 4 / 7 / 17
GHAC / 2 / 2 / 9 / 12 / 25
LOSSA / 0 / 4 / 7 / 11 / 22
NCSSAA / 0 / 1 / 7 / 1 / 9
NEOAA / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
NOSSA / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 6
NWOSSAA / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
ROPSSAA / 0 / 3 / 9 / 30 / 42
SOSSA / 3 / 4 / 18 / 3 / 28
SWOSSAA / 1 / 14 / 6 / 4 / 25
TDCAA / 0 / 3 / 4 / 7 / 14
TDSSAA / 2 / 10 / 30 / 14 / 56
WOSSAA / 1 / 2 / 7 / 6 / 16
YRAA / 1 / 5 / 15 / 16 / 37
Totals: / 26 / 71 / 131 / 122 / 350
A/AA / 97 / AAA/AAAA / 253


Page F-1, Section 3 – Tournament Structure and Procedure

WHEREAS: The current reading is:3. Tournament Structure and Procedure:

For an eighteen (18) team structure:

There will be two regional elimination tournaments with 9 teams at each site. See Appendix A for Schedule. (Appendix A can be found on page F-8)

The tournaments will use a double knockout format, with the 2 finalists at each site advancing to the OFSAA Championship semi-finals.

AND WHEREAS: There is a motion to add a new section titled”3. Classifications”, and to read:

3. Classifications:

There shall be two classifications of Championships - "A/AA" and "AAA/AAAA" for Boys' Baseball. Associations shall classify their school teams based on the criteria found in By-Law 5, Section 2(b).

BE IT RESOLVED THAT:The current section 3 Tournament Structure and Procedure: become the new section 4 and read:

4. Tournament Structure and Procedure:

AAA/AAAA will use aneighteen (18) team structure:

There will be two regional elimination tournaments with 9 teams at each site. See Appendix A for Schedule. (Appendix A can be found on page F-8)

The tournaments will use a double knockout format, with the 2 finalists at each site advancing to the OFSAA Championship semi-finals.

A/AA will use a sixteen (16) team structure:

There will be two regional elimination tournaments with 8 teams at each site. See Appendix B for Schedule. (Appendix B can be found on page F-9)

The tournaments will use a double knockout format, with the 2 finalists at each site advancing to the OFSAA Championship semi-finals.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The current section 4. become section 5. and so on.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: Page F-9 becomes F-10 and so on.

Mover: Greg ReidSeconder: Mike Mallory

School:St. Andrew's CollegeSchool: King City SS

Association: CISAA Association: YRAA


Speaker at the Meeting: Greg Reid

ACTION: ______


Page F- 1, Section 3 – Tournament Structure and Procedure

WHEREAS: The current reading is:

3. Tournament Structure and Procedure:

For an eighteen (18) team structure:

There will be two regional elimination tournaments with 9 teams at each site. See Appendix A for Schedule. (Appendix A can be found on page F-8)

The tournaments will use a double knockout format, with the 2 finalists at each site advancing to the OFSAA Championship semi-finals.

AND WHEREAS:There is a motion to amend this section to read:

4. Tournament Structure and Procedure:

AAA/AAAA will use an eighteen (18) team structure:

There will be two regional elimination tournaments with 9 teams at each site. See Appendix A for Schedule. (Appendix A can be found on page F-8)